Ontario Regulation 5/15 made under the Highway Traffic Act

O. Reg. 5/15: Community Safety Zones

Highway Traffic Act

regulation filed January 12, 2015

Ontario Regulation 6/15 made under the Farm Products Marketing Act

O. Reg. 6/15: Chickens - Marketing

Farm Products Marketing Act

regulation filed January 14, 2015

Ontario Regulation 7/15 made under the Farm Products Marketing Act

O. Reg. 7/15: Fresh Grapes - Plan

Farm Products Marketing Act

regulation filed January 14, 2015

Ontario Regulation 8/15 made under the Farm Products Marketing Act

O. Reg. 8/15: Tender Fruit - Marketing

Farm Products Marketing Act

regulation filed January 14, 2015

Ontario Regulation 9/15 made under the Farm Products Marketing Act

O. Reg. 9/15: Tender Fruit - Plan

Farm Products Marketing Act

regulation filed January 14, 2015

Ontario Regulation 10/15 made under the Ontario Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act

O. Reg. 10/15: Prescribed Housing Programs - Subsection 6.2 (2) Of The Act

Ontario Mortgage And Housing Corporation Act

regulation filed January 15, 2015

Ontario Regulation 11/15 made under the City of Toronto Act, 2006

O. Reg. 11/15: Traditional Municipal Taxes, Limits And Collection

City Of Toronto Act, 2006

regulation filed January 16, 2015

Ontario Regulation 12/15 made under the Municipal Act, 2001

O. Reg. 12/15: Tax Matters - Special Tax Rates And Limits

Municipal Act, 2001

regulation filed January 16, 2015

Ontario Regulation 13/15 made under the Municipal Act, 2001

O. Reg. 13/15: Tax Matters - Transition Ratios And Average Transition Ratios

Municipal Act, 2001

regulation filed January 16, 2015