Ontario Regulation 28/15 made under the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994

O. Reg. 28/15: Regional Municipality Of York, Town Of Markham

Ontario Planning And Development Act, 1994

regulation filed February 11, 2015

Ontario Regulation 29/15 made under the Ministry of Revenue Act

O. Reg. 29/15: Services To Other Ministries And Public Bodies

Ministry Of Revenue Act

regulation filed February 12, 2015

Ontario Regulation 30/15 made under the Insurance Act

O. Reg. 30/15: Administrative Penalties

Insurance Act

regulation filed February 12, 2015

Ontario Regulation 31/15 made under the Green Energy Act, 2009

O. Reg. 31/15: Energy Conservation And Demand Management Plans

Green Energy Act, 2009

regulation filed February 13, 2015