Government Notices — Other

Provincial Land Tax Act

take notice that I have caused a list of the lands, in respect of which notices have been mailed under subsection 1 of Section 15 of The Provincial Land Tax Act, 2006, to be prepared and to be published herein, and I hereby give notice that unless the total amount of tax, penalties, interest and costs shown in any of the notices so mailed are paid on or before the 30th day of November, 2022, the land and every interest therein in respect of any such notice will be liable to be forfeited to and to be vested in the Crown on the 1st day of December, 2022 by certificate of The Deputy Minister under his hand and seal of office.

(this is not a tax sale. The lands listed below cannot be purchased by paying the taxes.)

Dated at Oshawa, Ontario the 30th day of November, 2021

P. Monastyrskyj
Manager, Land Taxes
Compliance Branch
Ministry of Finance,
Oshawa, Ontario

Description of Property

District of Nipissing

Roll No. 4803.920.001.02510.0000

pardo island silver lake OPP lot 9 CON 4 PCL 16126

Roll No. 4899.280.001.19810.0000

phelps CON 3 PT lot 12 RP 36R9563 part 2 PCL 28204 NIP

Roll No. 4899.360.001.12500.0000

poitras plan M229 lot 60 PCL 23144 NIP

District of Parry Sound-West

Roll No. 4998.150.001.01900.0000

henvey CON A PT lot 9 RP EXP PSR1448 PT part 1 RP 42R20013

part 3 PCL 10337NS

Roll No. 4998.150.001.02100.0000

henvey CON B lot 2 PCL 3004 NS

Roll No. 4998.150.001.02301.0000

henvey CON B PT lot 4 PT PCLS 4811 & 4812 NS

Roll No. 4998.150.001.02400.0000

henvey CON B PT lot 5 PCL 4812NS

Roll No. 4998.150.001.03100.0000

henvey CON 3 lot 6 PCL 8198NS

Roll No. 4998.150.001.05713.0000

henvey CON 6 PT lot 5 PCL 5443 N/S

District of Parry Sound-East

Roll No. 4999.060.002.00110.0000

lount plan M285 lot 5 RP 42R 9634 part 1 PCL 10364 PCL 15788 NS

Roll No. 4999.080.005.07980.0000

east mills CON 10 PT lot 24 RP 42R5909 part 2 $3,137.68

Roll No. 4999.080.007.01000.0000

east mills CON 12 PT lot 33 RP 42R11632 parts 2 & 3

Roll No. 4999.100.005.00723.0000

patterson plan M344 lot 12 PCL 12919 N/S

Roll No. 4999.140.003.00217.0000

wilson CON 11 PT lot 2 RP 42R19209 part 1 $6,267.21

Roll No. 4999.140.003.01629.0000

wilson CON 12 PT lot 1 RP PSR2333 part 2 PCL 11968 N/S

Roll No. 4999.140.003.04746.0000

wilson CON 14 PT lot 1 RP SR2283 part 3 to part 5 PCL 9835 N/S

PCL 11245 N/S PCL 11522 N/S

Roll No. 4999.140.006.02400.0000

wilson CON 12 PT lot 23 PC 2948

District of Sudbury

Roll No. 5202.100.000.00900.0000

cox CON 5 lot 3 PCL 22803 location AE525 RP53R10266 part 1 $3,982.76

Roll No. 5202.190.000.10900.0000

servos CON 4 lot 4 PCL 10599

Roll No. 5202.260.001.01400.0000

burwash CON 3 lot 2 PCL 35458 RP SR2182 part 1 $3,439.54

Roll No. 5202.260.002.02501.0000

burwash CON 3 lot 8 PCL 47673 RP53R10990 part 2 & 3

Roll No. 5202.260.002.02502.0000

burwash CON 3 lot 8 PCL 47674 RP53R10990 part 4 & 5

Roll No. 5202.620.001.05300.0000

hess CON 6 S PT lot 5 PCLS 7713, 7714 MC S6631, 6632

Roll No. 5202.620.001.05600.0000

hess CON 6 N PT lot 6 PCL 7712 MC S6633

District of Chapleau

Roll No. 5289.560.005.00200.0000

genier location JC273

District of Foleyet

Roll No. 5293.000.000.02600.0000

foleyet CON 5 lot 5 plan M79 lots 142 143 PCL 11774SWS IR

District of Gogama

Roll No. 5295.000.000.04500.0000

noble plan M72 lots 14, 15, 16 PCLS 10178, 10553, 26137

Roll No. 5295.000.000.05000.0000

noble plan M72 lot 36 PCL 12811SWS

Roll No. 5295.000.000.26400.0000

noble plan M199 lot 23 PT lot 22 BG RP 53R16211 parts 2, 3

PCLS 11187, 31139SWS

District of Sudbury

Roll No. 5299.180.004.01700.0000

plan M943 lot 3 EMO PT shore RD allow and RP53R20229 parts 1 to 3 PCL 27294

Roll No. 5299.500.003.08200.0000

cochrane TWP PCL 18136 SWS plan M627 lot 50 & 51 JD47

TA31 TWP04440

Roll No. 5299.540.002.00100.0000

hazen PCL 22489 SR LOC HM21 PLUS 53R10185 parts 1 & 2

JD47 TA38 TWP# 09500

District of Kirkland Lake

Roll No. 5480.070.020.13602.0000

otto CON 3 N PT lot 1 RP 54R2173 part 1, 2 PCL 21027, 21026 SST

Roll No. 5480.090.010.12600.0000

plan M114T lots 232,233,234 PCLS 6545, 11060CST

Roll No. 5480.100.000.06900.0000

grenfell PT MC L13181 & L13263 BG RP TER142 parts 1, 2 RP 54R1921

part 1 & PT MC L13263 PCLS 8116, 11176, 13319CST

Roll No. 5480.100.000.24500.0000

grenfell MC L24651 PT PCL 7800CST kenogami lake 2 cottages $3,949.06

District of Timiskaming-East

Roll No. 5490.020.000.22600.0000

lorrain CON 7 N PT lot 10 PCL 12066SST

Roll No. 5490.190.000.09500.0000

marter CON 3 N PT lot 4 PCL 14697SST

Roll No. 5490.200.000.00600.0000

savard CON 1 S PT lot 3 PCL 4477SST

Roll No. 5490.200.000.01600.0000

savard CON 1 S PT lot 6 PCL 22948SST

Roll No. 5490.200.000.05700.0000

savard CON 2 N PT lot 7 PCL 21549SST

Roll No. 5490.350.000.01700.0000

lawson SR LOC WB24 PCL 12475SST

District of Timiskaming-West

Roll No. 5499.000.127.02700.0000

doyle plan M326T lot 8 & PT LOC CL 14020 RP 54R5125

part 7 kenogamissi lake

Roll No. 5499.000.127.03400.0000

doyle plan M326T lot 15 & PT LOC CL 14020 RP 54R5125

part 12 kenogamissi lake

District of Cochrane

Roll No. 5602.000.008.02000.0000

keefer plan M188T lot 1 PCL 8586CST

District of Hearst

Roll No. 5620.004.002.40200.0000

casgrain CON 8 PT lots 25, 26 BG RP 6R6852 parts 1, 2 RP 6R4119

part 1 PCL 12900CC snowmobile club

Roll No. 5620.004.002.46900.0000

casgrain CON 9 PT lot 25 PT lot 26 plan M306C BLK D PCL 8014CC

Roll No. 5620.010.010.22602.0000

kendall CON 7 S PT lot 28 BG RP 6R4914 part 2 PCL 11913C

District of Cochrane Iroquois Falls

Roll No. 5640.120.000.17500.0000

brower CON 6 S PT lot 3 PCL 331NEC

Roll No. 5640.160.000.03801.0000

kennedy CON 1 PT lot 27 RP 6R4433 part 1 PCL 8471NEC

Roll No. 5640.160.000.10200.0000

kennedy CON 3 lot 24 PCL 4888NEC

Roll No. 5640.170.000.40700.0000

clute CON 6 lot 22 BKN PCL 3263CC

District of James Bay Lowlands

Roll No. 5699.000.006.00931.0000

PCL 3-1 6M457 lot 3 $6,751.05

Roll No. 5699.000.006.07800.0000

plan M376C lot 59 PCL 8055NEC

Roll No. 5699.000.006.09700.0000

plan M376C lot 73 PT lot 72 RP 6R4113 part 2 PCLS 8068, 8352

NEC FR90X131X100X130

District of Algoma

Roll No. 5727.070.000.27500.0000

SEC 31 NW1/4PT

Roll No. 5727.080.001.28900.0000

plan H812 lot 4PT RCP RP 1R9357 part 1 $13,769.07

Roll No. 5727.100.000.04600.0000

SEC 24PT SEC 13PT RP 1R10012 part 1 RP 1R4738 part 5 $3,755.35

Roll No. 5727.110.000.17708.0000

plan M408 lot 7 PCL 10180 AWS

Roll No. 5727.110.000.31300.0000

plan H417 lot 19 PT

Roll No. 5727.170.000.35000.0000

plan M306 lot 19 PCL 6196 AWS

Roll No. 5727.190.000.05600.0000

SEC G PT PCL 4206 AWS RP AR240 part 1 $7,500.53

Roll No. 5727.270.000.21000.0000

aberdeen CON 1 lot 12 PT lot 11 PCL 52 ACS PCL 451 ALG PCL 1249 ACS PCL 1406 ACS

Roll No. 5727.320.001.17200.0000

plan M75 lot 27 PCL 4571 ACS

Roll No. 5727.320.002.10100.0000

plan M277 lot 25 PCL 6952 ACS

District of Nipigon-Red Rock

Roll No. 5810.750.003.08300.0000

stirling CON 4 PT broken lot 8 $4,740.51

District of Lakehead

Roll No. 5815.090.001.02230.0000

CON 2 PT S 1/2 lot 12 RP55R8135 part 1 & RP 55R2462 part

4 PCL 24240 TBF forbes TWP

Roll No. 5815.100.000.19500.0000

CON 1 S PT lot 7 PCL 9743 TBF ware TWP

Roll No. 5815.100.000.29600.0000

CON 4 S PT lot 19 PCL 10008 TBF ware TWP

Roll No. 5815.110.000.02500.0000

gorham CON 7 PT lots 9 to 11 PT mining LOC T 233 PCLS 11276

11943 AND 9232 TBF

Roll No. 5815.110.000.04410.0000

CON 7 PT BKN lot 14 & HM196 RP 55R5931 PT part 3 & RP PAR250 PT

part 2 PCL 22162 TBF & 125 TBEF gorham TWP

Roll No. 5815.110.000.15700.0000

plan M93A lot 11 PCL 14017 TBF gorham TWP

Roll No. 5815.110.000.21000.0000

plan M118 lot 11 & PT HM213 RP 55R5719 part 3 PCL 22051 TBF gorham TWPF

Roll No. 5815.110.000.21100.0000

plan M118 lot 12 PCL 8754 TBF gorham TWP

Roll No. 5815.110.000.27910.0000

plan M205 BLK A gorham TWP

Roll No. 5815.110.001.04225.0000

CON 1 S PT lot 10 RP 55R4977 part 4 PCL 24479 TBF gorham TWP

Roll No. 5815.110.001.06600.0000

CON 1 S PT lot 15 PCL 13944 TBF gorham TWP

Roll No. 5815.110.001.10804.0000

CON 2 S PT lot 15 RP 55R1106 part 7 & 8 PCL 15699 TBF gorham TWP

Roll No. 5815.110.001.18700.0000

CON 4 PT S1/2 lot 6 & 7 RP 55R3783 part 1 to 3

PCL 18805 TBF gorham TWP

Roll No. 5815.150.000.14705.0000

CON 5 PT N 1/2 lot 3 RP 55R9933 part 1 lybster TWP

District of Savant Lake

Roll No. 5895.000.000.08100.0000

HK 119 trout creek & SN 262 DES 55R9006 part 1 & part 1 ON 55R10845

PCLS 6477 FWF 24906 TBF 26237 TBF

District of Thunder Bay

Roll No. 5898.840.000.08800.0000

plan M140 lot 16 PCL 13396 TBF fowler TWP

Roll No. 5898.840.000.51700.0000

plan M200 lot 4 & lot LOC HM 268 RP 55R6874 part 2 & 3

PCL 12633 & 23247 TBF fowler TWSP

Roll No. 5899.483.900.06700.0000

plan M108 lot 17 PCL 7049 TBF S OF inwood TWP

District of Fort Frances Rainy River

Roll No.5902.050.001.17250.0000

watten CON 2 part lot 24 SR PTS 1 & 2 48R2953 PCL 25553

Roll No. 5902.230.001.57800.0000

G 1056 IS PCL 3231 rainy lake

Roll No. 5902.230.001.73400.0000

SR LOC G613 manitou sound rainy lake PCL 1602

District of Mine Centre

Roll No. 5973.000.000.03800.0000

plan M75 lot E PCL 18721 RP48R3424 part 2 PCL 25770

District of Rainy River (Atikokan)

Roll No. 5974.870.000.01210.0000

plan 48M358 lot 1 PCL 1-1 hutchinson TWP marmion lake

District of Kenora

Roll No. 6007.010.000.11900.0000

plan M484 lot 17 & PT LOC CL14797 RP 23R11553 part 2

storm bay lake of the woods $8,425.00

Roll No. 6007.020.000.02633.0000

M879 lot 15 PCL 41638

Roll No. 6007.020.000.23800.0000

plan M125 lots 57 to 62 PCL 7195DKF PCL 26003DKF PCL 32951DKF

Roll No. 6007.020.000.24405.0000

part island P54 plan 23M851 lot 5 PCL 41971

Roll No. 6007.020.000.26010.0000

plan 23M969 lot 9 $4,011.85

Roll No. 6007.020.000.42914.0000

plan 23M820 lot 14 $4,567.80

Roll No. 6007.020.000.57100.0000

M 464 lot 4 $3.993.93

Roll No. 6007.700.001.00400.0000

LK 324 DES 23R-4963 parts 1 & 2 parcel 32855 $5,600.31

Roll No. 6007.700.001.00400.0000

LK 324 DES 23R-4963 parts 1 & 2 parcel 32855 $5,600.32

Roll No. 6007.700.001.23200.0000

PT LOC S 792 plan M201 lot 7 PCL24143 WPG river

District of Dryden-Van Horne and Wainwright

Roll No. 6060.000.002.09200.0000

CON 1 PT lot 5 parts 1 & 2 ON 23R8068 PCL 18670 wainwright TWP

District of Kenora

Roll No. 6089.503.920.01000.0000

SN 63 RP23R4922 PT 1 PT miniss river near hooke LK PCL


District of Red Lake

Roll No. 6095.000.001.08500.0000

RFD 199 florence lake PCL 17622 - skyline lodge & LUP UTM 15 59280 57910

District of Dryden

Roll No. 6096.520.002.08940.0000

CON 5 PT lot 4 RP23R7447 part 1 PCL 37827 britton TWP

Roll No. 6096.520.004.08002.0000

CON 12 S PT lot 23 RP 23R4383 part 3 PCL 31931 zealand

Roll No. 6096.540.001.02900.0000

plan M381 lot 6 PCL 17010 flavus lake smellie TWP

Roll No. 6096.580.002.16000.0000

CON 6 S PT lot 6 eton TWSP PCL 13787

Roll No. 6096.580.002.17100.0000

CON 6 S PT lot 10 eton TWSP PCL 14961

District of Kenora

Roll No. 6098.140.000.00900.0000

PT lot 12 CON 12 PCL 12621 TWP pettypiece

Roll No. 6098.200.000.08400.0000

LOC NT68 PCL 9532

Roll No. 6098.200.000.13500.0000

LOC LK219 23R5914 part 1 PCL 36032

Roll No. 6099.493.950.02600.0000

MIN LOC S173 PCL 31516 ISLD shoal lake


Marriage Act

certificate of permanent registration as a person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

November 15, 2021 to November 21, 2021

Name Location Effective Date
Ehrenfellner, Linda Vittoria, ON, CA 18-Nov-2021
Jacob, Binu St Catharines, ON, CA 18-Nov-2021
McKnight, Ian Brampton, ON, CA 18-Nov-2021
Sager, Jeffrey Franklin St Marys, ON, CA 18-Nov-2021
Thompson, George Kojo Hamilton, ON, CA 18-Nov-2021
den Elzen, Courtney Nicole Toronto, ON, CA 18-Nov-2021


Name Location Effective Date
Landry, Marie Suzanne Ottawa, ON, CA 18-Nov-2021

certificate of cancellation of registration as a person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

November 15, 2021 to November 21, 2021

Name Location Effective Date
Armstrong, Amanda Toronto, ON, CA 16-Nov-2021
Byrnes, Elizabeth Anne Bethany, ON, CA 16-Nov-2021
Chase, Jonathan Kars Abbotsford, BC, CA 16-Nov-2021
Craig, June W S Brockville, ON, CA 16-Nov-2021
Landry, Christopher Smiths Falls, ON, CA 16-Nov-2021
Lavallee, Nil Nelson Peterborough, ON, CA 16-Nov-2021
Morrison, Jacqui Parry Sound, ON, CA 16-Nov-2021
Woods, Douglas William Winchester, ON, CA 16-Nov-2021

Alexandra Schmidt
Deputy Registrar General
