Ontario Energy Board

Notice of Amendments to the Distribution System Code (DSC)

Amendments made on March 22, 2022 come into effect on October 1, 2022

  1. Effective October 1, 2022, section 1.2 of the DSC is amended by adding the following new definition immediately after the definition of “distribute”:
    “Distributed Energy Resources Connection Procedures”
    means the document referred to in section 6.2.
  2. Effective October 1, 2022, section 1.2 of the DSC is amended by replacing the definition of “emergency backup generation facility” with the following:
    “emergency backup generation facility”
    means a standby power system that is installed on a customer site for the sole purpose of providing electrical power if the primary or system power has been interrupted or is unavailable.
  3. Effective October 1, 2022, section 1.2 of the DSC is amended by adding the following new definition immediately after the definition of “expansion”:
    “exporting connection”
    means a connection through which power flow is from the customer’s premises to the distribution system where the injection to the system is intentional (the connection is supporting a generation facility). This connection type may also support power flow from the distribution system to the customer’s premises (non-exporting mode), e.g. storage in charging mode, or station or customer load.
  4. Effective October 1, 2022, section 1.2 of the DSC is amended by adding the following new definition immediately after the definition of “MOST meter”:
    “non-exporting connection”
    means a connection through which power flow is only from the distribution system to the customer’s premises (the connection is considered to be supplying a load).
  5. Effective October 1, 2022, section 1.2 of the DSC is amended by adding the following new definition immediately after the definition of “renewable energy source”:
    “restricted feeder”
    means any feeder owned by the distributor that has no additional short circuit capacity for connection of generation facilities even if the constraint is caused by an upstream asset that it does not own.
  6. Effective October 1, 2022, section 1.2 of the DSC is amended by adding the following two new definitions immediately after the definition of “smart meter”:
    “storage facility”
    means, for the purpose of connections, a facility that uses electrical energy (i.e. charges), and then stores such energy for a period of time, and then provides electrical energy as an output, minus any losses (i.e. discharges).
    “system power”
    means power flowing through a connection to a customer from the distribution system.
  7. Effective October 1, 2022, section 1.7 of the DSC is amended by adding the following sentence to the end of the section:

    The amendments to sections 1.2 and 6.2 made by the Board on March 22, 2022, come into effect on October 1, 2022.

  8. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by deleting section 6.2.1 and replacing it with the following:

    6.2.1 Section 6.2 does not apply to the connection or operation of an emergency backup generation facility. When connected in parallel with the distribution system, an emergency backup generation facility must have a transfer switch that isolates it from the distribution system within 100 milliseconds.

  9. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by adding the following section immediately after section 6.2.1:

    6.2.1A For the purposes of section 6.2, generation facility includes a storage facility, and generator includes the owner or operator of a storage facility. Further, when it uses electricity from a distribution system, a storage facility is a load.

  10. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by deleting the heading “Connection Process” after section 6.2.2 and replacing it with the heading “Generation Connection Information Package.”
  11. Effective October 1, 2022, section 6.2.3 of the DSC is amended by inserting the following sentences after the first sentence of the paragraph:

    The package must be made available electronically on the distributor’s website. It must also be available in hard copy at the distributor’s premises for customers who request it.

  12. Effective October 1, 2022, section 6.2.3 of the DSC is amended by adding the following paragraphs:

    (f) the sample Protection Philosophy as provided in the Distributed Energy Resources Connection Procedures; and

    (g) a list of restricted feeders by name and feeder designation that the distributor operates that are known not to have any short circuit capacity to accommodate a generation facility connection. The list must be updated as necessary to capture system reconfiguration or expansions and shall be updated at least every 3 months.

  13. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by deleting the heading “Connection of Micro-Generation Facilities” after section and replacing it with the heading “Connection of Micro-Embedded Generation Facilities.”
  14. Effective October 1, 2022, section 6.2.5 of the DSC is deleted and replaced with the following:

    6.2.5 A person who is considering applying for the connection of a micro-embedded generation facility to the distributor’s distribution system shall complete the applicant portion of the Micro-Embedded Generation Facilities Agreement and submit it to the Distributor, in accordance with the process established in the Distributed Energy Resources Connection Procedures. The Micro-Embedded Generation Agreement shall be available electronically, on the distributor’s website where available, with a paper copy available at the distributor’s address.

  15. Effective October 1, 2022, section 6.2.6 of the DSC is amended by inserting the following sentence at the beginning of the paragraph, prior to “Where the proposed micro-embedded generation facility is:”:

    A distributor shall use the process as specified in the Distributed Energy Resources Connection Procedures to process a request for connection of a micro-embedded generation facility.

  16. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by deleting sections 2.2.6A, 6.2.6B, 6.2.6C, 6.2.6D, 6.2.6E, 6.2.6F, and 6.2.6G.
  17. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by inserting the heading “Preliminary Consultation Information Request and Report” immediately following section 6.2.8B
  18. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by deleting section 6.2.9 and replacing it with the following:

    6.2.9 A distributor shall make available a Preliminary Consultation Information Request form, in the manner specified in the Distributed Energy Resources Connection Procedures, to a person who is considering applying for the connection of a generation facility to the distributor’s distribution system. The Preliminary Consultation Information Request Form should be available electronically on the distributor’s website and in hard copy at the distributor’s address.

  19. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by deleting section and replacing it with the following: The distributor shall respond within 15 days of receipt of a completed Preliminary Consultation Information Request form with a completed Preliminary Consultation Report, in the form specified in the Distributed Energy Resources Connection Procedures.

    1. A distributor shall provide a Preliminary Consultation Report to a person without charge up to 3 times in a calendar year. The distributor may recover from the person the reasonable costs incurred by the distributor in preparing the information Preliminary Consultation Report for the additional locations Preliminary Consultation Information Request forms beyond the three to be provided at no charge.
    2. A distributor shall meet with a person who requests a meeting coincident with the issuance of a Preliminary Consultation Report or after the person has received a Preliminary Consultation Report.
  20. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by deleting section 6.2.10 .
  21. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by deleting section 6.2.11 and replacing it with the following:

    6.2.11 A distributor shall make available a Connection Impact Assessment Application, in the form specified in the Distributed Energy Resources Connection Procedures, to a person who is considering applying for the connection of a generation facility to the distributor’s distribution system. The Connection Impact Assessment Application should be available electronically, on the distributor’s website where available, and in hard copy at the distributor’s address.

  22. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by inserting the heading “Small Embedded Generation Facility” immediately following section 6.2.11.
  23. Effective October 1, 2022, section 6.2.12 of the DSC is amended by deleting the word “the” immediately after “” and inserting the phrase “a distributor shall follow the process as set out in the Distributed Energy Resources Connection Procedures to process a request for connection of a small embedded generation facility” immediately following “”.
  24. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by inserting the heading “Mid-sized or Large Generation Facility” immediately following section 6.2.12.
  25. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by deleting section 6.2.13 and replacing it with the following:

    Subject to sections and, after receipt of a complete Connection Impact Assessment Application, a distributor shall respond with its assessment of the impact of connecting the generating facility:

    1. within 60 days for a mid-sized embedded generation facility;
    2. within 90 days for a large embedded generation facility;
    3. within 75 days for a mid-sized embedded generation facility when a host distributor CIA is also needed; and
    4. within 105 days for a large embedded generation facility when a host distributor CIA is also needed.
  26. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by deleting section 6.2.14A and replacing it with the following:

    6.2.14A If the distributor requires a transmitter or host distributor to complete a Transmission System review study or connection impact assessment, the distributor shall file an application with the transmitter or host distributor for such within 15 days of initiating a connection impact assessment study. A distributor will also inform the transmitter or host distributor in writing on an ongoing basis of any change in status of the project including removing the capacity allocation for the project, material changes in the projected in-service date of the project or placing the project in service.

  27. Effective October 1, 2022, section 6.2.18 of the DSC is amended as follows:
    1. Paragraph 6.2.18 (b) is amended by inserting the phrase “applies only to an exporting generation facility:” immediately after “(b)” and replacing “OPA” with “IESO
    2. Paragraph 6.2.18 (c) is amended by inserting the phrase “applies only to an exporting generation facility:” immediately after “(c)” and replacing “OPA” with “IESO”.
    3. Paragraph 6.2.18 (d) is amended by replacing “OPA” with “IESO”.
    4. Paragraph 6.2.18 (e) is amended by replacing “OPA” with “IESO”.
  28. Effective October 1, 2022, section 6.2.20 of the DSC is amended as follows:
    1. The phrase “, provides the distributor with a copy of the authorization to connect from the ESA” is deleted.
    2. The phrase “and the distributor receives a copy of the applicable authorization to connect from the ESA” is inserted immediately after the word “Agreement,”.
  29. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by deleting section 6.2.23 and replacing it with the following:

    6.2.23 A distributor shall follow the process as specified in the Distributed Energy Resources Connection Procedures to process a request for connection of a mid-sized or large embedded generation facility.

  30. Effective October 1, 2022, section 6.2.25 of the DSC is amended by deleting the sentence “A distributor shall require that new or significantly modified generation facilities meet the technical requirements specified in Appendix F.2.” and replacing it with the following sentence: “A distributor shall require that new or significantly modified generation facilities meet the technical requirements specified in CSA C22.3 No. 9.”
  31. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by inserting the heading “Cost Responsibility for Connection of Generation Facilities and Storage Facilities” immediately following section 6.2.30
  32. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by inserting the following new section 6.2.31 after the heading “Cost Responsibility for Connection of Generation Facilities and Storage Facilities”:

    6.2.31 Chapter 3 applies to all generation facilities, including storage facilities, connecting to a distributor’s distribution system.

  33. Effective October 1, 2022, the DSC is amended by deleting Appendix F.


Public Guardian and Trustee

Certificate of the Public Guardian and Trustee

(pursuant to s. 13.1 of the Public Guardian and Trustee Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.51, as amended)

  1. Effective August 1, 2022, interest shall be computed from the day on which the money was received by the Public Guardian and Trustee to the day before the date on which the money is available for payment to the person or trust entitled thereto and be added to each account and compounded at the end of each month;
    1. subject to subparagraphs (b) and (c) and paragraph 2 of this Certificate, on funds managed under the Mental Health Act, Substitute Decisions Act, Trustee Act, Victims’ Right to Proceeds of Crime Act, Ontario Disability Support Program Act, Powers of Attorney Act, Canada Pension Plan Act or other trust accepted by the Public Guardian and Trustee, at the rate of 2.25% per annum payable monthly and calculated on the closing daily balance;
    2. on funds managed under the Crown Administration of Estates Act, at the rate of 2.25% per annum payable monthly and calculated on the closing daily balance;
    3. on funds managed under the Cemeteries Act, at the rate of 2.25% per annum, payable monthly and calculated on the closing daily balance.
  2. Effective August 1, 2022, funds managed by the Public Guardian and Trustee pursuant to the Escheats Act and funds transferred to the Unadministered Estates Account of the Public Guardian and Trustee shall bear interest at the rate of 0%.
    1. Effective August 1, 2022, interest shall be computed from the day on which money was received by the Accountant of the Superior Court of Justice to the day before the date on which the money is available for payment to the person entitled thereto and be added to each account and compounded at the end of each month.
    2. Money paid or transferred to the Accountant of the Superior Court of Justice bears interest on the closing daily balance,
      1. in the case of money required to be held in United States currency, at the rate of 1.25%
      2. in the case of money deposited for the benefit of minors and parties under disability, at the rate of 2.25% per annum, payable monthly; and
      3. in the case of all other money, including litigants, at the rate of 2.25% per annum, payable monthly.

Dated: July 29, 2022

Kenneth Goodman
Public Guardian & Trustee

Stephen Sisokin
Stephen Sisokin on behalf of Chris Kautzky for Investment Advisory Committee
Approved by the Investment Advisory Committee pursuant to section 13.1 of the Public Guardian and Trustee Act, on July 29, 2022.


Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Residential Tenancies Act, 2006

section 120

guideline for 2023


The Guideline applicable for the year 2023 for the purposes of the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 is 2.5 per cent.

Dated this 28th day of July, 2022.

Steve Clark
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing


Marriage Act

certificate of permanent registration as a person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

July 25, 2022 to July 31, 2022

Name Location Effective Date
Carrol, Cemoye Jacqueline Mississauga, ON, CA 26-Jul-2022
Van Engen, Kathleen Lenora Peterborough, ON, CA 26-Jul-2022
Aitchison, Rock Douglas Ridgeway, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Archibald, Timothy Fisher London, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Bello, Ola Richard Brampton, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Blake, Richard Whitby, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Carubba, Nancy St George, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Davis, Eric William Bruce Petawawa, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Fulson, Gerhild Caistor Centre, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Gurung, Anmol Val Caron, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Hurry, Raheem Carl Brampton, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Jarvis, Tiffany Elyse Warkworth, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Lambert, Nathan Caleb Edward Kitchener, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Lane, John Ross Cambridge, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Leclair, Carole Gail Dundas, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Lukow, Peter David Peterborough, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Matthews, Stacie Marie Timmins, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Milton, Stephen Charles Toronto, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Mulder, Willem Marinus Springford, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Pollnow, Jonathan Seth St Thomas, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Rahn, Matthew Louis Cambridge, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022


Name Location Effective Date
Bulmer, Laura Hendrika Antoinette Verona, ON, CA 27-Jul-2022
Drobig, April-Dawn Kingstson, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Munce, Alayna Marie Toronto, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022
Vyas, Bipinkumar Toronto, ON, CA 28-Jul-2022

certificates of temporary registration as person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

July 25, 2022 to July 31, 2022

Date Name Location Effective Date
27-Jul-2022 to 31-Jul-2022 Hardy, Joel James Bridgetown, NS, CA 27-Jul-2022
15-Sep-2022 to 19-Sep-2022 Mosley, Sybil Montreal, QC, CA 27-Jul-2022
22-Sep-2022 to 26-Sep-2022 Savard, Bruno S Gatineau, QC, CA 27-Jul-2022
18-Aug-2022 to 22-Aug-2022 Savard, Bruno S Gatineau, QC, CA 27-Jul-2022
25-Aug-2022 to 29-Aug-2022 Savard, Bruno S Gatineau, QC, CA 27-Jul-2022
01-Sep-2022 to 05-Sep-2022 Carnahan, Brian Andrew Sechelt, BC, CA 28-Jul-2022

certificate of cancellation of registration as a person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

July 25, 2022 to July 31, 2022

Name Location Effective Date
Ball, Margareta Svea Guelph, ON, CA 25-Jul-2022
Chan, Victor Kanata, ON, CA 25-Jul-2022
Conrick, Gail Mary Trenton, ON, CA 25-Jul-2022
Gondere, Alemayehu Scarborough, ON, CA 25-Jul-2022
Lee, David Choong Kwon Markham, ON, CA 25-Jul-2022
Leung, James Yeng-On Toronto, ON, CA 25-Jul-2022
Lindenburger, Eitel London, ON, CA 25-Jul-2022
Lo, Kong Kingston, ON, CA 25-Jul-2022
MacKenzie, Scott J Newmarket, ON, CA 25-Jul-2022
Proctor, Verna Markham, ON, CA 25-Jul-2022
Snider, Andrew Brendan Toronto, ON, CA 25-Jul-2022
Turcotte, Leslie A Ottawa, ON, CA 25-Jul-2022
Wong, Julian Chi Man Markham, ON, CA 25-Jul-2022
Yen, Peter Chin Te Toronto, ON, CA 25-Jul-2022
Zhen, Jian Wei Markham, ON, CA 25-Jul-2022
Budden, Owen Cranley Wade Halifax, NS, CA 29-Jul-2022
Budden, Sandra Jean Halifax, NS, CA 29-Jul-2022
Hotson, Michael R Fonthill, ON, CA 29-Jul-2022
Lee, Cindy Yim-Ling Kitchener, ON, CA 29-Jul-2022
Marychurch, Levi Ottawa, ON, CA 29-Jul-2022

Alexandra Schmidt
Deputy Registrar General
