Order of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Order Made Under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25

Town of Ingersoll
Township of South-West Oxford

County of Oxford

  1. In this Order,
    “annexed area”
    means the area comprised of the lands described in section 2 of this Order;
    means The Corporation of the County of Oxford;


    means The Corporation of the Town of Ingersoll; and
    means The Corporation of the Township of South-West Oxford.
    1. On January 1, 2021, the area described in the Schedule is annexed to the Town.
    2. All real property of the Township including any highway, street fixture, waterline, or sewer main of the annexed area described in the Schedule or easement and restrictive covenant running with the land described in the Schedule vests in the Town on January 1, 2021.
    3. Despite subsection (2), all other assets and liabilities of the Township or the County that are located in the annexed area described in the Schedule remain the assets and liabilities of the Township or the County, as the case may be.
    4. For greater certainty, the ownership of the following real property described in the Schedule and annexed under subsection (2) shall remain with the Township:
      1. the lands identified by P.I.N. 00147-0010 (LT) (Land Registry Office Number 41), described as Part Lot 22, Concession 2, West Oxford as in A29052; designated as Part 1, 41R-9788, Southwest Oxford; and;
      2. the former unopened road allowance that intersects the west portion of Union Road, south of Highway 401, described as the road allowance between Lots 24 and 25, Concession 2, West Oxford, south of Highway 401, South-West Oxford (closed by CO222467), P.I.N. 00147-0004 (LT)(Land Registry Office Number 41).
    5. Despite subsection (2), any litigation commenced prior to January 1, 2021, with respect to the annexed area described in the Schedule remains the obligation of the Township or the County, as the case may be.
  1. For the purpose of the assessment roll to be prepared for the Town for taxation in the year that the annexation under section 2 takes effect, the annexed area shall be deemed to be part of the Town and the annexed area shall be assessed on the same basis that the assessment roll for the Town is prepared.
Taxes, Etc.
    1. All real property taxes, special rates or charges levied under any general or special Act in the annexed area which are due and unpaid on December 31, 2020 shall be deemed on January 1, 2021 to be taxes, rates or charges due and payable to the Town and may be collected by the Town.
    2. The clerk of the Township shall prepare and furnish to the clerk of the Town a special collector’s roll showing all arrears of real property taxes, charges or special rates assessed against the land in the annexed area up to and including December 31, 2020, and the persons assessed for them.
    3. If the Township has commenced tax sales procedures under the Municipal Act, 2001 for any part of the annexed area in the Schedules and the procedures are not completed by January 1, 2021 the Town may continue the procedures.
Tax Phase-In
    1. Any increase in the property tax rate for municipal purposes for the residential property, farm property or managed forest classes within the annexed area which would occur solely as a result of this Order shall be phased in over a period of ten years for the Town’s portion of the real property tax bill by 10% of the difference between the Township’s tax rate in 2020 and the Town’s tax rate in 2021, 20% of the difference in the second year, 30% of the difference in the third year, 40% of the difference in the fourth year, 50% of the difference in the fifth year, 60% of the difference in the sixth year, 70% of the difference in the seventh year, 80% of the difference in the eighth year, 90% of the difference in the ninth year and 100% of the difference in the tenth year.
    2. Any increase in the property tax rate for municipal purposes for the commercial and industrial property classes within the annexed area which would occur solely as a result of this Order shall be phased in over a period of five years for the Town’s portion of the real property tax bill by 20% of the difference between the Township’s tax rate in 2020 and the Town’s tax rate in 2021, 40% of the difference in the second year, 60% of the difference in the third year, 80% of the difference in the fourth year, and 100% of the difference in the fifth year.
    3. In the event that:
      1. for any part of the annexed area:
        1. an official plan amendment, under section 22 of the Planning Act comes into effect with no further right of appeal;
        2. a zoning by-law amendment, under section 34 of the Planning Act comes into force with no further right of appeal;
        3. plans and drawings for development within a designated site plan control area, under section 41 of the Planning Act have been approved
        4. a final plan of subdivision under section 51 of the Planning Act is deposited with the land registrar for registration;
        5. consent has been given, under section 53 of the Planning Act, or
      2. any part of the annexed area changes ownership, the annexed area that is described in paragraph (a) or (b) will be taxed at the full amount of the Town’s property tax rate for municipal purposes in the year following the event referred to in paragraph (a) or (b).
    4. Subsection (3) does not apply to the annexed area described in paragraph (3)(b) if the transfer of ownership of the annexed area is from one spouse to another or from the estate of a spouse to a surviving spouse.
Municipal By-laws
    1. On January 1, 2021, the by-laws of the Town extend to the annexed area and shall remain in force in the annexed area until they expire or are repealed or amended to provide otherwise.
    2. Notwithstanding subsection (1), the by-laws of the Township cease to apply to the annexed area except for,
        1. by-laws passed under section 17, 34 or 41 of the Planning Act or a predecessor of those sections; and
        2. by-laws passed under the Highway Traffic Act or the Municipal Act, 2001 or a predecessor of those Acts to regulate the use of highways by vehicles and pedestrians and to regulate the encroachment or projection of buildings upon or over highways,

      which shall remain in force until amended or repealed by the Town, and;

      1. by-laws passed under,
        1. sections 45, 58 or 61 of the Drainage Act or a predecessor of those sections;
        2. by-laws passed under section 10 of the Weed Control Act or a predecessor of that section; and
        3. by-laws conferring rights, privileges, franchises, immunities or exemptions that could not have been lawfully repealed by the Township.
    3. The official plan of the Township as it applies to the annexed area, and as approved under the Planning Act or a predecessor of that Act, becomes an official plan of the Town and shall remain in force until revoked or amended to provide otherwise.
    4. If the Township has commenced procedures to enact a by-law under any Act or the Town has commenced procedures to adopt an official plan or an amendment thereto under the Planning Act and that by-law, official plan or amendment applies to the annexed area and is not in force on January 1, 2021, the Town may continue the procedures to enact the by-law or adopt the official plan or amendment to the extent that it applies to the annexed area.
Dispute Resolution
    1. If a dispute arises with respect to any issue arising out of the interpretation of this Order, any of the municipalities may refer the matter in dispute for resolution through mediation. The mediator shall be agreed upon by all parties.
    2. If the dispute is not resolved through mediation or the parties cannot agree upon the selection of a mediator, then the matter may be referred to arbitration, to be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act, 1991, except as provided herein.
    3. Where a dispute is referred to arbitration under subsection (2), the decision of the arbitrator shall be final.
    4. If two municipalities are parties to a mediation under subsection (1) or an arbitration under subsection (2), the costs associated with the mediation or arbitration proceedings shall be shared equally between the parties.
    5. If three municipalities are parties to a mediation under subsection (1) or an arbitration under subsection (2), the costs associated with the mediation or arbitration proceedings shall be apportioned as follows: 50% by the Town, 25% by the Township and 25% by the County.


Part of Lots 17 and 18, Concessions 1 and 2 in the former geographic Township of West Oxford now in the area municipality of the Township of South-West Oxford in the County of Oxford bounded described as follows:

premising that the bearings herein are astronomic and are related to the northeasterly boundary of Lot Seventy-Seven (77) as shown on Registered Plan of Subdivision 41M-252 which has a bearing of North Forty-Three (43) degrees Twenty (20) minutes West.

commencing: at a point in the easterly limit of the Corporation of the Town of Ingersoll at the boundary line between Registered Plan of Subdivision 41M-252 and the remainder portion of Lot Seventeen (17) of the First (1) Concession of the Geographic Township of South-West Oxford, being the easternmost corner of Lot Seventy-Seven (77) in said Registered Plan of Subdivision 41M-252.

thence: Along the production of the northeasterly limit of the said limit of the Registered Plan of Subdivision 41M-252 southeasterly South Forty Three (43) degrees Twenty (20) minutes Zero (00) seconds East a distance of three hundred four and thirty-six hundredths metres (304.36), to the limit between PIN 00144-0044 and PIN 00144-0027 also being the intersection of the production of the current southerly boundary of Town of Ingersoll, being a distance of one hundred and one and seventy-nine hundredths metres (101.79) from the southeast corner of Part 4 on Reference Plan 41R-8286.

thence: Continuing along said limit between PIN 00144-0044 and PIN 00144-0027 North Forty-Six (46) degrees Thirty-Three (33) minutes and Thirty (30) seconds East, a distance of Eighty-four and ninety hundredths metres (84.90) more or less to the most northerly corner of PIN 00144-0044, also being the most westerly corner of PIN 00144-0029.

thence: Following the limit between said PIN 00144-0044 and PIN 00144-0029 South Forty-Three (43) degrees and Fifteen (15) Minutes East a distance of three hundred forty-one and fifty four hundredths (341.54) metres to the intersection with the limit between the southeasterly limit of said Lot 18 in the First Concession of the said Township and the northwesterly limit of the Road Allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 of the said Township.

thence: Crossing the said road allowance South Forty-Three (43) degrees and Fifteen (15) Minutes East a distance of twenty and twelve hundredths metres to a point on the limit between the northwesterly limit of Lot 17 of the Second (2) Concession and the southeasterly limit of the Road Allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 of the said Township.

thence: Along the northwesterly limit of Lot 17 North fifty-six (56) degrees Twenty-four (24) minutes thirty (30) seconds East a distance of one hundred sixty and ninety-three hundredths (160.93) metres to point.

thence: Southeasterly South Forty-Two (42) degrees Ten (10) minutes Twenty (20) seconds East a distance of one hundred forty-two and seven hundredths (142.07) metres to a point.

thence: Southwesterly South Forty-Seven (47) degrees Twenty-Nine (29) minutes Twenty (20) seconds a distance of ninety-nine and thirty-one hundredths (99.31) metres to an angle on the limit between PINs’ 00145-0051 and 00145-0197.

thence: Along the limit between PINs’ 00145-0197 and 00145-0051 South Forty-three (43) degrees and Nineteen (19) minutes and Ten (10) seconds East a distance of four hundred sixty-five and ninety-six hundredths (465.96) metres to the northern limit of Kings Highway 401 according to Registered Plan 533 also known as Plan P-3015-0002 by the Ministry of Transportation.

thence: Continuing along the Northern limit of said King’s Highway 401 according to Registered Plan 533 also known as Plan P-3015-0002 by the Ministry of Transportation South Forty-five degrees Thirty-eight (38) minutes and Fifty (50) seconds West a distance of two hundred ninety-seven and twenty-six hundredths (297.26) metres to the most easterly limit of Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-9216.

thence: Along the northern limit of said Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-9216 South Fifty-two (52) degrees Twenty-six (26) minutes Forty (40) seconds west a distance of sixty-one and eighty-seven hundredths (61.87) metres to a point in the said northern limit.

thence: Continuing along said northern limit South Forty-four (44) degrees Sixteen (16) minutes Thirty (30) seconds west a distance of sixty-six and forty-eight hundredths (66.48) metres to the easterly limit of the Corporation of the Town of Ingersoll and the most westerly limit said Part 1 also being a point in the easterly limit of Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-1584 being North sixty-three (63) degrees fifty-four (54) forty (40) seconds East a distance of five and ninety-five hundredths (5.95) metres from the most easterly corner of said Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-1584.

thence: Along said limit of the Corporation of the Town of Ingersoll Northerly and easterly along its courses and legs to the point of commencement.


Part of Lots 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23 of Concession 2, Part of Lots 24 and 25 of Concessions 1, 2, and Broken Front Concession, Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 24 and 25, Part of the Road Allowance between Concessions 1 and 2, Part of the Road Allowance between Concessions 2 and 3, Part of the Road Allowance between Concessions 1 and Broken Front Concession in the former geographic Township of West Oxford now in the area municipality of the Township of South-West Oxford in the County of Oxford and Part of the Road Allowance between the former geographic Townships of West Oxford and Dereham now in the area municipality of the Township of South-West Oxford, County of Oxford bounded described as follows:

premising that the bearings herein are astronomic and are related to the northeasterly limit of Lot Seventy-Seven (77) as shown on Registered Plan of Subdivision 41M-252 which has a bearing of North Forty-Three (43) degrees Twenty (20) minutes West.

commencing: At the easternmost angle of the limit of the Corporation of the Town of Ingersoll, also the southeasternmost angle of Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-1584, also being a point on the northerly limit of the King’s Highway No. 401 according to Registered Plan 533 also known as Plan P-3015-0002 by the Ministry of Transportation.

thence: Crossing said King’s Highway No. 401 at right angles South Forty-four (44) degrees Twenty-two (22) minutes Ten (10) seconds East a distance of Ninety-one and forty-four hundredths (91.44) metres to the southerly limit of said King’s Highway No. 401 and a point on the northwesterly limit of Part 2 on Reference Plan 41R-9224. Said point being North Forty-five (45) degrees Thirty-six (36) minutes Twenty-five (25) seconds East a distance of Ninety-five and thirty hundredths (95.30) metres from the southwesterly angle of said Part 2 on Reference Plan 41R-9224.

thence: Continuing through said Part 2 on Reference Plan 41R-9224 on the previous bearing South Forty-four (44) degrees Twenty-two (22) minutes Ten (10) seconds East a distance of Ten and forty-one hundredths (10.41) metres to the southeasterly limit of Part 2 on Reference Plan 41R-9224.

thence: Along the southeasterly limit of said Part 2 on Reference Plan 41R-9224 South Forty-four (44) degrees Thirty-thee (33) minutes Forty (40) seconds West a distance of One hundred three and thirty-one (103.31) hundredths metres to the intersection of the southernmost angle of said Part 2 on Reference Plan 41R-9224 and the southwestern limit of King’s Highway No. 401 according to Registered Plan 548 also known as Plan P-3035-0007 by the Ministry of Transportation.

thence: Along the southwestern limit of King’s Highway No. 401 South Eleven (11) degrees Twenty-two (22) minutes Ten (10) seconds East a distance of One hundred seventy-six and sixty-seven hundredths (176.67) metres to an angle in the said limit of King’s Highway No. 401.

thence: Continuing along the said southwestern limit of the King’s Highway No. 401 South Forty-six (46) degrees Seven (7) minutes Thirty (30) seconds West a distance of One hundred thirty-two and eighty-four hundredths (132.84) metres to an angle in the said limit of King’s Highway No. 401.

thence: Continuing along the said southwestern limit of the King’s Highway No. 401 South One (1) degree Six (6) minutes Thirty (30) seconds West a distance of Eighteen and thirteen hundredths (18.13) metres to the intersection of the southeastern limit of King’s Highway No. 401 and the most northerly angle of Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-9224.

thence: Along the northeasterly limit of Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-9224 South Forty-three (43) degrees Fifteen (15) minutes Twenty-five (25) seconds East a distance of Fifty-one and eighty-three hundredths (51.83) metres to the southeastern angle of said Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-9224.

thence: Continuing along the southeasterly limit of said Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-9224 South Forty-six (46) degrees Twenty-three (23) minutes Ten (10) seconds West a distance of Three and thirty-seven hundredths (3.37) metres to the northeasterly limit of Highway No. 19 as widened by Registered Plan 605 also known as Plan P-3015-0005 by the Ministry of Transportation.

thence: Along northeasterly limit of Highway No. 19 as widened by Registered Plan 605 also known as Plan P-3015-0005 by the Ministry of Transportation South Forty-three (43) degrees fifty-three (53) minutes thirty (30) seconds East a distance of one hundred ninety-five and forty-six hundredths (195.47) metres to the southeast angle on said widening on Registered Plan 605 also known as Plan P-3015-0005 by the Ministry of Transportation.

thence: Continuing along the northeasterly limit of Highway No. 19 also known as Plank Line as widened by Registered Plan 605 also known as Plan P-3015-0005 by the Ministry of Transportation South Forty-six (46) degrees Thirty-three (33) minutes Fifteen (15) seconds West a distance of Six and ten hundredths (6.10) metres to the southeastern angle of Registered Plan 605 also known as Plan P-3015-0005 by the Ministry of Transportation and a point on northeasterly limit of Highway No. 19 as widened by Registered Plan 13330 also known as Plan P-3035-0002 by the Ministry of Transportation and amended by Registered Plan 746 also known as Plan P-3015-0014 by the Ministry of Transportation.

thence: Along the northeasterly limit of said Highway No. 19 as amended by said Registered Plan 746 also known as Plan P-3015-0014 by the Ministry of Transportation South Forty-three (43) degrees Fifty-three (53) minutes Thirty (30) seconds East a distance of Two hundred thirty and ninety-three hundredths (230.93) metres to an angle on said limit also the most westerly angle of a daylighting of Highway No. 19 at the most northerly angle of the intersection between said Highway No. 19 and the Road Allowance between Concessions 2 and 3 of the Township of South-West Oxford.

thence: Southwesterly crossing Highway No. 19 South Forty-six (46) degrees Fourteen (14) minutes Twenty (20) seconds West a distance of Thirty and forty-eight hundredths (30.48) metres to an angle on the southwesterly limit of said Highway No. 19 as amended by Registered Plan 746 also known as Plan P-3015-0014 by the Ministry of Transportation also being the northerly angle of a daylighting of Highway No. 19 at the most westerly angle of the intersection between said Highway No. 19 and the Road Allowance between Concessions 2 and 3 of said Township.

thence: Along the westerly limit of said Highway No. 19 and daylighting South One (1) degrees Fifteen (15) minutes Twenty-five (25) seconds West a distance of Twenty-one and forty-nine (21.49) hundredths metres to the southerly angle of the daylighting also the northwest limit of the Road Allowance between Concessions 2 and 3 of said Township also known as Curry Road.

thence: Along the said widened limit of said Highway No. 19 and crossing said Road Allowance between Concessions 2 and 3 in said Township South Forty-four (44) degrees Seven (7) minutes Five (5) seconds East a distance of Twenty and twenty (20.20) hundredths metres to an angle in the widened limit of Highway No.19 also the intersection with the southeasterly limit of said Road Allowance between said Concessions 2 and 3 of said Township also known as Curry Road.

thence: Along the limit between the southeasterly limit of said Road Allowance between the Concessions 2 and 3 also known as Curry Road and Lots 19, 20, 21, and 22 of Concession 3 of said Township to the intersection of the said southeastern limit of said Road Allowance and the northerly limit of the Road Allowance between the former geographic Townships of West Oxford and Dereham both in the County of Oxford also being the westernmost angle of Lot 23 of Concession 3 in the said geographic Township of South-West Oxford.

thence: Crossing the Road Allowance between the former Townships of West Oxford and Dereham at right angles to the north limit of said Road Allowance southerly a distance of twenty and twelve hundredths (20.12) metres to the southerly limit of said Road Allowance and a point in the northerly limit of Lot 20 of Concession 1 in the former Township of Dereham.

thence: Southwesterly along the limit between the said Road Allowance between said former Townships and the northerly limit of Lot 20 to the northwest angle of Lot 21 and the northeast limit of the Road Allowance between Lots 21 and 22 of Concession 1 of the former Township of Dereham.

thence: Southwesterly along the limit between the Road Allowance between said Townships and the of the Road Allowance between said Lots 21 and 22 to the northeast angle of Lot 22 of Concession 1 in said former Township of Dereham.

thence: Southwesterly along the limit of the said Road Allowance between said Townships and the northerly limit of Lots 22, and 23 to a point in the southerly limit of King’s Highway No. 401 according to Registered Plan 546 also known as Plan P-3062-0001 by the Ministry of Transportation being Two hundred six and thirty-nine hundredths (206.39) metres easterly from the northwest angle of said Lot 23.

premising: That Bearings heretofore are referenced to the southeast limit of said King’s Highway No. 401 according to Registered Plan 546 also known as Plan P-3062-0001 by the Ministry of Transportation.

thence: Along the southerly limit of King’s Highway No. 401 according to Registered Plan 546 also known as Plan P-3062-0001 by the Ministry of Transportation North Forty-nine (49) degrees Twenty-seven (27) minutes East a distance of Nineteen and twenty-nine hundredths (19.29) metres to the intersection of the said southeasterly limit of said King’s Highway No. 401 and the limit between the former Townships of West Oxford and Dereham.

thence: Along the southeasterly limit of said King’s Highway No. 401 according to Registered Plan 548 also known as Plan P-3035-0007 by the Ministry of Transportation North Forty-nine degrees Twenty-seven minutes East a distance of Nineteen and twenty-nine hundredths (19.29) metres to the intersection of said King’s Highway No. 401 and the southerly limit of Lot 25 of Concession 2 of the former Township of West Oxford.

thence: Along the southeasterly limit of said King’s Highway No. 401 according to Registered Plan 548 also known as Plan P-3035-0007 by the Ministry of Transportation North Forty-nine (49) degrees Twenty-seven (27) minutes East a distance of One hundred sixteen and sixty-three hundredths (116.63) metres to a point in the southwest limit of the Road Allowance between Lots 24 and 25 of said Concession 2 of said Township of West Oxford being a point North Forty-two (42) degrees Fifty-eight (58) minutes west from the most easterly angle of said Lot 25.

thence: Along the limit between the said Road Allowance between Lots 24 and 25 and the northeasterly limit of Lot 25 North Forty-two (42) degrees Fifty-eight (58) minutes West a distance of Ninety-one and fifty-two hundredths (91.52) metres to the intersection of the southwest limit of said Road Allowance and the northwest limit of King’s Highway No. 401 according to Registered Plan 548 also known as Plan P-3035-0007 by the Ministry of Transportation.

thence: Continuing along the limit between said Road Allowance between Lots 24 and 25 and the northeast limit of Lot 25 North Forty-two (42) degrees Fifty-eight (58) minutes West a distance of Four hundred thirty-three and thirty-three hundredths (433.33) metres to the most northerly angle of Lot 25 of said Concession 2 and the southeast limit of the Road Allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 of said former Township of West Oxford also known as Robinson Road, also being the most northerly angle of Part 3 on Reference Plan 41R-8349.

thence: Continuing on the same bearing North Forty-two (42) degrees Fifty-eight (58) minutes west a distance of Ten and six hundredths (10.06) metres to the centerline of the said Road Allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 also known as Robinson Road.

thence: Along the centerline of said Road Allowance between Concessions 1 and 2 of said Township also Robinson Road South Forty-six (46) degrees Thirty-nine (39) Ten (10) seconds West a distance of Six hundred fifty and eighty-five hundredths (650.85) metres more or less to a point in the centerline of said Road Allowance being South Forty-three (43) degrees Thirty (30) minutes East a distance of Ten and nine hundredths (10.09) metres from most southerly angle of Lot 25 of Concession 1 of said Township.

thence: North Forty-three (43) degrees Thirty (30) minutes West a distance of Ten and nine hundredths (10.09) metres to the northwesterly limit of said Road Allowance also being the most southerly angle of Lot 25 in Concession 1 of said Township, also being the most westerly angle of Part 2 on Reference Plan 41R-4868.

thence: Along the limit between Lots 25 and 26 of Concession 1 of said Township also being the northeasterly limit of Part 2 on Reference Plan 41R-4868 North Forty-three (43) degrees Zero (0) minutes Thirty (30) seconds West a distance of Three hundred forty-two and fifty-four hundredths (342.54) metres to a point in the limit between said Lots 25 and 26 also being the northernmost angle of Part 2 on Reference Plan 41R-4868, also being the southeasternmost angle of Part 4 on Reference Plan 41R-3721.

thence: Continuing along the limit between said Lots 25 and 26, also being the northeasterly limit of Part 4 on Reference Plan 41R-3721 North Forty-three (43) degrees Zero (0) minutes Thirty (30) seconds West a distance of Sixteen and eighty-six hundredths (16.86) metres to the most northerly angle of Part 4 on Reference Plan 41R-3721 also being the most southeasterly angle of Part 3 on said Reference Plan 41R-3721.

thence: Continuing along the limit between said Lots 25 and 26, also being the northeasterly limit of Parts 3 and 1 on said Reference Plan 41R-3721 North Forty-two (42) degrees Forty-nine (49) minutes West a distance of Four hundred fifty-eight and eleven hundredths (458.11) metres to the most northerly angle of said Part 1 on said Reference Plan 41R-3721.

thence: Continuing along the limit between said Lots 25 and 26 to a point in the limit between said Lots 25 and 26 being a distance of Two hundred one and seventeen hundredths (201.17) metres north of the limit between the north and south halves of Lot 25.

thence: Northeasterly and parallel to the northwesterly limit of Lot 25 North Forty-six (46) degrees Forty-five (45) minutes Fifty (50) seconds East a distance of Five hundred two and ninety-two hundredths (502.92) metres more or less to a point being Two hundred one and seventeen hundredths (201.17) metres more or less north of the limit between the north and south halves of Lot 25 and one hundred and fifty-eight hundredths (100.58) metres more or less from the northeasterly limit of said Lot 25 as stated in Deposited Instrument A73849, also being the most northerly angle of PIN 00148-0083 and the most westerly angle of PIN 00148-0077 and a point in the southwesterly limit of PIN 00148-0082.

thence: Along the limit between PIN 00148-0082 and PIN 00148-0077 Northeasterly and parallel to the Northeasterly limit of said Lot 25 in said Concession 1 North Forty-three (43) degrees Six (6) minutes Fifty (50) seconds West a distance of One hundred sixty-eight and seventy hundredths (168.70) metres more or less to the limit between PIN 00148-0077 and PIN 00148-0081 being a point on the southwesterly limit of PIN 00148-0082 being South Forty-three (43) degrees Six (6) minutes Fifty (50) seconds East a distance of One hundred eighteen and thirty nine hundredths (118.39) metres from the most northwesterly limit of said PIN 00148-0082.

thence: Along the limit between PIN 00148-0077 and PIN 00148-0081 Parallel to the Northwesterly limit of said Lot 25 South Forty-six (46) degrees Forty-five (45) minutes Fifty (50) seconds West a distance of One hundred eighty-seven and eighty-one hundredths (187.81) metres more or less to the southernmost angle of PIN 00148-0082.

thence: Continuing along the limit between PIN 00148-0077 and PIN 00148-0081and parallel to the Northeast limit of said Lot 25 North Forty-three (43) degrees Six (6) minutes Fifty (50) seconds West a distance of Three hundred sixty-six and twenty three hundredths (366.23) metres more or less to the southerly limit of the former Canadian Pacific Railway now the Credit Valley Railway being PIN 00148-0087.

thence: Along the southeasterly limit of said Credit Valley Railway North Twenty-five (25) degrees seventeen (17) minutes Forty (40) seconds East a distance of Ninety-five and ninety-one hundredths (95.91) metres to a point in the northwest limit of said Lot 25 being South Forty-six (46) degrees Forty-five (45) minutes Fifty (50) seconds West a distance of one hundred ninety-six and seventy-eight hundredths (196.78) metres from the most northerly angle of said Lot 25 also being a point in southeasterly limit of the Road Allowance between Concession 1 and Broken Front Concession in said Township also known as Thomas Road.

thence: Along the limit between Lot 25 of Concession 1 and the Road Allowance between Concession 1 and Broken Front Concession in said Township also known as Thomas Road South Forty-six (46) degrees Forty-five (45) minutes Fifty (50) seconds West a distance of Twenty-seven and forty-nine hundredths (27.49) metres to a point in said limit between said Lot 25 and said Road Allowance.

thence: Crossing the said Road Allowance North Forty-three (43) degrees Twenty-five (25) minutes Fifteen (15) seconds West a distance of Twenty and ten hundredths (20.10) metres to the Northwesterly limit of said Road Allowance being a point in the southeasterly limit of Lot 25 of the Broken Front Concession being South Forty-six (46) degrees Forty-five (45) minutes Fifty (50) seconds West a distance of Two hundred twenty-four and thirty-eight hundredths (224.38) metres from the easternmost angle of said Lot 25, also being the southernmost angle of Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-8251.

thence: Along the southwesterly limit of said Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-8251 North Forty-three (43) degrees Twenty-five (25) minutes Fifteen (15) seconds West a distance of Two hundred ninety-five and seventeen hundredths (295.17) metres to an angle in said Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-8251.

thence: Continuing along the southwesterly limit of said Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-8251 North Forty-three (43) degrees Twenty-six (26) minutes Twenty-five (25) seconds a distance of Two hundred sixty and forty-six hundredths (260.46) metres to an angle in said Part 1.

thence: Continuing along the southwesterly limit of said Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-8251 North Forty-three (43) degrees Thirty-six (36) minutes Thirty-five (35) seconds West a distance of Two hundred sixty-seven and eighty-nine hundredths (267.89) metres to the westernmost limit of said Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-8251, also being the southeastern limit of a Forced Road known as King Street West also known as Hamilton Road, being a point in the southeast limit of Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-2724.

thence: Crossing said Forced Road and Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-2724 on the previous bearing of North Forty-three (43) degrees Thirty-six (36) minutes Thirty-five (35) seconds West a distance of Nineteen and twenty-seven hundredths (19.27) metres to a point in the northerly limit of said Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-2724 also being the northwesterly limit of said Forced Road known as King Street West and Hamilton Road.

thence: Along the northwesterly limit of said Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-2724, also being the northwesterly limit of said Forced Road known as King Street West and Hamilton Road North Fifty-nine (59) degrees Forty-three (43) minutes Forty (40) seconds East a distance of Fifty-five and thirty-five hundredths (55.35) metres to an angle point in the northwest limit of said Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-2724.

thence: Continuing along the said northwesterly limit of said Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-2724, also being the northwesterly limit of said Forced Road known as King Street West and Hamilton Road North Sixty (60) degrees Forty-seven (47) minutes Forty (40) seconds East a distance of One hundred twenty-eight and seventy-four hundredths (128.74) metres to an angle point in said northwesterly limit of said Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-2724.

thence: Continuing along the said northwesterly limit of said Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-2724, also being the northwesterly limit of said Forced Road known as King Street West and Hamilton Road North Fifty-seven (57) degrees Thirty (30) minutes Fifty (50) seconds East a distance of Forty-seven (47.00) metres to the limit between Lot 25 and the Road Allowance between Lots 24 and 25 in said geographic Township of South-West Oxford also being a point in the northwesterly limit of said Part 1 on Reference Plan 41R-2724.

thence: Along the said limit between Lot 25 and the Road Allowance between Lots 24 and 25 North Forty-three (43) degrees Twenty-seven (27) minutes Fifty (50) seconds West to the limit between the Broken Front Concession of former geographic Township of West Oxford and Concession 5 of the former geographic Township of North Oxford being the centerline of the original course of the River Thames as defined by Registered Plan 477 also being the most northwesterly angle of said Road Allowance between Lots 24 and 25.

thence: Northeasterly along the limit between the said former geographic Townships of North Oxford and West Oxford being the centerline of the original course of the River Thames as defined by Registered Plan 477 along its courses and legs to the intersection of the limit between said Townships and the limit of the Corporation of the Town of Ingersoll.

thence: Along said limit of the Corporation of the Town of Ingersoll southerly and easterly along its course and legs to the point of commencement.

Dated on December 16, 2020.

Steve Clark
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing


Marriage Act

certificate of permanent registration as a person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

December 07, 2020 to December 13, 2020

Name Location Effective Date
Cohen, Alan Raphael Thornhill, ON, CA 09-Dec-2020
Cookson, Michael Andrew London, ON, CA 09-Dec-2020
Dale, Genevieve Danielle Richmond Hill, ON, CA 09-Dec-2020
Ewing, Jay Laverne Rosslyn, ON, CA 09-Dec-2020
Frizzell, Jason Dale Brockville, ON, CA 09-Dec-2020
Gulikers, Leonardus Josef Maria London, ON, CA 09-Dec-2020
Herrington, Jonathan David Trenton, ON, CA 09-Dec-2020
Lee, Jaenam Etobicoke, ON, CA 09-Dec-2020
Mason, Jordan Kyle Barrie, ON, CA 09-Dec-2020
McAlister, Tyler Stanley St Catharines, ON, CA 09-Dec-2020
McCarthy, Christopher Dennis Chatham, ON, CA 09-Dec-2020
Pohlod, Alexandra Christine Toronto, ON, CA 09-Dec-2020
Santiago, Karl Jeffrey Hamilton, ON, CA 09-Dec-2020
Sutton, Matthew Robert Amherstburg, ON, CA 09-Dec-2020
Yong, Virginia Richmond Hill, ON, CA 09-Dec-2020


Name Location Effective Date
McGowan, Wayne Fitzmaurice Windsor, ON, CA 09-Dec-2020
Wardlaw, Robert Duncan Toronto, ON, CA 09-Dec-2020

Alexandra Schmidt
Deputy Registrar General
