Grand Spirits Inc.

Ontario Corporation # 2528863

Date of Incorporation in Ontario: 2016/07/22

take notice that a meeting of the shareholders of Grand Spirits Inc. pursuant to section 193(1) of the Ontario Business Corporations Act was held on September 30, 2019.

A Special Resolution requiring the Corporation to be wound up voluntarily with effect from September 30, 2019 was unanimously passed.

A further Special Resolution to appoint a Winding Up Committee consisting of shareholders to act as liquidators of the Corporation with effect from September 30, 2019 was unanimously passed.

This notice is filed under subsection 193(4) of the Ontario Business Corporations Act.

Dated at the town of Grand Valley this 7th day of October, 2019.

Donald Brooks
Member, Winding Up Committee
Grand Spirits Inc.


River Village Co-operative Market Inc.

take notice that pursuant to Section 163(a) of the Co-operative Corporations Act (Ontario) (the Act) River Village Co-operative Market Inc. (Ontario Corporation No. 1613480) (the Co-operative) intends to dissolve as authorized by resolution passed at a general meeting of the members of the Co-operative on May 5, 2014.

This Notice is published herein pursuant to Section 164(1)(f) of the Act.

dated: October 3, 2019

Wendy McKague
Chairperson, Board of Directors
