Order Made Under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 City of Woodstock, Township of South-west Oxford County of Oxford


  1. In this Order,
    “annexed area”
    means the area comprised of the lands described in the Schedule to this Order;
    means The Corporation of the City of Woodstock;
    means The County of Oxford; and
    means The Corporation of the Township of South-West Oxford.


    1. On January 1, 2020, the area described in the Schedule to this Order is annexed to the City.
    2. All real property of the Township including any highway, street fixture, waterline, sewer main of the annexed area, or easement and restrictive covenant running with the real property located in the annexed area vests in the City on January 1, 2020.
    3. All assets and liabilities of the Township that are located in the annexed area shall become the assets and liabilities of the City.
    4. Any reserve fund or other account held by the Township on January 1, 2020, which is for the sole purpose of maintenance, improvement or operation of any of the assets referred to in subsection (2), shall be transferred to the City on January 1, 2020.
    5. Despite subsection (2), any litigation commenced prior to January 1, 2020, with respect to the annexed area remains the obligation of the Township or the County, as the case may be.


  1. For the purpose of the assessment roll to be prepared for the City for taxation in the year that the annexation under section 2 takes effect, the annexed area shall be deemed to be part of the City and the annexed area shall be included on the assessment roll for the City.

Taxes, etc

    1. All real property taxes, special rates or charges levied under any general or special Act in the annexed area which are due and unpaid on December 31, 2019, shall be deemed on January 1, 2020 to be taxes due and payable to the City and may be collected by the City.
    2. On or before February 1, 2020, the clerk of the Township shall prepare and furnish to the clerk of the City, in respect of the annexed area, a special collector’s roll showing all arrears of real property taxes or special rates assessed against the land in the annexed area up to and including December 31, 2019 and the persons assessed for them.
    3. On or before the first day of the month following the month in which the City has received the special collector’s roll from the Township under subsection (2), the City shall pay to the Township the total amount of any outstanding arrears, inclusive of penalties, accrued to January 1, 2020, in respect of the annexed area, and thereafter any arrears and penalties collected by the City in respect of the annexed area shall accrue to the City.
    4. If the Township has commenced tax sales procedures under the Municipal Act, 2001 for land within the annexed area and the procedures are not completed by January 1, 2020, the City may continue the procedures.

Tax Phase-in

    1. Any increase in the property tax rate for municipal purposes for the residential property class within the annexed area which would occur solely as a result of this Order shall be phased in over a period of five years for the City’s portion of the real property tax bill by 20% of the difference between the Township’s tax rate in 2019 and the City’s tax rate in 2020, 40% of the difference in the second year, 60% of the difference in the third year, and 80% of the difference in the fourth year.
    2. In the event that:
      1. Woodstock’s property tax rates for municipal purposes of the real property tax bill in any one year are equal to or less than South-West Oxford’s 2019 property tax rates for municipal purposes of the real property tax bill for the annexed area,
      2. for any part of the annexed area:
        1. an official plan amendment, under section 22 of the Planning Act comes into effect with no further right of appeal;
        2. a zoning by-law amendment, under section 34 of the Planning Act comes into force with no further right of appeal;
        3. plans and drawings for development within a designated site plan control area, under section 41 of the Planning Act have been approved
        4. a final plan of subdivision under section 51 of the Planning Act is deposited with the land registrar for registration;
        5. consent has been given, under section 53 of the Planning Act, or
      3. any part of the annexed area changes ownership,

      the annexed area that is described in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) will be taxed at the full amount of Woodstock’s property tax rate for municipal purposes in the year following the event referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) or (c).

    3. Subsection (2) does not apply to the annexed area described in paragraph (2) (c) if the transfer of ownership of the annexed area is from one spouse to another or from the estate of a spouse to a surviving spouse.

Municipal By-Laws

    1. On January 1, 2020, the by-laws of the City extend to the annexed area and shall remain in force in the annexed area until they expire or are repealed or amended to provide otherwise.
    2. Notwithstanding subsection (1), the by-laws of the Township cease to apply to the annexed area except for,
      1. by-laws passed under,
        1. section 17, 34, or 41 of the Planning Act or a predecessor of those sections;
        2. the Highway Traffic Act or the Municipal Act, 2001 or a predecessor of those Acts to regulate the use of highways by vehicles and pedestrians and to regulate the encroachment or projection of buildings upon or over highways; and
        3. the Development Charges Act, 1997;

        which shall remain in force until amended or repealed by the City; and

      2. by-laws passed,
        1. under sections 45, 58 or 61 of the Drainage Act or a predecessor of those sections;
        2. under section 10 of the Weed Control Act or a predecessor of that section; and
        3. conferring rights, privileges, franchises, immunities or exemptions that could not have been lawfully repealed by the Township.
    3. The official plan of the Township as it applies to the annexed area, and as approved under the Planning Act or a predecessor of that Act, becomes an official plan of the City and shall remain in force until revoked or amended to provide otherwise.
    4. If the Township has commenced procedures to enact a by-law under any Act or to adopt an official plan or an amendment thereto under the Planning Act and that by-law, official plan or amendment applies to the annexed area and is not in force on January 1, 2020, the City may continue the procedures to enact the by-law or adopt the official plan or amendment to the extent that it applies to the annexed area.

Dispute Resolution

    1. If a dispute arises with respect to any issue arising out of the interpretation of this Order, either of the municipalities may refer the matter in dispute for resolution through mediation. The mediator shall be agreed upon by both parties.
    2. If the parties cannot agree upon a mediator or the dispute is not resolved through mediation, the matter may be referred to arbitration, to be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act, 1991, except as provided herein.
    3. Where a dispute is referred to arbitration under subsection (2) the decision of the arbitrator shall be final.
    4. If two parties are parties to mediation under subsection (1) or arbitration under subsection (2), the costs associated with the mediation or arbitration proceedings shall be shared equally between the municipalities.
    5. If three municipalities are parties to mediation under subsection (1) or arbitration under subsection (2), the costs associated with the mediation or arbitration proceedings shall be apportioned 50% to the City, 25% to the Township and 25% to the County.

Dated on December 12, 2019

Steve Clark
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing


In the Geographic Township of West Oxford, Township of South West Oxford, County of Oxford, being composed of:

Lot Part of Comprising of
Part of Lot 1 Plan 501 All of PIN 00099-0012 (LT)
Part of Lot 1 Plan 501 All of PIN 00099-0013 (LT)
Part of Lot 1 Plan 501 All of PIN 00099-0014 (LT)
Part of Lot 1 Plan 501 All of PIN 00099-0015 (LT)
Part of Lot 1 Plan 501 All of PIN 00099-0016 (LT)
Part of Lot 1 Plan 501 All of PIN 00099-0017 (LT)
Part of Lot 1 Plan 501 All of PIN 00099-0018 (LT)
Part of Road Allowance between the Gore and Lot 1 Concession Broken Foot   All of PIN 00099-0271 (LT)
Part of Lot 1 Plan 501 Part of PIN 00099-0272 (Registry), described as being Part 2 on Plan 41R-9907.
Part of Lot 1 Plan 501  
Part of Road Allowance between Lot 1 and the Gore.   Part of PIN 00092-0281 (LT), described as being Part 1 on Plan 41R-9907 being country road 9
Part of the Gore
Part of Lot 13 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0091, described as being Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 41R-9906 (LT)
Lot 14 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0303 (LT)
Lot 9 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0023 (LT)
Lot 8 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0024 (LT)
Lot 7 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0025 (LT)
Lot 6 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0026 (LT)
Lot 5 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0027 (LT)
Lot 4 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0028 (LT)
Lot 3 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0029 (LT)
Lot 2 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0030 (LT)
Lot 1 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0031 (LT)
Lot 31 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0032 (LT)
Lot 30 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0662 (LT)
Part of the Road Allowance between Broken Front Concession and Concession 1   Part of PIN 00099-0280 (LT), described as being Part 1 on Plan 41R-9905.
Part of Lot 30 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0661 (LT)
Lot 29 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0050 (LT)
Lot 28 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0048 (LT)
Lot 27 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0049 (LT)
Lot 26 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0047 (LT)
Lot 25 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0046 (LT)
Part Lot 24 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0306 (LT)
Part Lot 24 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0307 (LT)
Lot 23 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0044 (LT)
Lot 15 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0036 (LT)
Lot 22 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0043 (LT)
Lot 21 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0042 (LT)
Lot 16 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0037 (LT)
Lot 20 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0041 (LT)
Lot 19 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0040 (LT)
Lot 17 Plan 1621 All of PIN 00099-0038 (LT)
The Bed of the Thames River   All and singular that certain parcel or tract of unpatented Crown Land and situate, lying and being: In the Geographic Township of West Oxford, Township of South-West Oxford, in the County of Oxford, and Province of Ontario and being composed of part of the bed of the Thames River being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point where the western limit of the road allowance between The Gore and Lot 1 as it intersects the southerly bank of the said Thames River; Then northerly along the projection of the said western limit of the road allowance northerly to the center of the said Thames River; Then Easterly along the said center of the Thames River by various bends and curves to a point being the projection of the east limit of Part 1, Plan 41R-2737 northerly to the center of the said Thames River; Then Southerly along the said projection of the east limit of Part 1, Plan 41R-2737 to a point where Part 1, Plan 41R-2737 intersects the said bank of the Thames River; Then Westerly along the bank of the said Thames River being the northern limit of Part 1, 41R-2737, by its various bend and curves to where the bank of the said Thames River intersects the east limit of the said road allowance between The Gore and Lot 1; Then continuing westerly along the bank of the said Thames River being the north limit of the said road allowance between The Gore and Lot 1, back to the point of commencement.
Lot 18 Plan 1621 Part of PIN 00098-0217 (LT), described as being Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 41R-9904.


Marriage Act

certificate of permanent registration as a person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

December 16, 2019 to December 22, 2019

Name Location Effective Date
Abiamiri, Charles Ngozi Sudbury, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Choullami, Rami Etobicoke, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Ewen, Mark Wayne Bowmanville, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Havercroft-Guerin, Sara Oshawa, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Hinds, Trevor Toronto, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Kim, Dae-Eun Concord, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Lisi, Jessica Elisa Alliston, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Marek, Pawel Scarborough, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Marsh, Kristie Dawn Kingston, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Marsh, Thomas Philip Peter Kingston, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Oyeniyi, Ademola Olukunle Maple, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Pinto, Melvin Regi Kitchener, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Seaborn, Sandra Laure Toronto, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Springer-Nelson, Certina Toronto, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Trottier, Lynnette Joy Orillia, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Trottier, Matthew Ludger David Orillia, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019


Name Location Effective Date
Brown, Donovan Leisk Peterborough, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Sholer, Len Omemee, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
George, Thomas Brampton, ON, CA 19-Dec-2019

certificates of temporary registration as person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

December 16, 2019 to December 22, 2019

Date Name Location Effective Date
30-Jan-2020 to 03-Feb-2020 Dueck, Brian Randall Winnipeg, MB, CA 19-Dec-2019
27-Feb-2020 to 02-Mar-2020 Mininger, Richard H New Cumberland, PA, USA 19-Dec-2019

certificate of cancellation of registration as a person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

December 16, 2019 to December 22, 2019

Name Location Effective Date
Bowen, Marjorie Toronto, ON, CA 17-Dec-2019
Buckmiller, Mona F Barrie, ON, CA 17-Dec-2019
Campbell, Vincent Mississauga, ON, CA 17-Dec-2019
Cho, Kook Hyun Mississauga, ON, CA 17-Dec-2019
Cho, Min Sun Etobicoke, ON, CA 17-Dec-2019
Cho, Yeonggeun East North York, ON, CA 17-Dec-2019
Clarke, Gary Floyd Meaford, ON, CA 17-Dec-2019
Doucette, Leonard Michael Pennfield, NB, CA 17-Dec-2019
Gori, Samuel Mississauga, ON, CA 17-Dec-2019
Hanscom, Garland Ambrose Ottawa, ON, CA 17-Dec-2019
Kim, Jin Hyun Etobicoke, ON, CA 17-Dec-2019
Kim, Yong Kon Toronto, ON, CA 17-Dec-2019
Kim, Yun Hwa Kettleby, ON, CA 17-Dec-2019
Kucman, Joseph Fort Erie, ON, CA 17-Dec-2019
Norman, Walter John Paris, ON, CA 17-Dec-2019
Oh, Byoung Cheol Thornhill, ON, CA 17-Dec-2019
Song, Jae Kap Orangeville, ON, CA 17-Dec-2019
Syme, John Joseph Trenton, ON, CA 17-Dec-2019
Bender, Merlin C Kippen, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Davy, Michael Keswick, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Devonish, Damian R London, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Gosse, Warren Ronald Keswick, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Kitzman, Mark Cambridge, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Krauss, Reanne Nadine Charlottetown, PE, CA 18-Dec-2019
MacAskill, M Keith Kanata, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Martin, Aden S Clifford, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Martin, Dennis N Brooks, AB, CA 18-Dec-2019
Martin, Henry M Wallenstein, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Matheson, Jack J London, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Mullin, Arthur Brampton, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Orantes, Ana Daisy Bradford, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Orantes, Luis Antonio Bradford, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Osagbaekhoe, Benjamin Ukpenbo Brampton, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Potter, David Barrie, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Prado, Lucas M.D Pickering, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Radik, Peter Charlotte, NC, USA 18-Dec-2019
Rivera, Mariela Anabel London, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Rivera Menares, Mauricio Rodrigo London, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Rowsell, Terrence Joseph North York, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Sabine, Phillip Richards Landing, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Williams, Carl Augustus Mississauga, ON, CA 18-Dec-2019
Almousa, Moustafa Scarborough, ON, CA 20-Dec-2019
Baur, Alexander Ottawa, ON, CA 20-Dec-2019
Carleton, James Lynn Newmarket, ON, CA 20-Dec-2019
Davison, Dan Paul Timmins, ON, CA 20-Dec-2019
Fairbrother, Brian Toronto, ON, CA 20-Dec-2019
Giroux, Catherine D Kenora, ON, CA 20-Dec-2019
Groff, David Sexsmith, AB, CA 20-Dec-2019
Knudson, David Starbuck, MB, CA 20-Dec-2019
Olsen, Benjamin Clark Stratford, ON, CA 20-Dec-2019
Piasetzki, Dennis Robert Wolfe Island, ON, CA 20-Dec-2019
Rauser, Timothy Martensville, SK, CA 20-Dec-2019
Rundel, Allan C Shaunavon, SK, CA 20-Dec-2019
Saleh, Ali North York, ON, CA 20-Dec-2019
Smith, Kathryn Louise Caledonia, ON, CA 20-Dec-2019

Alexandra Schmidt
Deputy Registrar General


certificate of cancellation of registration as a person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

December 23, 2019 to December 29, 2019

Name Location Effective Date
Abemba, Assani Ottawa, ON, CA 23-Dec-2019
Barabash, Steven Burlington, ON, CA 23-Dec-2019
Bear, Lynda G Elliot Lake, ON, CA 23-Dec-2019
Booth, David St Catharines, ON, CA 23-Dec-2019
Butler, Corey Steve-Anthony Maple, ON, CA 23-Dec-2019
Butryn, Alan Christopher J East Gwillimbury, ON, CA 23-Dec-2019
Davidson, Caleb Manotick, ON, CA 23-Dec-2019
Demaj, Ambroz 4601 Reshen, , Albania 23-Dec-2019
Enyart, Joel Petaluma, CA, USA 23-Dec-2019
Herbert, Benjamin Brantford, ON, CA 23-Dec-2019
Hunt, David William Clear Creek, ON, CA 23-Dec-2019
Joseph, Sujan Kozhikode, Kerala, India 23-Dec-2019
Marshall, Tracey Ancaster, ON, CA 23-Dec-2019
Nolasco, Jublas C San Carlos City, Negros Occidental, , Philippines 23-Dec-2019
O’Brien, Michael J Guelph, ON, CA 23-Dec-2019
Popowich, Jarret Thunder Bay, ON, CA 23-Dec-2019
Smith, Anna Welland, ON, CA 23-Dec-2019
Valeus, Antonio Scarborough, ON, CA 23-Dec-2019
Van Pelt, Jeffrey Mark Bowmanville, ON, CA 23-Dec-2019

Alexandra Schmidt
Deputy Registrar General
