Steel T-Rex Ltd. Ontario Corporation Number 001652265

Take Notice Concerning Winding Up of Steel T-Rex Ltd., Date of Incorporation: March 10, 2005, Liquidator: Gary Dean Baker, 16 Serena Lane, Guelph, Ontario N1L 1E7. Date Appointed: August 3, 2015. Effective Date of Winding Up: August 3, 2015. This notice is filed under subsection 193(4) of the Business Corporations Act.

Dated this 3rd day of August, 2015.

Gary Dean Baker

Notice Is Hereby Given that pursuant to S. 319(1)(a) of the Corporations Act, at a special members meeting called for this purpose on October 6, 2015, the members of the not-for-profit corporation State Farm Employees Activities Association passed a resolution authorizing the making of an Application For Surrender of Charter / Termination of Corporate Existence.

October 6, 2015

Kristina Talevski

Take Note that the shareholder of Lost Anchor Cafe Inc., passed a special resolution on September 30, 2015 requiring the said corporation to be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario).

Suzanne Lokpik