Ontario Society of Physicians For Complementary Medicine (OSPCM)

February 10, 2015

Take Notice that the members of the Ontario Society of Physicians for Complementary Medicine (Ontario Corporation Number 1641171), by special resolution made February 3, 2015, have resolved to voluntarily wind up the corporation in accordance with the Not For Profit Corporations Act.

Craig Appleyard
4-1035 O’Brien Rd
Renfrew ON K7V 0B3

Notice Is Hereby Given that on behalf of Sami Benaich an application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario for an Act to revive Stephanie Holdings Ltd.

The application will be considered by the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Any person who has an interest in the application and who wishes to make submissions, for or against the application, to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills should notify, in writing, the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Legislative Building, Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A lA2.

Dated at Toronto, Ontario, this 5th day of February, 2015.

Sami Benaich
by his solicitors,
Steinberg Title Hope & Israel LLP
(148-P048) 07, 08, 09, 10