Order in Council

On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council, orders that:

O.C. 1185/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2 (1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2 (2), 5 (1) and 8 (1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of agriculture, food and rural affairs, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of agriculture, food and rural affairs, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in the Appendix A to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities, and the Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs, that are set out in Appendix B to this Order in Council.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1142/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government

Appendix A

Statutes Administered by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

AgriCorp Act, 1996

Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act

Agricultural Employees Protection Act, 2002

Agricultural Products Insurance Act, 1996

Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario Act

Agricultural Tile Drainage Installation Act

Animal Health Act, 2009

Animals for Research Act

Beef Cattle Marketing Act

Bees Act

Christmas Tree Day Act, 2015

Commodity Board Members Act

Commodity Boards and Marketing Agencies Act

Drainage Act

Farm Implements Act

Farm Products Containers Act

Farm Products Marketing Act

Farm Products Payments Act

Farm Registration and Farm Organizations Funding Act, 1993

Farming and Food Production Protection Act, 1998

Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001

Grains Act

Line Fences Act

Livestock and Livestock Products Act

Livestock Community Sales Act

Livestock Identification Act

Local Food Act, 2013

Milk Act

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Act

Nutrient Management Act, 2002, in respect of: the development and approval of nutrient management plans and strategies; registries for nutrient management plans and strategies and other documents; licences and certificates; authorizations; and the delegation of powers and duties pursuant to section 56 of this Act.

Ontario Agriculture Week Act, 1998

Ontario Craft Beer Week Act, 2017

Ontario Food Terminal Act

Plant Diseases Act

Pounds Act

Protection of Livestock and Poultry from Dogs Act

Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020

Tile Drainage Act

Veterinarians Act

Weed Control Act

Appendix B

Assignment of Powers, Duties, Functions, Responsibilities and Programs to the Minister and Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002, in respect of: the development and approval of nutrient management plans and strategies; registries for nutrient management plans and strategies and other documents; licences and certificates; authorizations; and the delegation of powers and duties pursuant to section 56 of the Nutrient Management Act, 2002.
  2. The Minister may exercise any of the other powers or perform any of the other duties and functions in respect of the Nutrient Management Act, 2002 which can be applied to support the responsibilities assigned to the Minister, including, but not limited to, responding to appeals of decisions of the Ontario Land Tribunal arising out of instruments issued by the Ministry.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002, in respect of: the development and approval of nutrient management plans and strategies; registries for nutrient management plans and strategies and other documents; licenses and certificates; and authorizations.
  2. The Ministry may carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs under any provisions of the Nutrient Management Act, 2002 which can be applied to support the responsibilities assigned to the Ministry, including, but not limited to, responding to appeals of decisions of the Ontario Land Tribunal arising out of instruments issued by the Ministry.


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1184/2022

Order in Council O.C. 1135/2022 dated August 11, 2022 is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1186/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Attorney General;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Attorney General (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of the Attorney General (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019 provisions that are referred to in Column B of Appendix B to this Order in Council.
  3. The Minister shall share with the Minister of Finance the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019 provisions that are referred to in column D of Appendix B. Shared powers, duties, functions and responsibilities may be exercised or performed by each minister individually or by both ministers jointly.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes, or parts thereof, set out in the Appendices to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1143/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government

Appendix A

Statutes Administered by the Attorney General

Absconding Debtors Act Absentees Act Accumulations Act Administration of Justice Act

Age of Majority and Accountability Act

Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Act, 2019

Aliens’ Real Property Act Apology Act, 2009

Arbitration Act, 1991 Architects Act

Assessment Review Board Act Bail Act

Barristers Act

Blind Persons’ Rights Act Business Records Protection Act Cannabis Control Act, 2017

Cannabis Licence Act 2018, except in respect of subsection 7(3) and clause 49(1)(k), which shall be shared jointly with the Minister of Finance

Charities Accounting Act

Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario Act, 2017

Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017, in respect of: section 151 and paragraph 10 of section 344; and section 333 and paragraph 1 of section 349

Children’s Law Reform Act Civil Remedies Act, 2001

Class Proceedings Act, 1992 Commercial Mediation Act, 2010 Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act Construction Act

Conveyancing and Law of Property Act Costs of Distress Act

Courts of Justice Act Creditors’ Relief Act, 2010

Crown Administration of Estates Act Crown Agency Act

Crown Attorneys Act

Crown Liability and Proceedings Act, 2019 Crown Witnesses Act

Declarations of Death Act, 2002 Disorderly Houses Act

Dog Owners’ Liability Act Donation of Food Act, 1994

Education Act, in respect of section 57

Election Act

Election Finances Act

Electoral System Referendum Act, 2007 Electronic Commerce Act, 2000

Enforcement of Judgments Conventions Act, 1999 Escheats Act, 2015

Estates Act

Estates Administration Act Evidence Act

Execution Act Executive Council Act Expropriations Act Family Law Act

Fines and Forfeitures Act

Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, in respect of: subsections 26(3)-(5) and (7), section 27, subsections 33 (2)-(3) and 36 (4)-(5) and Part X; and subsection 26(8) for adjudicative powers relating to the Fire Safety Commission

Fraudulent Conveyances Act Frustrated Contracts Act Gaming Control Act, 1992 Good Samaritan Act, 2001 Habeas Corpus Act

Hearings in Tribunal Proceedings (Temporary Measures) Act, 2020 Horse Racing Licence Act, 2015

Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Inquiries Act Human Rights Code

Human Trafficking Awareness Day Act, 2017

International Choice of Court Agreements Convention Act, 2017 International Commercial Arbitration Act, 2017

International Electronic Communications Convention Act, 2017 International Interests in Mobile Equipment Act (Aircraft Equipment), 2002 International Recognition of Trusts Act, 2017

International Sales Conventions Act

Interprovincial Summonses Act Judicial Review Procedure Act Juries Act

Justices of the Peace Act Law Society Act

Legal Aid Services Act, 2020 Legislation Act, 2006 Legislative Assembly Act Libel and Slander Act

Licence Appeal Tribunal Act, 1999 Lieutenant Governor Act Limitations Act, 2002

Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019 – responsibility for the administration of which is assigned in accordance with Appendix B

Magna Carta Day Act (in Memory of Julia Munro, MPP), 2020 Members’ Integrity Act, 1994

Mercantile Law Amendment Act

Ministry of Correctional Services Act, 1990, in respect of: sections 31 to 34, subsection 34.1(3), clause 58(e), and paragraphs (j) and (k) of subsection 60(1)

Ministry of the Attorney General Act Mortgages Act

Negligence Act Notaries Act Occupiers’ Liability Act Ombudsman Act

Ontario Association of Former Parliamentarians Act, 2000

Ontario Land Tribunal Act, 2021

Ontario Works Act, 1997, in respect of Part IV

Opioid Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act, 2019 Parental Responsibility Act, 2000

Partition Act Perpetuities Act

Police Services Act, in respect of: subsections 22 (3) and 82 (3) for adjudicative powers and procedures related to the Ontario Civilian Police Commission; sections 79 (1) and (3), 93 and paragraphs 26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 26.4 of subsection 135 (1) for matters relating to public complaints;

section 21, clause 22 (1) (f), subsections 23 (7)-(8) and (11)-(12); Part II.1; sections 47 (7)-(8), 56-60,

61 (1)-(2), (5)-(8) and (10), 62-63, 66-68.2, 69 (1)-(7) and (9)-(15), 71-75, 79 (2) and (4), 83 (3)-(4),

86, 87 (5) and (7), 88, 90 (2), 90.1, 91-92; subsection 116 (2), paragraphs 4.1, 23, 24, 24.1, 25 of

subsection 135 (1) and subsections 135 (1.1) and (1.2)

Powers of Attorney Act

Prevention of and Remedies for Human Trafficking Act, 2017 Professional Engineers Act

Prohibiting Profiting from Recounting Crimes Act, 2002 Property and Civil Rights Act

Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019, in respect of: sections 37, 39 and 40

Provincial Offences Act Public Accounting Act, 2004

Public Authorities Protection Act Public Guardian and Trustee Act Public Inquiries Act, 2009

Public Officers Act

Real Property Limitations Act

Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments (U.K.) Act Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act

Religious Freedom Act

Religious Organizations’ Lands Act Representation Act, 2015

Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, in respect of: Part XI; Part XII except for subsection 194 (3), sections 203 and 203.1; and paragraphs 62-67 and 69-71 of subsection 241 (1)

Revised Statutes Confirmation and Corrections Act, 1993 Safe Access to Abortion Services Act, 2017

Safe Streets Act, 1999 Sale of Goods Act Settled Estates Act

Settlement of International Investment Disputes Act, 1999 Short Forms of Leases Act

Solicitors Act

Special Investigations Unit Act, 2019 Statute of Frauds

Statutory Powers Procedure Act Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 Succession Law Reform Act

Supporting Ontario’s Recovery Act, 2020 Time Act

Tobacco Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act, 2009 Transboundary Pollution Reciprocal Access Act

Trespass to Property Act

Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act, 2019 Trustee Act

Unconscionable Transactions Relief Act Variation of Trusts Act

Vendors and Purchasers Act Victims’ Bill of Rights, 1995 Wages Act

Warehouse Receipts Act

Appendix B

Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019

Ministerial Powers, Duties, Functions and Responsibilities

A. LLCA provision B. Attorney General C. Minister of Finance D. Attorney General and Minister of Finance (Shared)
1 Interpretation No No Yes
2(1) Licence or permit required Yes–except in respect of the sale of liquor from retail stores and at wholesale No Yes–in respect of the sale of liquor from retail stores and at wholesale
2(2) Exception No Yes No
2(3) Representing manufacturers Yes No No
3(1) Application for a licence Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7, except insofar as they relate to the operation of retail stores or wholesale activities Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3, except insofar as they relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 insofar as they relate to the operation of retail stores and wholesale activities; and in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 insofar as they relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process
3(2) Endorsements Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements, on the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7, except insofar as those endorsements relate to the operation of retail stores or wholesale activities Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3, except insofar as those endorsements relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 insofar as those endorsements relate to the operation of retail stores or wholesale activities; and in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 insofar as those endorsements relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process
3(3) Granting of Endorsements Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7, except insofar as those endorsements relate to the operation of retail stores or wholesale activities Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3, except insofar as those endorsements relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 insofar as those endorsements relate to the operation of retail store or wholesale activities; and in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 insofar as those endorsements relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process
3(3.1) Same Yes No No
3(3.2) Same Yes No No
3(4) Ineligibility Yes No No
3(5) Same Yes No No
3(6) Prohibition, public interest Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of subsection 3(1) No Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 3(1)
3(7) Applying for licence after refusal or revocation Yes No No
4 Inquiries into applicant, etc. Yes No No
5 Registrar response, general Yes No No
6 Registrar’s response, manufacturer’s licence Yes No No
7 Registrar’s response, licence to operate liquor consumption premises or prescribed category or class of licence Yes No No
8 Issuance of licence Yes No No
9 Risk based licensing Yes No No
10 Conditions of licence Yes No No
11 Removal of conditions Yes No No
12 Continuance pending renewal Yes No No
13 Revocation, suspension or refusal to renew licence Yes No No
14 Changes requiring transfer of licence Yes No No
15 Transfers or consolidations of licence Yes No No
16 Special occasion permit Yes No No
17 Refusal of permit Yes No No
18 Disqualification before hearing Yes No No
19 Risk based permitting Yes No No
20 Conditions of permit Yes No No
21 Removal of conditions Yes No No
22 Revocation of permit by Registrar Yes No No
23 Revocation of permit by inspector or investigator Yes No No
24 Standards and requirements Yes No No
25 Notice of proposal Yes No No
26 Hearing Yes No No
27 Reviewing decision Yes No No
28 Application of federal legislation No Yes No
29 Advertising Yes No No
30 Unlawful inducements or promotions Yes No No
31 Intoxication Yes No No
32 Sale to intoxicated person Yes No No
33 Sell, supply liquor, person under 19 Yes No No
34 Prohibitions on possession, etc., by persons under 19 Yes No No
35 Prohibition, fake ID, etc. Yes No No
36 Warning sign – fetal alcohol spectrum disorder Yes No No
37 Unlawful consumption or supply of other alcohol Yes No No
38 Unlawful purchase Yes No No
39 Unlawful possession Yes–except in respect of paragraph (d) of subsection (1) Yes–in respect of paragraph (d) of subsection (1) No
40 By-law designating recreational area Yes No No
41 Place of possession or consumption Yes No No
42 Conveying liquor in motor vehicle Yes No No
43 Conveying liquor in boat Yes No No
44 Removing persons from premises re unlawfulness Yes No No
45 Removing persons from premises, other Yes No No
46 Police removing persons from premises re social responsibility, enforcement Yes No No
47 Police removing persons from premises re contraventions Yes No No
48 Taking to hospital in lieu of intoxication charge Yes No No
49 Detention in institution Yes No No
50 Exception for drugs and medicines Yes No No
51 Exception for research and education Yes No No
52 Civil liability Yes No No
53 Appointment of youth by Commission Yes No No
54 Inspectors Yes No No
55 Inspections Yes No No
56 Investigators Yes No No
57 Search warrant Yes No No
58 Searches in exigent circumstances Yes No No
59 Warrantless search of conveyances Yes No No
60 Seizure of things in plain view Yes No No
61 Other seizure without warrant Yes No No
62 Arrest without warrant Yes No No
63 Return of documents Yes No No
64 Restoration, forfeiture, relief Yes No No
65 Forfeiture of illegal liquor Yes No No
66 Obstruction Yes No No
67 Offences Yes No No
68 Penalties, general Yes No No
69 Penalties, sale, etc., to a minor Yes No No
70 Further penalty and forfeiture without exception, s. 39 illegal liquor Yes No No
71 Youth education, prevention programs Yes No No
72 Youth education, prevention program referrals Yes No No
73 Youth education, prevention program as alternative to penalty Yes No No
74 Copies admissible in evidence Yes No No
75 Analyst’s certificate or report No Yes No
76 Apparent age, person under 19 Yes No No
77 Confidentiality No No Yes
78(1)1 Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Attorney General is responsible Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Minister of Finance is responsible Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Attorney General and the Minister of Finance are responsible
78(1)2 Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Attorney General is responsible Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Minister of Finance is responsible Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Attorney General and the Minister of Finance are responsible
78(1)3 Yes–in respect of subject matters for which the Attorney General is responsible Yes–in respect of subject matters for which the Minister of Finance is responsible Yes–in respect of subject matters for which the Attorney General and the Minister of Finance are responsible
78(1)4 No Yes No
78(1)5 No No Yes
78(1)6 No Yes No
78(1)7 Yes No No
78(1)8 Yes No No
78(1)9 Yes No No
78(1)10 Yes No No
78(1)11 Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of subsection 3(1), except insofar as the regulations relate to the operation of retail stores or wholesale activities; and in respect of permits Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 3(1), except insofar as the regulations relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of subsection 3(1) insofar as the regulations relate to the operation of retail stores and wholesale activities; and in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 3(1) insofar as the regulations relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration the licensing system or the compliance process
78(1)12 Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of subsection 3(1), except insofar as the regulations relate to the operation of retail stores or wholesale activities; and In respect of permits Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 3(1), except insofar as the regulations relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of subsection 3(1) insofar as the regulations relate to the operation of retail stores and wholesale activities; and in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 3(1) insofar as the regulations relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration the licensing system or the compliance process
78(1)12.1 Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements, on the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7, except insofar as the regulations relate to the operation of retail stores or wholesale activities Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3, except insofar as the regulations relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 insofar as the regulations relate to the operation of retail store or wholesale activities; and in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 insofar as the regulations relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process
78(1)13 Yes–in respect of regulations requiring the provision of information to the Registrar Yes–in respect of regulations requiring the provision of information to the LCBO No
78(1)14 No Yes No
78(1)15 Yes–in respect of the licensed premises of licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of subsection 3(1), including ferment on premises facilities, except insofar as the regulations relate to the operation of retail stores or wholesale activities; and in respect of premises used by permit holders Yes–in respect of the licensed premises of licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 3(1), except insofar as the regulations relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process Yes–in respect of the licensed premises of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of subsection 3(1) insofar as the regulations to the operation of retail stores and wholesale activities; and in respect of the licensed premises of licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 3(1) insofar as the regulations relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process
78(1)16 Yes No No
78(1)17 Yes No No
78(1)17.1 No No Yes
78(1)18 No No Yes
78(1)19 Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Attorney General is responsible Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Minister of Finance is responsible Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Attorney General and the Minister of Finance are responsible
78(2) Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 No Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 3(1) and 7 of subsection 3(1)
78(3) No No Yes
78(4) Yes–in respect of regulations authorizing the Registrar Yes–in respect of regulations authorizing the LCBO No
79 City of Toronto by-laws Yes No No
80 Licence, permit, authorization No No Yes
81 Designation Yes No No
82 Prohibited areas Yes No No
83 City of Toronto by-laws Yes No No
84 Minister’s regulations re transitional matters Yes No No


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1187/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Children, Community and Social Services;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Children, Community and Social Services (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of community and social services; children and youth services, except as it relates to core mental health services for children and youth; and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of community and social services; children and youth services, except as it relates to core mental health services for children and youth; and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in Appendix A to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities, and the Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs, that are set out in Appendix B to this Order in Council.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1144/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government

Appendix A

Statutes Administered by the Minister of Children, Community and Social Services

Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy Act, 2021, except in respect of clause 6(1)(e)

British Home Child Day Act, 2011

Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017, in respect of children and youth services and adoption information disclosure, except as it relates to section 151 and paragraph 10 of section 344, and section 333 and paragraph 1 of section 349; and core mental health services for children and youth

Children and Youth in Care Day Act, 2014

Deaf-Blind Awareness Month Act, 2000

District Social Services Administration Boards Act

Family Responsibility and Support Arrears Enforcement Act, 1996

Health Protection and Promotion Act, in respect of the Healthy Babies Healthy Children program as described in the standards published under section 7, and any other provision of the Act as it relates to the administration of section 7 respecting that program

Indian Welfare Services Act

Intercountry Adoption Act, 1998

Intergenerational Day Canada Act, 2015

Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act, 2002

Ministry of Community and Social Services Act, in respect of children, youth, community, and social services, except as it relates to child care programs and services; core mental health services for children and youth; and sections 11.1 and 12 as they relate to Long-Term Care Programs and Services

Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, 2021

Ontario Child Benefit Equivalent Act, 2009

Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997

Ontario Down Syndrome Day Act, 2016

Ontario Works Act, 1997, except in respect of Part IV

Poverty Reduction Act, 2009

Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008

Social Work and Social Service Work Act, 1998

Soldiers’ Aid Commission Act, 2020

Appendix B

Assignment of Powers, Duties, Functions, Responsibilities and Programs to the Minister and Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister under Order in Council O.C.1144/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, except as it relates to citizenship and immigration matters, and such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities are assigned accordingly.
  2. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Ministry under Order in Council O.C.1144/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, except as it relates to citizenship and immigration matters, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned accordingly.


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1188/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of citizenship, multiculturalism, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of citizenship, multiculturalism, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in Appendix A to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities, and the Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs, that are set out in Appendix B to this Order in Council.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1230/2021 dated September 2, 2021 is revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government

Appendix A

Statutes Administered by the Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism

Albanian Heritage Month Act, 2016

Anti-Asian Racism Education Month Act, 2021

Anti-Racism Act, 2017

Armenian Heritage Month Act, 2022

Asian Heritage Act, 2005

Bangladeshi Heritage Month Act, 2016

Black History Month Act, 2016

Celebration of Portuguese Heritage Act, 2001

Dutch Heritage Month Act, 2011

Egyptian Heritage Month Act, 2019

Emancipation Day Act, 2008

Emancipation Month Act, 2021

Filipino Heritage Month Act, 2021

German Pioneers Day Act, 2000

Hellenic Heritage Month Act, 2019

Hindu Heritage Month Act, 2016

Hispanic Heritage Month Act, 2015

Holocaust Memorial Day Act, 1998

Holodomor Memorial Day Act, 2009

Islamic Heritage Month Act, 2016

Irish Heritage Day Act, 2004

Italian Heritage Month Act, 2010

Jewish Heritage Month Act, 2012

Korean Heritage Month Act, 2017

Lebanese Heritage Month Act, 2017

Lincoln Alexander Day Act, 2013

Major-General Sir Isaac Brock Day Act, 2012

Ministry of Citizenship and Culture Act, in respect of citizenship matters

Ontario Day Act, 2021

Ontario Flag Day Act, 2015

Ontario Heritage Act, except in respect of clauses 70(1)(a) and (e) as they relate to museums.

Persian Heritage Month Act, 2021

Polish Heritage Month Act, 2021

Pope John Paul II Day Act, 2014

Provincial Day of Service Act, 2022

Remembrance Week Act, 2016

Scottish Heritage Day Act, 2021

Sikh Heritage Month Act, 2013

Somali Heritage Week Act, 2020

South Asian Heritage Act, 2001

Tamil Genocide Education Week Act, 2021

Tamil Heritage Month Act, 2014

Tartan Act, 2000

Tibetan Heritage Month Act, 2020

Trans Day of Remembrance Act, 2017

Ukrainian Heritage Day Act, 2011

United Empire Loyalists’ Day Act, 1997

Vimy Ridge Day Act, 2010

Appendix B

Assignment and Transfer of Powers, Duties, Functions, Responsibilities and Programs to the Minister and Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of citizenship that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Children, Community and Social Services under Order in Council O.C. 1144/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, and such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities are assigned and transferred to the Minister accordingly.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of heritage that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries under Order in Council O.C. 1789/2019 dated November 28, 2019, as amended, except in respect of clauses 70(1)(a) and (e) of the Ontario Heritage Act as they relate to museums, and such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities are assigned and transferred to the Minister accordingly.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs in respect of citizenship that had been previously carried out by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services under Order in Council O.C. 1144/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred to the Ministry accordingly.
  2. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs in respect of heritage that had been previously carried out by the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries under Order in Council O.C. 1789/2019 dated November 28, 2019, as amended, except in respect of clauses 70(1)(a) and (e) of the Ontario Heritage Act as they relate to museums, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred to the Ministry accordingly.


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1189/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Colleges and Universities;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Colleges and Universities (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of colleges, universities and research and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of colleges, universities and research and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in the Appendix to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1788/2019 dated November 28, 2019, as amended, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government


Statutes Administered by the Minister of Colleges and Universities

Algoma University Act, 2008

Colleges Collective Bargaining Act, 2008

Education Act, in respect of sections 266.1 to 266.5, as they relate to post-secondary educational institutions and training institutions, their officers and employees, and persons enrolled in, or seeking admission to, such institutions

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario Act, 2005

Indigenous Institutes Act, 2017

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act except in respect of training and skills development

Northern Ontario School of Medicine Act, 2021

Ontario College of Art & Design University Act, 2002

Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Repeal Act, 1996

Post-secondary Education Choice and Excellence Act, 2000

Private Career Colleges Act, 2005

Université de Hearst Act, 2021

Université de l’Ontario français Act, 2017

University Expropriation Powers Act

University Foundations Act, 1992

University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, 2002


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1190/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of economic development, job creation and trade and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of economic development, job creation and trade and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in the Appendix to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 2/2019 dated January 17, 2019, as amended, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government


Statutes Administered by the Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade

Attracting Investment and Creating Jobs Act, 2012

Community Small Business Investment Funds Act, 1992, in respect of Part III.2 and in the application of the provisions of Part I, Part IV and the regulations to or in respect of an investment corporation registered or previously registered under Part III.2

Convenience Store Week Act, 2021

Development Corporations Act

Innovation Centre Governance Act, 2020

Invest Ontario Act, 2021

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Act

Ontario Capital Growth Corporation Act, 2008

Supporting Local Restaurants Act, 2020, except in respect of Parts III, IV and V


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1191/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Education;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Education (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Education (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of education and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of education and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in the Appendix A to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities, and the Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs, that are set out in Appendix B to this Order in Council.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1325/2010 dated September 15, 2010, as amended, is hereby revoked.
  2. Order in Council O.C. 1147/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government

Appendix A

Statutes Administered by the Minister of Education

Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014

Early Childhood Educators Act, 2007

Education Act, except in respect of sections:














266.1 to 266.5 inclusive, in so far as they relate to post-secondary educational institutions and training institutions, their officers and employees, and persons enrolled in, or seeking admission to, such institutions

Education Quality and Accountability Office Act, 1996

Ministry of Community and Social Services Act, in respect of child care services and programs

Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996

Ontario Educational Communications Authority Act

Ontario French-language Educational Communications Authority Act, 2008

Ontario School Trustees’ Council Act

Ottawa-Carleton French-Language School Board Transferred Employees Act

Provincial Schools Authority Act

Ryan’s Law (Ensuring Asthma Friendly Schools), 2015

Sabrina’s Law, 2005

School Boards Collective Bargaining Act, 2014

School Trust Conveyances Act

Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day Act, 2020

Teachers’ Pension Act

Teaching Profession Act

Appendix B

Assignment of Powers, Duties, Functions, Responsibilities and Programs to the Minister and Ministry of Education


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities under the Ministry of Community and Social Services Act in respect of child care services and programs.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs under the Ministry of Community and Social Services Act in respect of child care services and programs.


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1192/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Energy;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Energy (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Energy (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of energy, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of energy, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in the Appendix to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1034/2021 dated July 28, 2021, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government


Statutes Administered by the Minister of Energy

Electricity Act, 1998, except Part VIII and Part IX.1

Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010

Federal Carbon Tax Transparency Act, 2019

Hydro One Accountability Act, 2018

Hydro One Inc. Directors and Officers Act, 2002

Ministry of Energy Act, 2011

Nikola Tesla Day Act, 2021

Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998

Ontario Fair Hydro Plan Act, 2017

Ontario Rebate for Electricity Consumers Act, 2016

Power Corporation Act

Toronto District Heating Corporation Act, 1998

White Pines Wind Project Termination Act, 2018


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1193/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of the environment, conservation, provincial parks, conservation reserves, species at risk and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of the environment, conservation, provincial parks, conservation reserves, species at risk, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in Appendix A to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities, and the Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs, that are set out in Appendix B to this Order in Council.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1149/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government

Appendix A

Statutes Administered by the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

Adams Mine Lake Act, 2004

Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018

Capital Investment Plan Act, 1993, in respect of the Ontario Clean Water Agency

Clean Water Act, 2006

Endangered Species Act, 2007

English and Wabigoon Rivers Remediation Funding Act, 2017

Environmental Assessment Act

Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993

Environmental Protection Act

Great Lakes Protection Act, 2015

Kawartha Highlands Signature Site Park Act, 2003

Keeping Polystyrene Out of Ontario’s Lakes and Rivers Act, 2021

Lake Simcoe Protection Act, 2008

Ministry of the Environment Act

Ministry of Natural Resources Act, in respect of sections 7, 9, and 12 to support the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities of the Minister related to provincial parks, conservation reserves and species at risk

Municipal Water and Sewage Transfer Act, 1997

Nutrient Management Act, 2002, except in respect of: the development and approval of nutrient management plans and strategies; registries for nutrient management plans and strategies and other documents; licences and certificates; authorizations; and the delegation of powers and duties pursuant to section 56 of this Act.

Ontario Water Resources Act

Pesticides Act

Provincial Day of Action on Litter Act, 2019

Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006

Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016

Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002

Water Diversion Transition Act, 2016

Water Opportunities Act, 2010

York Region Wastewater Act, 2021

Appendix B

Assignment and Transfer of Powers, Duties, Functions, Responsibilities and Programs to the Minister and Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities of the Minister of the Environment in respect of the following Acts:
    1. Capital Investment Plan Act, 1993, in respect of the Ontario Clean Water Agency
    2. Ministry of the Environment Act
    3. Municipal Water and Sewage Transfer Act, 1997
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002, except in respect of: the development and approval of nutrient management plans and strategies; registries for nutrient management plans and strategies and other documents; licences and certificates; authorizations; and the delegation of powers and duties pursuant to section 56 of the Nutrient Management Act, 2002.
  3. The Minister may exercise any of the other powers or perform any of the other duties and functions in respect of the Nutrient Management Act, 2002 which can be applied to support the responsibilities assigned to the Minister, including, but not limited to, responding to appeals of decisions of the Ontario Land Tribunal arising out of instruments issued by the Ministry.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs of the Ministry of the Environment in respect of the following Acts:
    1. Capital Investment Plan Act, 1993, in respect of the Ontario Clean Water Agency
    2. Ministry of the Environment Act
    3. Municipal Water and Sewage Transfer Act, 1997
  2. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002, except in respect of: the development and approval of nutrient management plans and strategies; registries for nutrient management plans and strategies and other documents; licenses and certificates; and authorizations.
  3. The Ministry may carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs under any provisions of the Nutrient Management Act, 2002 which can be applied to support the responsibilities assigned to the Ministry, including, but not limited to, responding to appeals of decisions of the Ontario Land Tribunal arising out of instruments issued by the Ministry.


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1194/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Finance;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Finance (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Finance (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of finance, revenue and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio, except as otherwise provided in this Order.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of the Financial Administration Act provisions that are referred to in Column B of Appendix B to this Order in Council.
  3. The Minister shall share with the President of the Treasury Board the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of the Financial Administration Act provisions that are referred to in column D of Appendix B. Shared powers, duties, functions and responsibilities may be exercised or performed by each minister individually or by both ministers jointly.
  4. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019 provisions that are referred to in Column C of Appendix C to this Order in Council.
  5. The Minister shall share with the Attorney General the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019 provisions that are referred to in column D of Appendix C. Shared powers, duties, functions and responsibilities may be exercised or performed by each minister individually or by both ministers jointly.
  6. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities of the Chair of the Management Board of Cabinet described in subsection 4(2) of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Act, 1999 in respect of the approval of the acquisition, holding or disposition of any interest in real property by the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of finance, revenue and any matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes, or parts thereof, set out in the Appendices to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.

Revocation of Orders in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1150/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government

Appendix A

Statutes Administered by the Minister of Finance

Assessment Act

Automobile Insurance Rate Stabilization Act, 2003

Benefits Administration Integration Act, 2016

Canadian Public Accountability Board Act (Ontario) 2006

Cannabis Licence Act, 2018 in respect of subsection 7(3) and clause 49(1)(k) which is shared between the Minister of Finance and the Attorney General

Cannabis Taxation Coordination Act, 2019

Capital Investment Plan Act, 1993, except in respect of the Ontario Clean Water Agency and Part III

Commodity Futures Act

Community Small Business Investment Funds Act,1992, except in respect of Part III.2 and in the application of the provisions of Part I, Part IV and the regulations to or in respect of an investment corporation registered or previously registered under Part III.2

Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act

Corporations Tax Act

Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 2020

Education Act, in respect of sections 257.2.1, 257.5, 257.6, 257.7, 257.10, 257.11.1, 257.12, 257.12.1, 257.12.2, 257.12.3, 257.13 and subsection 257.19 (4)

Employer Health Tax Act

Estate Administration Tax Act, 1998

Financial Accountability Officer Act, 2013

Financial Administration Act, in respect of sections 1.0.11 to 1.0.13, 1.0.15, 1.0.18, paragraphs 3(1)(a) to 3(1)(h) and (i), subsections 3(2) to 3(6), sections 4, 5.2, 8, 12, 13, 16.1, 16.5, 16.6, 17 to 27, 29 to 37 and 46;

and in respect of sections 1, 1.02, 1.0.14, 1.0.16 to 1.0.17, 1.0.20, 1.0.22, 1.0.25, 1.0.26, 2, paragraph 3(1)(h.1), sections 5, 5.1, 6, 7, 7.1, 8.1, 10.1, 11, 11.4.1, 14.1, 16.3, 16.4, 28 and 38 (except clause 38(1)(a.3)) to 45, the administration of which is shared between the Minister of Finance and the President of Treasury Board

Financial Professionals Title Protection Act, 2019

Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario Act, 2016

Financial Services Tribunal Act, 2017

Fiscal Sustainability, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2019

Fuel Tax Act

Gasoline Tax Act

Highway Traffic Act, in respect of section 7.3, clause 7.4(a), sections 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 and 7.16

Income Tax Act

Insurance Act

Investment Management Corporation of Ontario Act, 2015

Land Transfer Tax Act

Liquor Control Board of Ontario Act, 2019

Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019 – responsibility for the administration of which is assigned in accordance with Appendix C

Liquor Sales Agreements Act

Liquor Tax Act, 1996

Loan and Trust Corporations Act

Mining Tax Act

Ministry of Revenue Act

Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders and Administrators Act, 2006

MPPs Pension Act, 1996

Municipal Property Assessment Corporation Act, 1997

Ontario Cannabis Retail Corporation Act, 2017

Ontario Guaranteed Annual Income Act

Ontario Loan Act, 1991

Ontario Loan Act, 1992

Ontario Loan Act, 1993

Ontario Loan Act, 1994

Ontario Loan Act, 1996

Ontario Loan Act, 1996 (No.2)

Ontario Loan Act, 1998

Ontario Loan Act, 2003

Ontario Loan Act, 2004

Ontario Loan Act, 2005

Ontario Loan Act, 2006

Ontario Loan Act, 2007

Ontario Loan Act, 2008

Ontario Loan Act, 2009

Ontario Loan Act, 2009 (No. 2)

Ontario Loan Act, 2010

Ontario Loan Act, 2011

Ontario Loan Act, 2012

Ontario Loan Act, 2013

Ontario Loan Act, 2014

Ontario Loan Act, 2015

Ontario Loan Act, 2016

Ontario Loan Act, 2017

Ontario Loan Act, 2018

Ontario Loan Act, 2018 (No. 2)

Ontario Loan Act, 2019

Ontario Loan Act, 2020

Ontario Loan Act, 2020 (No. 2)

Ontario Loan Act, 2021

Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Act, 1999

Ontario Retirement Pension Plan Legislation Repeal Act, 2016

Pension Benefits Act

Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act, 2015

Prepaid Hospital and Medical Services Act

Province of Ontario Savings Office Act

Province of Ontario Savings Office Privatization Act, 2002

Provincial Land Tax Act, 2006

Race Tracks Tax Act

Registered Insurance Brokers Act

Retail Sales Tax Act

Revenue Integrity Act, 2018

Securities Act

Securities Commission Act, 2021

Social Contract Act, 1993

Statistics Act

Tax Incentive Zones Act (Pilot Projects), 2002

Tax Increment Financing Act, 2006

Taxation Act, 2007

Taxpayer Protection Act, 1999

Tobacco Tax Act

Toronto Stock Exchange Act

Trust Beneficiaries’ Liability Act, 2004

Appendix B

Financial Administration Act

Ministerial Powers, Duties, Functions and Responsibilities

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
1 Definitions no no yes

part 0.1 Treasury Board And Ministry Of Finance Treasury Board

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
1.0.1 Treasury Board continued no yes no
1.0.2 Members yes — in respect of the Minister of Finance’s membership yes — except in respect of the Minister of Finance’s membership no
1.0.3 Chair and vice-chair no yes no
1.0.4 Procedure no yes no
1.0.5 Powers and duties no yes no
1.0.6 Board may require right to consent to fees, etc. no yes no
1.0.7 Special warrants no yes no
1.0.8 Board orders, supplementary expenditures no yes no
1.0.9 Expenditure transfer no yes no
1.0.10 Regulations no yes no

part 0.1 Treasury Board And Ministry Of Finance Ministry of Finance

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
A1.0.11 Ministry of Finance continued yes no no
1.0.12 Minister of Finance to have charge yes no no
1.0.13 Seal yes no no
1.0.14 Duties and powers of Minister of Finance yes — in respect of the Ministry of Finance, economic policy, taxation policy, and economic and statistical functions yes — in respect of the Treasury Board Secretariat, accounting policy and accounting functions yes — in respect of finance policy, finance functions, management of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and all public money; and in respect of issuing directives, policies and guidelines and establishing practices and procedures
1.0.15 Deputy Minister of Finance yes no no
1.0.16 Delegation of powers no no yes
1.0.17 Protection from personal liability yes — in respect of the Deputy Minister of Finance and the Ministry of Finance yes — in respect of the Deputy Minister of the Treasury Board Secretariat and the Treasury Board Secretariat no
1.0.18 Expenditures yes no no
1.0.19 Grants no no no

part 0.1 Treasury Board And Ministry Of Finance Financial Management

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
1.0.20 Financial responsibility no no yes
1.0.21 Payment may be withheld no yes no
1.0.22 Payment for special cases no no yes
1.0.24 Expenditures authorized by the Assembly no yes no
1.0.25 Provision of information to the Minister of Finance no no yes Duty of businesses, etc., to provide certain information no yes no
1.0.26 Preparation of Public Accounts no yes — in respect of subsections (2), (4) to (6) and (8) yes — in respect of subsections (1), (3), (7) and (9)

part I Public Money

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
1.1 Ontario Opportunities Fund no yes no
2 Public money to be credited to Minister of Finance yes — in respect of subsections (1) to (2) no yes — in respect of subsections (3) to (5)
3(1)(a) – (h), and (i) Minister of Finance’s investment powers yes no no
3(1)(h.1) Minister of Finance’s investment powers no no yes – as agreed between the Ministers
3(2) – (6) Minister of Finance’s      
Investment powers yes no no
4 Vesting of securities, etc., in Minister of Finance and successors yes no no
5 Settlement of or determination of uncollectability of debts, etc. no no yes
5.1 Remission of amounts owing to or recoverable by the Crown yes — in respect of tax-related remissions yes — except in respect of tax-related remissions no
5.2 Payment or credit re Excise Tax Act (Canada) yes no no
6 Minister of Finance authorized to accept certain gifts and bequests no yes — in respect of subsection (2) yes — in respect of subsection (1)
7 Money received for special purpose no no yes
7.1 Proxy investment funds no no yes – as agreed between the Ministers
8 Recovery of balance of public money yes no no
8.1 Additional fee for failure of payment no no yes
9 Refunds no yes no
9.1 Transition no yes no
10 Interest and penalties on unpaid debts to Crown no yes no
10.1 Collection, etc., of information no no yes

part II Disbursement Of Public Money

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
11 Payments out of Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF) yes — except in respect of subsection (5) and related approvals under subsection (4) yes — in respect of subsection (5) and related approvals under subsection (4) no
11.1 Appropriation required no yes no
11.2 Limits on charges to appropriations no yes no
11.3 Expenses limited to appropriations no yes no
11.4 Certificate for payments no yes no
11.4.1 Authority to pay interest on overdue amounts yes — in respect of the provincial borrowing program yes — except in respect of the provincial borrowing program no
11.5 Authorized investments no yes no
11.6 Estimates no yes no
11.7 Payment of certain accrued liabilities no yes no
11.8 Payment re: certain environmental remediation liabilities no yes no
11.9 Payment re: newly recognized liabilities no yes no
12 Payment of guarantee or indemnity yes no no
13 How public money to be paid in certain circumstances yes no no
14.1 Advances no no yes
15 Interim payments from CRF no yes no
16.0.1 Refund or repayment of expenditure or advance no yes no
16.0.2 Application of accounting principles no yes no
16.1 Collection agency fees yes no no

part II.1 Financial Management And Control

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
16.3 Definition no no yes
16.4 Payment of surplus funds into consolidated revenue fund no no yes
16.5 Deposits and investment by ministries of surplus funds yes no no
16.6 Financial activities yes no no

part III Public Debt

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
17 Definitions yes no no
18 Loans to be authorized yes no no
19 Money raised a charge on CRF yes no no
20 Authorization to borrow yes no no
21 Additional borrowing authorized yes no no
22 Guarantee or indemnity authorized yes no no
23 Temporary bank loans not exceeding $4 billion authorized yes no no
24 Recitals and declarations yes no no
25 Borrowing in foreign currencies authorized yes no no
26 Calculation of borrowing limit yes no no
26.1 Power to change form of debt yes no no
27 Exemption from taxation yes no no
28 Transactions that increase provincial liabilities no no yes
29 Execution of security certificates yes no no
30 Contents and conditions of securities yes no no
31 Registrars and fiscal agents yes no no
32 Officers not bound to see to trust yes no no
33 Payment of lost securities yes no no
34 Sinking funds yes no no
35 Payment of loan expenses out of CRF yes no no
36 Power to cancel securities acquired on sinking fund account yes no no
37 Statement re authority yes no no
38 Regulations no no yes — in accordance with underlying subject matter, except with respect to clause 38 (1) (a.3)

part IV Civil Liability

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
39 Notice to person failing to pay over public money no no yes
40 Unapplied public money for purpose to be applied out of CRF no no yes
41 Evidence no no yes
42 Liability for loss no no yes
43 Collection of debt by set-off no no yes
44 Books, etc., property of the Crown no no yes
45 Nothing in this Act to impair other remedies of the Crown no no yes

part V Reciprocal Taxation Agreements

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
46 Reciprocal taxation agreements yes no no

part VI Disbursements For Events At Which Politicians Speak

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
47. Prohibition no yes no

Appendix C

Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019

Ministerial Powers, Duties, Functions and Responsibilities

A. LLCA provision B. Attorney General C. Minister of Finance D. Attorney General and Minister of Finance (Shared)
1 Interpretation No No Yes
2(1) Licence or permit required Yes–except in respect of the sale of liquor from retail stores and at wholesale No Yes–in respect of the sale of liquor from retail stores and at wholesale
2(2) Exception No Yes No
2(3) Representing manufacturers Yes No No
3(1) Application for a licence Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7, except insofar as they relate to the operation of retail stores or wholesale activities Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3, except insofar as they relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 insofar as they relate to the operation of retail stores and wholesale activities; and in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 insofar as they relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process
3(2) Endorsements Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements, on the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7, except insofar as those endorsements relate to the operation of retail stores or wholesale activities Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3, except insofar as those endorsements relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 insofar as those endorsements relate to the operation of retail stores or wholesale activities; and in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 insofar as those endorsements relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process
3(3) Granting of Endorsements Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7, except insofar as those endorsements relate to the operation of retail stores or wholesale activities Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3, except insofar as those endorsements relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 insofar as those endorsements relate to the operation of retail store or wholesale activities; and in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 insofar as those endorsements relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process
3(3.1) Same Yes No No
3(3.2) Same Yes No No
3(4) Ineligibility Yes No No
3(5) Same Yes No No
3(6) Prohibition, public interest Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of subsection 3(1) No Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 3(1)
3(7) Applying for licence after refusal or revocation Yes No No
4 Inquiries into applicant, etc. Yes No No
5 Registrar response, general Yes No No
6 Registrar’s response, manufacturer’s licence Yes No No
7 Registrar’s response, licence to operate liquor consumption premises or prescribed category or class of licence Yes No No
8 Issuance of licence Yes No No
9 Risk based licensing Yes No No
10 Conditions of licence Yes No No
11 Removal of conditions Yes No No
12 Continuance pending renewal Yes No No
13 Revocation, suspension or refusal to renew licence Yes No No
14 Changes requiring transfer of licence Yes No No
15 Transfers or consolidations of licence Yes No No
16 Special occasion permit Yes No No
17 Refusal of permit Yes No No
18 Disqualification before hearing Yes No No
19 Risk based permitting Yes No No
20 Conditions of permit Yes No No
21 Removal of conditions Yes No No
22 Revocation of permit by Registrar Yes No No
23 Revocation of permit by inspector or investigator Yes No No
24 Standards and requirements Yes No No
25 Notice of proposal Yes No No
26 Hearing Yes No No
27 Reviewing decision Yes No No
28 Application of federal legislation No Yes No
29 Advertising Yes No No
30 Unlawful inducements or promotions Yes No No
31 Intoxication Yes No No
32 Sale to intoxicated person Yes No No
33 Sell, supply liquor, person under 19 Yes No No
34 Prohibitions on possession, etc., by persons under 19 Yes No No
35 Prohibition, fake ID, etc. Yes No No
36 Warning sign – fetal alcohol spectrum disorder Yes No No
37 Unlawful consumption or supply of other alcohol Yes No No
38 Unlawful purchase Yes No No
39 Unlawful possession Yes–except in respect of paragraph (d) of subsection (1) Yes–in respect of paragraph (d) of subsection (1) No
40 By-law designating recreational area Yes No No
41 Place of possession or consumption Yes No No
42 Conveying liquor in motor vehicle Yes No No
43 Conveying liquor in boat Yes No No
44 Removing persons from premises re unlawfulness Yes No No
45 Removing persons from premises, other Yes No No
46 Police removing persons from premises re social responsibility, enforcement Yes No No
47 Police removing persons from premises re contraventions Yes No No
48 Taking to hospital in lieu of intoxication charge Yes No No
49 Detention in institution Yes No No
50 Exception for drugs and medicines Yes No No
51 Exception for research and education Yes No No
52 Civil liability Yes No No
53 Appointment of youth by Commission Yes No No
54 Inspectors Yes No No
55 Inspections Yes No No
56 Investigators Yes No No
57 Search warrant Yes No No
58 Searches in exigent circumstances Yes No No
59 Warrantless search of conveyances Yes No No
60 Seizure of things in plain view Yes No No
61 Other seizure without warrant Yes No No
62 Arrest without warrant Yes No No
63 Return of documents Yes No No
64 Restoration, forfeiture, relief Yes No No
65 Forfeiture of illegal liquor Yes No No
66 Obstruction Yes No No
67 Offences Yes No No
68 Penalties, general Yes No No
69 Penalties, sale, etc., to a minor Yes No No
70 Further penalty and forfeiture without exception, s. 39 illegal liquor Yes No No
71 Youth education, prevention programs Yes No No
72 Youth education, prevention program referrals Yes No No
73 Youth education, prevention program as alternative to penalty Yes No No
74 Copies admissible in evidence Yes No No
75 Analyst’s certificate or report No Yes No
76 Apparent age, person under 19 Yes No No
77 Confidentiality No No Yes
78(1)1 Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Attorney General is responsible Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Minister of Finance is responsible Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Attorney General and the Minister of Finance are responsible
78(1)2 Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Attorney General is responsible Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Minister of Finance is responsible Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Attorney General and the Minister of Finance are responsible
78(1)3 Yes–in respect of subject matters for which the Attorney General is responsible Yes–in respect of subject matters for which the Minister of Finance is responsible Yes–in respect of subject matters for which the Attorney General and the Minister of Finance are responsible
78(1)4 No Yes No
78(1)5 No No Yes
78(1)6 No Yes No
78(1)7 Yes No No
78(1)8 Yes No No
78(1)9 Yes No No
78(1)10 Yes No No
78(1)11 Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of subsection 3(1), except insofar as the regulations relate to the operation of retail stores or wholesale activities; and in respect of permits Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 3(1), except insofar as the regulations relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of subsection 3(1) insofar as the regulations relate to the operation of retail stores and wholesale activities; and in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 3(1) insofar as the regulations relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration the licensing system or the compliance process
78(1)12 Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of subsection 3(1), except insofar as the regulations relate to the operation of retail stores or wholesale activities; and In respect of permits Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 3(1), except insofar as the regulations relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of subsection 3(1) insofar as the regulations relate to the operation of retail stores and wholesale activities; and in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 3(1) insofar as the regulations relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration the licensing system or the compliance process
78(1)12.1 Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements, on the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7, except insofar as the regulations relate to the operation of retail stores or wholesale activities Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3, except insofar as the regulations relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process Yes–in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 insofar as the regulations relate to the operation of retail store or wholesale activities; and in respect of prescribed endorsements on the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 insofar as the regulations relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process
78(1)13 Yes–in respect of regulations requiring the provision of information to the Registrar Yes–in respect of regulations requiring the provision of information to the LCBO No
78(1)14 No Yes No
78(1)15 Yes–in respect of the licensed premises of licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of subsection 3(1), including ferment on premises facilities, except insofar as the regulations relate to the operation of retail stores or wholesale activities; and in respect of premises used by permit holders Yes–in respect of the licensed premises of licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 3(1), except insofar as the regulations relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process Yes–in respect of the licensed premises of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of subsection 3(1) insofar as the regulations to the operation of retail stores and wholesale activities; and in respect of the licensed premises of licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 3(1) insofar as the regulations relate to social responsibility, other than liquor pricing, or the administration of the licensing system or the compliance process
78(1)16 Yes No No
78(1)17 Yes No No
78(1)17.1 No No Yes
78(1)18 No No Yes
78(1)19 Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Attorney General is responsible Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Minister of Finance is responsible Yes–in respect of provisions / subject matters for which the Attorney General and the Minister of Finance are responsible
78(2) Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6 No Yes–in respect of the licences set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 3(1) and 7 of subsection 3(1)
78(3) No No Yes
78(4) Yes–in respect of regulations authorizing the Registrar Yes–in respect of regulations authorizing the LCBO No
79 City of Toronto by-laws Yes No No
80 Licence, permit, authorization No No Yes
81 Designation Yes No No
82 Prohibited areas Yes No No
83 City of Toronto by-laws Yes No No
84 Minister’s regulations re transitional matters Yes No No


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1195/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Francophone Affairs;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Francophone Affairs (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Francophone Affairs (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of francophone affairs and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of francophone affairs and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in the Appendix to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1314/2018 dated December 5, 2018, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government


Statutes Administered by the Minister of Francophone Affairs

Franco-Ontarian Day Act, 2010

Franco-Ontarian Emblem Act, 2001

French Language Services Act


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1196/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Health;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Health (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Health (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of health and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of health and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in the Appendix to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1110/2019 dated August 8, 2019, as amended, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government


Statutes Administered by the Minister of Health

Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Research Foundation Act

Ambulance Act

Brain Tumour Awareness Month Act, 2001

Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 in respect of sections 5, 6, 8, 14, 15, 17, 18 and 20

Chase McEachern Act (Heart Defibrillator Civil Liability), 2007

Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 in respect of core mental health services for children and youth; and except in respect of sections 151, 222-227, 333, paragraph 10 of section 344, paragraphs 14-20 of subsection 346(1), paragraph 1 of section 349

Commitment to the Future of Medicare Act, 2004

Compassionate Care Act, 2020

Connecting Care Act, 2019, and responsibility in respect of sections 2, 18, 19 and 20 and subsections 21(4), 21(5) and 25(3) shared with the Minister of Long-Term Care, as they relate to long-term care homes

COPD Awareness Day Act, 2021

Covid-19 Vaccination Reporting Act, 2021

Defibrillator Registration and Public Access Act, 2020

Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act

Drug Interchangeability and Dispensing Fee Act

Eating Disorders Awareness Week Act, 2020

Endometriosis Awareness Month Act, 2021

Excellent Care for All Act, 2010

First Responders Day Act, 2013, responsibility for which is shared with the Solicitor General

Fluoridation Act

Gift of Life Act

Healing Arts Radiation Protection Act

Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority Act, 2021

Health Care Consent Act, 1996

Health Facilities Special Orders Act

Health Insurance Act

Health Protection and Promotion Act except the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities under section 7 as it relates to the Healthy Babies, Healthy Children program as described in the standards published under section 7, and any other provision of the Act as it relates to the administration of section 7 respecting that program; and responsibility in respect of section 78 shared with the Minister of Long-Term Care, as it relates to long-term care

Health Sector Payment Transparency Act, 2017

Healthy Menu Choices Act, 2015

Homemakers and Nurses Services Act

Homes for Special Care Act

Immunization of School Pupils Act

Independent Health Facilities Act

Katelyn Bedard Bone Marrow Awareness Month Act, 2010

Laboratory and Specimen Collection Centre Licensing Act

Local Health System Integration Act, 2006

Lupus Awareness Day Act, 2021

Mandatory Blood Testing Act, 2006

Mental Health Act

Mental Health and Addictions Centre of Excellence Act, 2019

Ministry of Community and Social Services Act in respect of core mental health services for children and youth and sections 11.1 and 12 respecting Long-Term Care Programs and Services

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Act except in respect of long-term care

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Appeal & Review Boards Act, 1998

Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act, 2010

Nurse Practitioner Week Act, 2016

Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion Act, 2007

Ontario Drug Benefit Act

Ontario Medical Association Dues Act, 1991

Oversight of Health Facilities and Devices Act, 2017

PANDAS/PANS Awareness Day Act, 2016

Patient Restraints Minimization Act, 2001

Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness, Research and Care Act, 2015

Private Hospitals Act

Provincial Framework and Action Plan concerning Emerging Vector-Borne Diseases Act, 2015

Public Hospitals Act

Quality of Care Information Protection Act, 2016

Recovery Month Act, 2021

Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991

  • Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Act, 1991
  • Chiropody Act, 1991
  • Chiropractic Act, 1991
  • Dental Hygiene Act, 1991
  • Dental Technology Act, 1991
  • Dentistry Act, 1991
  • Denturism Act, 1991
  • Dietetics Act, 1991
  • Homeopathy Act, 2007
  • Kinesiology Act, 2007
  • Massage Therapy Act, 1991
  • Medical Laboratory Technology Act, 1991
  • Medical Radiation and Imaging Technology Act, 2017
  • Medicine Act, 1991
  • Midwifery Act, 1991
  • Naturopathy Act, 2007
  • Nursing Act, 1991
  • Occupational Therapy Act, 1991
  • Opticianry Act, 1991
  • Optometry Act, 1991
  • Pharmacy Act, 1991
  • Physiotherapy Act, 1991
  • Psychology Act, 1991
  • Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis Act, 2021
  • Psychotherapy Act, 2007
  • Respiratory Therapy Act, 1991
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine Act, 2006

Safeguarding our Communities Act (Patch for Patch Return Policy), 2015

Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Day and Thalassemia Awareness Day Act, 2021

Skin Cancer Prevention Act (Tanning Beds), 2013

Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017

Terry Fox Day Act, 2015

University Health Network Act, 1997

University of Ottawa Heart Institute Act, 1999

Voluntary Blood Donations Act, 2014


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1197/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Indigenous Affairs;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Indigenous Affairs (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Indigenous Affairs (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of Indigenous affairs, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of Indigenous affairs, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in the Appendix A to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are set out in Appendix B to this Order in Council.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1154/2018 dated October 22, 2018, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government

Appendix A

Statutes Administered by the Minister of Indigenous Affairs

English and Wabigoon River Systems Mercury Contamination Settlement Agreement Act, 1986

Métis Nation of Ontario Secretariat Act, 2015

Nipissing First Nation Agreement Act (Tax Matters), 2012

Treaties Recognition Week Act, 2016


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1198/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Infrastructure;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Infrastructure (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Infrastructure (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of infrastructure, Government property, transit-oriented communities and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of infrastructure, Government property, transit-oriented communities and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in Appendix A to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities, and the Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs, that are set out in Appendix B to this Order in Council.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1155/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government

Appendix A

Statutes Administered by the Minister of Infrastructure

Building Broadband Faster Act, 2021

Electricity Act, 1998, in respect of Part IX.1

Forfeited Corporate Property Act, 2015

Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity Act, 2015

Ministry of Infrastructure Act, 2011

Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation Act, 2011

Ontario Place Corporation Act

Ontario Place Corporation Repeal Act, 2018

SkyDome Act (Bus Parking), 2002

Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation Act, 2002

Transit-Oriented Communities Act, 2020


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1199/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of intergovernmental affairs and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of intergovernmental affairs and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in the Appendix to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 3/2019 dated January 17, 2019 is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government


Statutes Administered by the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs

Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs Act


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1200/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development;

Therefore, pursuant to subsection 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of labour, immigration, training and skills development and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of labour, immigration, training and skills development and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in Appendix A to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities, and the Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs, that are set out in Appendix B to this Order in Council.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1790/2019 dated November 28, 2019, as amended, is revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government

Appendix A

Statutes Administered by the Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development

Ambulance Services Collective Bargaining Act, 2001

Back to Class Act (York University), 2018

Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021

Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Labour Dispute Resolution Act, 2017

Crown Employees Collective Bargaining Act, 1993

Digital Platform Workers’ Rights Act, 2022

Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act, 2009

Employment Standards Act, 2000

Fair Access to Regulated Professions and Compulsory Trades Act, 2006

Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, in respect of Part IX

Front-line and Essential Service Worker Week Act, 2021

Government Contract Wages Act, 2018

Hospital Labour Disputes Arbitration Act

Labour Relations Act, 1995

Ministry of Labour Act

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act, in respect of training and skills development

Occupational Health and Safety Act

Occupational Safety and Health Day Act, 2021

Ontario Immigration Act, 2015

Ontario Labour Mobility Act, 2009

Pay Equity Act

Pay Transparency Act, 2018

Protecting Child Performers Act, 2015

Protecting the School Year Act, 2015

Public Sector Dispute Resolution Act, 1997

Public Sector Labour Relations Transition Act, 1997

Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006, in respect of sections 21 to 27 and clause 31 (1) (b)

Registered Human Resources Professionals Act, 2013

Regulatory Modernization Act, 2007

Rights of Labour Act

Toronto Transit Commission Labour Disputes Resolution Act, 2011

Workers Day of Mourning Act, 2016

Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997

Appendix B

Assignment and Transfer of Powers, Duties, Functions, Responsibilities and Programs to the Minister and Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Labour, Training and Skills Development under Order in Council O.C.1790/2019 dated November 28, 2019, as amended, and such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities are assigned and transferred to the Minister accordingly. These include but are not limited to the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Labour, Training and Skills Development in respect of the Ontario Immigrant Investor Corporation.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that had been previously carried out by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development under Order in Council O.C. 1790/2019 dated November 28, 2019, as amended, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred to the Ministry accordingly.


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1201/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Long-Term Care;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Long-Term Care (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Long-Term Care (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of long-term care and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of long-term care and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in the Appendix to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1111/2019 dated August 8, 2019, as amended, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government


Statutes Administered by the Minister of Long-Term Care

Connecting Care Act, 2019 in respect of sections 2, 18, 19 and 20 and subsections 21(4), 21(5) and 25(3) shared with the Minister of Health, as they relate to long-term care homes

Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021

Health Protection and Promotion Act in respect of section 78 shared with the Minister of Health, as it relates to long-term care

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Act in respect of long-term care


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1202/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Mines;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Mines (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Mines (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of mines, including opportunities to develop the Ring of Fire, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of mines, including opportunities to develop the Ring of Fire, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in Appendix A to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities, and the Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs, that are set out in Appendix B to this Order in Council.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government

Appendix A

Statutes Administered by the Minister of Mines

Mining Act, except in respect of Part IV and section 92

Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry Act, in respect of mines matters

Professional Geoscientists Act, 2000

Appendix B

Assignment and Transfer of Powers, Duties, Functions, Responsibilities and Programs to the Minister and Ministry of Mines


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of mines that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry under Order in Council O.C. 1035/2021 dated July 28, 2021, and such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities are assigned and transferred to the Minister accordingly.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs in respect of mines that had been previously carried out by the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry under Order in Council O.C. 1035/2021 dated July 28, 2021, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred to the Ministry accordingly. These include but are not limited to the functions, responsibilities and programs of the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry under the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry Act in respect of mines matters.


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1203/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of municipal affairs, community planning, growth management, housing, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of municipal affairs, community planning, growth management, housing, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in the Appendix to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1157/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended by Order in Council O.C. 286/2020 dated February 14, 2020 and Order in Council O.C. 1348/2020 dated September 24, 2020, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government


Statutes Administered by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Barrie-Innisfil Boundary Adjustment Act, 2009

Building Code Act, 1992

City of Greater Sudbury Act, 1999

City of Hamilton Act, 1999

City of Kawartha Lakes Act, 2000

City of Ottawa Act, 1999

City of Toronto Act, 2006

Commercial Tenancies Act

Development Charges Act, 1997

Geographic Township of Creighton-Davies Act, 1997

Greenbelt Act, 2005

Hazel McCallion Day Act, 2016

Housing Development Act

Housing Services Act, 2011

Ministry of Infrastructure Act, 2011 in respect of clause 7(1)(b) with respect to growth management, clause 7(1)(c) and subsection 7(4) with respect to growth management and growth plans

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Act

Municipal Act, 2001

Municipal Affairs Act

Municipal Arbitrations Act

Municipal Conflict of Interest Act

Municipal Corporations Quieting Orders Act

Municipal Elections Act, 1996

Municipal Extra-Territorial Tax Act

Municipal Franchises Act

Municipal Tax Assistance Act

Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, 2001

Oak Ridges Moraine Protection Act, 2001

OC Transpo Payments Act, 2000

Ontario Mortgage and Housing Corporation Repeal Act, 2020

Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act, 2006

Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Review Act, 2006

Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994

Places to Grow Act, 2005

Planning Act

Public Utilities Act

Regional Municipality of Peel Act, 2005

Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 except in respect of Part XI; Part XII except for subsection 194 (3), section 203 and section 203.1; and paragraphs 62-67 and 69-71 of subsection 241 (1)

Road Access Act

Shoreline Property Assistance Act

Territorial Division Act, 2002

Toronto Islands Residential Community Stewardship Act, 1993

Town of Haldimand Act, 1999

Town of Moosonee Act, 2000

Town of Norfolk Act, 1999


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1204/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of natural resources, forestry and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of natural resources, forestry and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in Appendix A to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities, and the Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs, that are set out in Appendix B to this Order in Council.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1035/2021 dated July 28, 2021 is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government

Appendix A

Statutes Administered by the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry

Aggregate Resources Act

Algonquin Forestry Authority Act

An Act for the Settlement of Questions between the Governments of Canada and Ontario Respecting Indian Lands

An Act to Confirm the Title of the Government of Canada to Certain Lands and Indian Lands

Arboreal Emblem Act

Avian Emblem Act, 1994

Beds of Navigable Waters Act

Conservation Authorities Act

Conservation Land Act

Crown Forest Sustainability Act, 1994

Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Act, 2005

Far North Act, 2010

Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997

Fisheries Loans Act

Forest Fires Prevention Act

Forestry Act

Forestry Workers Lien for Wages Act

Gas and Oil Leases Act

Heritage Hunting and Fishing Act, 2002

Indian Lands Act, 1924

Indian Lands Agreement (1986) Confirmation Act, 2010

Industrial and Mining Lands Compensation Act

Invasive Species Act, 2015

Lake of the Woods Control Board Act, 1922

Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act

Mineral Emblem Act

Mining Act in respect of Part IV and section 92

Ministry of Natural Resources Act, except in respect of sections 7, 9, and 12 as they can be applied to support the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities of the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks related to provincial parks, conservation reserves and species at risk

Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act

North Georgian Bay Recreational Reserve Act, 1962-3

Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act

Ontario Forest Tenure Modernization Act, 2011

Ontario Geographic Names Board Act

Ottawa River Water Powers Act, 1943

Professional Foresters Act, 2000

Public Lands Act

Seine River Diversion Act, 1952

Steep Rock Iron Ore Development Act, 1949

Surveyors Act

Surveys Act

Wild Rice Harvesting Act

Wilderness Areas Act

Appendix B

Assignment and Transfer of Powers, Duties, Functions, Responsibilities and Programs to the Minister and Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry under Order in Council O.C. 1035/2021 dated July 28, 2021, in respect of natural resources and forestry, and such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities are assigned and transferred to the Minister accordingly. These include but are not limited to the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities of the Minister of Natural Resources in respect of the following Acts:
    1. Conservation Land Act
    2. Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997
    3. Fisheries Loans Act
    4. Forest Fires Prevention Act
    5. Forestry Act
    6. Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act
    7. Ministry of Natural Resources Act except in respect of sections 7, 9, and 12 as they can be applied to support the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities of the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks related to provincial parks, conservation reserves and species at risk
    8. North Georgian Bay Recreational Reserve Act, 1962-3
    9. Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act
    10. Ontario Geographic Names Board Act
    11. Seine River Diversion Act, 1952
    12. Wild Rice Harvesting Act
    13. Wilderness Areas Act


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that had been previously carried out by the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry under Order in Council O.C. 1035/2021 dated July 28, 2021, in respect of natural resources and forestry, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred to the Ministry accordingly. These include, but are not limited to the functions, responsibilities and programs of the Ministry of Natural Resources in respect of the following Acts:
    1. Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997
    2. Forest Fires Prevention Act
    3. Forestry Act
    4. Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act
    5. inistry of Natural Resources Act except in respect of sections 7, 9, and 12 as they can be applied to support the functions, responsibilities and programs of the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks related to provincial parks, conservation reserves and species at risk
    6. Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1205/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Northern Development;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Northern Development (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Northern Development (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of northern development, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of northern development, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in Appendix A to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities, and the Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs, that are set out in Appendix B to this Order in Council.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government

Appendix A

Statutes Administered by the Minister of Northern Development

Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry Act, in respect of northern development matters

Northern Ontario Grow Bonds Corporation Repeal Act, 2011

Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Act

Northern Services Boards Act

Appendix B

Assignment and Transfer of Powers, Duties, Functions, Responsibilities and Programs to the Minister and Ministry of Northern Development


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of northern development that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry under Order in Council O.C. 1035/2021 dated July 28, 2021, and such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities are assigned and transferred to the Minister accordingly.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs in respect of northern development that had been previously carried out by the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry under Order in Council O.C. 1035/2021 dated July 28, 2021, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred to the Ministry accordingly. These include but are not limited to the functions, responsibilities and programs of the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry under the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry Act in respect of northern development matters.


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1206/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (“Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of Government services, ServiceOntario, consumer protection services, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of Government services, ServiceOntario, consumer protection services, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in Appendix A to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities, and the Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs, that are set out in Appendix B to this Order in Council.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1152/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government

Appendix A

Statutes Administered by the Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery

Alternative Filing Methods for Business Act, 2020

Apportionment Act

Archives and Recordkeeping Act, 2006

Arthur Wishart Act (Franchise Disclosure), 2000

Assignments and Preferences Act

At Your Service Act, 2022

Bailiffs Act

Boundaries Act

Business Corporations Act

Business Names Act

Business Regulation Reform Act, 1994

Change of Name Act

Co-operative Corporations Act

Collection and Debt Settlement Services Act

Condominium Act, 1998

Condominium Management Services Act, 2015

Consumer Protection Act, 2002

Consumer Reporting Act

Corporations Act

Corporations Information Act

Discriminatory Business Practices Act

Electricity Act, 1998, in respect of Part VIII

Electronic Land Registration Services Act, 2010

Electronic Registration Act (Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Statutes), 1991

Extra-Provincial Corporations Act

Factors Act

Film Content Information Act, 2020

Financial Administration Act, in respect of section 1.0.19 and clause 38(1)(a.3)

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002

Government Services and Service Providers Act (ServiceOntario), 2012

Highway Traffic Act, in respect of Part III

Home Inspection Act, 2017

Horse Riding Safety Act, 2001

Land Registration Reform Act

Land Titles Act

Limited Partnerships Act

Marriage Act

Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Act

Ministry of Government Services Act, except in respect of services provided by the Treasury Board Secretariat

Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Act

Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002

Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

New Home Construction Licensing Act, 2017

Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010

Ontario Gazette Act

Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act

Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012

Partnerships Act

Payday Loans Act, 2008

Personal Property Security Act

Protection for Owners and Purchasers of New Homes Act, 2017

Real Estate and Business Brokers Act, 2002

Registry Act

Repair and Storage Liens Act

Retail Business Holidays Act

Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration Act, 1996

Securities Transfer Act, 2006

Simpler, Faster, Better Services Act, 2019

Supporting Local Restaurants Act, 2020, in respect of Parts III, IV and V

Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000

Ticket Sales Act, 2017

Travel Industry Act, 2002

Vintners Quality Alliance Act, 1999

Vital Statistics Act

Appendix B

Assignment and Transfer of Powers, Duties, Functions, Responsibilites and Programs to the Minister and Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that had previously been assigned and transferred to the Minister of Government and Consumer Services under Order in Council O.C. 1152/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, except in respect of the matters prescribed below, and such powers, duties functions and responsibilities are assigned and transferred to the Minister accordingly.
    1. Procurement (relating to the Supply Chain Transformation Office and pandemic preparedness) and Supply Ontario;
    2. Human resources, including pay and benefits, services; and
    3. Certain Government property matters assigned and transferred to the Minister of Infrastructure including but not limited to:
      1. The powers, duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of the SkyDome Act (Bus Parking), 2002; and
      2. The ministerial powers, duties, functions and responsibilities under the following provisions:
        1. Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, subsection 81(3)
        2. Ontario Water Resources Act, subsection 26(2)
        3. Public Lands Act, subsection 46(2).
  2. The Minister shall share (with the President of the Treasury Board) the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of the Ministry of Government Services Act insofar as they may be necessary or advisable for the purposes of presiding over the Ministry and otherwise exercising the powers and performing the duties, functions and responsibilities related to the Minister’s portfolio. Shared powers, duties, functions and responsibilities may be exercised or performed by each minister individually or by both ministers jointly.
  3. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities of the Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade in respect of section 5 of the At Your Service Act, 2022.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that had previously been carried out by the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services under Order in Council O.C. 1152/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, except in respect of the matters prescribed below, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred to the Ministry accordingly.
    1. Procurement (relating to the Supply Chain Transformation Office and pandemic preparedness) and Supply Ontario;
    2. Human resources, including pay and benefits services; and
    3. Certain Government property matters assigned and transferred to the Minister of Infrastructure that include but are not limited to the functions, responsibilities and programs of the Ministry under the Ministry of Infrastructure Act, 2011 and the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation Act, 2011.


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1207/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Red Tape Reduction;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Red Tape Reduction (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Red Tape Reduction (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of red tape reduction and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of red tape reduction and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in the Appendix to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government


Statutes Administered by the Minister of Red Tape Reduction

Modernizing Ontario for People and Businesses Act, 2020


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1208/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister for Seniors and Accessibility;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister for Seniors and Accessibility (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of seniors and accessibility and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of seniors and accessibility and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in the Appendix to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1159/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government


Statutes Administered by the Minister for Seniors and Accessibility

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005

Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001

Retirement Homes Act, 2010

Seniors Active Living Centres Act, 2017

Senior Volunteer Appreciation Week Act, 2021


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1209/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of tourism, culture, sport, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of tourism, culture, sport, and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in Appendix A to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities, and the Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs, that are set out in Appendix B to this Order in Council.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1789/2019 dated November 28, 2019, as amended, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government

Appendix A

Statutes Administered by the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Accommodation Sector Registration of Guests Act, 2021, responsibility for which is shared with the Solicitor General

Art Gallery of Ontario Act

Arts Council Act

Athletics Control Act

Centennial Centre of Science and Technology Act

Combative Sports Act, 2019

Community Recreation Centres Act

Foreign Cultural Objects Immunity from Seizure Act, 2019

George R. Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art Act

Historical Parks Act

Hotel Registration of Guests Act

Innkeepers Act

Lawren Harris Day Act, 2017

McMichael Canadian Art Collection Act

Metropolitan Toronto Convention Centre Corporation Act

Ministry of Citizenship and Culture Act, in respect of culture matters

Ministry of Tourism and Recreation Act

Niagara Parks Act

Ontario Heritage Act, in respect of clauses 70(1)(a) and (e) as they relate to museums

Ontario Trails Act, 2016

Ontario Wine Week Act, 2005

Ottawa Convention Centre Corporation Act

Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (In Memory of Gord Downie), 2019

Public Libraries Act

Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety), 2018

Royal Botanical Gardens Act

Royal Ontario Museum Act

Science North Act

Special Hockey Day Act, 2018

St. Lawrence Parks Commission Act

Status of Ontario’s Artists Act, 2007

Appendix B

Assignment and Transfer of Powers, Duties, Functions, Responsibilites and Programs to the Minister and Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries under Order in Council O.C. 1789/2019 dated November 28, 2019, as amended, except in respect of the matters prescribed below, and such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities are assigned and transferred to the Minister accordingly.
    1. Ontario Place Corporation;
    2. the cultural heritage Acts that are assigned and transferred to the Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism; and
    3. Ontario Heritage Act, except in respect of clauses 70(1)(a) and (e) as they relate to museums.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that had been previously carried out by the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries under Order in Council O.C. 1789/2019 dated November 28, 2019, as amended, except in respect of the matters prescribed below, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred to the Ministry accordingly.
    1. Ontario Place Corporation;
    2. the cultural heritage Acts that are assigned and transferred to the Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism; and
    3. Ontario Heritage Act, except in respect of clauses 70(1)(a) and (e) as they relate to museums.


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1210/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Minister of Transportation;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Minister of Transportation (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of Transportation (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of transportation and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of transportation and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in the Appendix to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1162/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government


Statutes Administered by the Minister of Transportation

Airports Act

Bridges Act

Building Transit Faster Act, 2020

Dangerous Goods Transportation Act

Dedicated Funding for Public Transportation Act, 2013

Highway 407 Act, 1998

Highway 407 East Act, 2012

Highway Memorials for Fallen Police Officers Act, 2002

High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes Act, 2017

Highway Traffic Act except in respect of sections 7.3, 7.4(a), 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.16, and in respect of Part III

Improving Customer Service for Road Users Act, 2001

Local Roads Boards Act

Metrolinx Act, 2006

Ministry of Transportation Act

Motorized Snow Vehicles Act

Off-Road Vehicles Act

Ontario Bike Month Act, 2015

Ontario Highway Transport Board Repeal Act, 2020

Ontario Northland Transportation Commission Act

Ontario Transportation Development Corporation Act

Photo Card Act, 2008

Public Service Works on Highways Act

Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act

Public Vehicles Repeal Act, 2020

Railways Act (The)

Shortline Railways Act, 1995

Toll Bridges Act

Towing and Storage Safety and Enforcement Act, 2021

Urban Transportation Development Corporation Ltd. Act


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1211/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the President of the Treasury Board;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The President of the Treasury Board (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Treasury Board Secretariat (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of the Treasury Board and Management Board of Cabinet, comptrollership, enterprise risk management, internal audit, labour relations, procurement, human resources, corporate policy, agency governance, emergency management and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of the Treasury Board and Management Board of Cabinet, comptrollership, enterprise risk management, internal audit, labour relations, procurement, human resources, corporate policy, agency governance, emergency management and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in Appendix A to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities, and the Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs, that are set out in Appendix B to this Order in Council.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 1163/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government

Appendix A

Statutes Administered by the President of the Treasury Board

Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Governance and Appointments Act, 2009

Auditor General Act

Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010, except in respect of sections 5, 6, 8, 14, 15, 17, 18 and 20

Broader Public Sector Executive Compensation Act, 2014

Building Ontario Businesses Initiative Act, 2022

Cabinet Ministers’ and Opposition Leaders’ Expenses Review and Accountability Act, 2002

Crown Foundations Act, 1996

Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act

Fairness in Procurement Act, 2018

Financial Administration Act, in respect of sections 1.0.1, 1.0.3 to 1.0.10, 1.0.21, 1.0.24,, 1.1, 9 to 10, 11.1 to 11.4, 11.5 to 11.9, 15 to 16.0.2 and 47; and in respect of sections 1, 1.0.2, 1.0.14, 1.0.16, 1.0.17, 1.0.20, 1.0.22, 1.0.25, 1.0.26, 2, paragraph 3(1)(h.1), sections 5, 5.1, 6, 7, 7.1, 8.1, 10.1, 11, 11.4.1, 14.1, 16.3, 16.4, 28 and 38 (except paragraph (1) (a.3)) to 45, the administration of the Act is shared between the President of the Treasury Board and the Minister of Finance

Flag Act

Floral Emblem Act

Government Advertising Act, 2004

Interim Appropriation for 2022-2023 Act, 2021

Lobbyists Registration Act, 1998

Management Board of Cabinet Act

Ministry of Government Services Act, in respect of services provided by the Treasury Board Secretariat

Ontario Provincial Police Collective Bargaining Act, 2006

Ontario Public Service Employees’ Union Pension Act, 1994

Personal Protective Equipment Supply and Production Act, 2022

Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019

Public Sector Expenses Review Act, 2009

Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996

Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006, except in respect of sections 21 to 27 and clause 31 (1) (b)

Public Service Pension Act

Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020

Supply Act, 2022

Supply Chain Management Act (Government, Broader Public Sector and Health Sector Entities), 2019

Supporting Retention in Public Services Act, 2022

Appendix B

Assignment and Transfer of Powers, Duties, Functions, Responsibilities and Programs to the President of the Treasury Board


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister under Order in Council O.C. 1163/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended. These include but are not limited to:
    1. the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities of the President of the Treasury Board in respect of:
      1. enterprise-wide capital and operational planning, expenditure management, controllership, enterprise risk management, internal audit; and
      2. the Financial Administration Act, as set out in Column C of Appendix C to this Order in Council;
    2. the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities of the Chair of the Management Board of Cabinet in respect of the Courts of Justice Act and the Justices of the Peace Act.
  2. The Minister shall share (with the Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery) the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of the Ministry of Government Services Act insofar as they may be necessary or advisable for the purposes of presiding over the Ministry and otherwise exercising the powers and performing the duties, functions and responsibilities related to the Minister’s portfolio. Shared powers, duties, functions and responsibilities may be exercised or performed by each minister individually or by both ministers jointly.
  3. The Minister shall share (with the Minister of Finance) the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of the Financial Administration Act, as set out in Column D of Appendix C to this Order in Council. Shared powers, duties, functions and responsibilities may be exercised or performed by each minister individually or by both ministers jointly.
  4. The Minister shall support the Minister of Finance in the Minister of Finance’s exercise of the powers and performance of the duties, functions and responsibilities under the Fiscal Sustainability, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2019, including powers, duties, functions and responsibilities related to the Auditor General’s pre-election review under that Act.
  5. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities in respect of emergency management that had been previously assigned to the Solicitor General under Order in Council O.C. 635/2019 dated April 18, 2019, as amended, including the powers and duties, functions and responsibilities of the Solicitor General under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.
  6. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that had been previously assigned and transferred to the Minister of Government and Consumer Services under Order in Council O.C. 1152/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, in respect of:
    1. procurement (relating to the Supply Chain Transformation Office and pandemic preparedness) and Supply Ontario, and
    2. human resources (including pay and benefits services).


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that had been previously carried out by the Treasury Board Secretariat under Order in Council O.C. 1163/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended.
  2. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs in respect of emergency management that had been previously carried out by the Ministry of the Solicitor General under Order in Council O.C. 635/2019 dated April 18, 2019, as amended.
  3. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that had been previously carried out by the Ministry Government and Consumer Services under Order in Council O.C. 1152/2018 dated October 22, 2018, as amended, in respect of:
    1. procurement (relating to the Supply Chain Transformation Office and pandemic preparedness) and Supply Ontario, and
    2. human resources (including pay and benefits services).

Appendix C

Financial Administration Act

Ministerial Powers, Duties, Functions and Responsibilities

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
1 Definitions no no yes

part 0.1 Treasury Board And Ministry Of Finance Treasury Board

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
1.0.1 Treasury Board continued no yes no
1.0.2 Members yes — in respect of the Minister of Finance’s membership yes — except in respect of the Minister of Finance’s membership no
1.0.3 Chair and vice-chair no yes no
1.0.4 Procedure no yes no
1.0.5 Powers and duties no yes no
1.0.6 Board may require right to consent to fees, etc. no yes no
1.0.7 Special warrants no yes no
1.0.8 Board orders, supplementary expenditures no yes no
1.0.9 Expenditure transfer no yes no
1.0.10 Regulations no yes no

part 0.1 Treasury Board And Ministry Of Finance Ministry of Finance

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
A1.0.11 Ministry of Finance continued yes no no
1.0.12 Minister of Finance to have charge yes no no
1.0.13 Seal yes no no
1.0.14 Duties and powers of Minister of Finance yes — in respect of the Ministry of Finance, economic policy, taxation policy, and economic and statistical functions yes — in respect of the Treasury Board Secretariat, accounting policy and accounting functions yes — in respect of finance policy, finance functions, management of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and all public money; and in respect of issuing directives, policies and guidelines and establishing practices and procedures
1.0.15 Deputy Minister of Finance yes no no
1.0.16 Delegation of powers no no yes
1.0.17 Protection from personal liability yes — in respect of the Deputy Minister of Finance and the Ministry of Finance yes — in respect of the Deputy Minister of the Treasury Board Secretariat and the Treasury Board Secretariat no
1.0.18 Expenditures yes no no
1.0.19 Grants no no no

part 0.1 Treasury Board And Ministry Of Finance Financial Management

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
1.0.20 Financial responsibility no no yes
1.0.21 Payment may be withheld no yes no
1.0.22 Payment for special cases no no yes
1.0.24 Expenditures authorized by the Assembly no yes no
1.0.25 Provision of information to the Minister of Finance no no yes Duty of businesses, etc., to provide certain information no yes no
1.0.26 Preparation of Public Accounts no yes — in respect of subsections (2), (4) to (6) and (8) yes — in respect of subsections (1), (3), (7) and (9)

part I Public Money

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
1.1 Ontario Opportunities Fund no yes no
2 Public money to be credited to Minister of Finance yes — in respect of subsections (1) to (2) no yes — in respect of subsections (3) to (5)
3(1)(a) – (h), and (i) Minister of Finance’s investment powers yes no no
3(1)(h.1) Minister of Finance’s investment powers no no yes – as agreed between the Ministers
3(2) – (6) Minister of Finance’s Investment powers yes no no
4 Vesting of securities, etc., in Minister of Finance and successors yes no no
5 Settlement of or determination of uncollectability of debts, etc. no no yes
5.1 Remission of amounts owing to or recoverable by the Crown yes — in respect of tax-related remissions yes — except in respect of tax-related remissions no
5.2 Payment or credit re Excise Tax Act (Canada) yes no no
6 Minister of Finance authorized to accept certain gifts and bequests no yes — in respect of subsection (2) yes — in respect of subsection (1)
7 Money received for special purpose no no yes
7.1 Proxy investment funds no no yes – as agreed between the Ministers
8 Recovery of balance of public money yes no no
8.1 Additional fee for failure of payment no no yes
9 Refunds no yes no
9.1 Transition no yes no
10 Interest and penalties on unpaid debts to Crown no yes no
10.1 Collection, etc., of information no no yes

part II Disbursement Of Public Money

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
11 Payments out of Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF) yes — except in respect of subsection (5) and related approvals under subsection (4) yes — in respect of subsection (5) and related approvals under subsection (4) no
11.1 Appropriation required no yes no
11.2 Limits on charges to appropriations no yes no
11.3 Expenses limited to appropriations no yes no
11.4 Certificate for payments no yes no
11.4.1 Authority to pay interest on overdue amounts yes — in respect of the provincial borrowing program yes — except in respect of the provincial borrowing program no
11.5 Authorized investments no yes no
11.6 Estimates no yes no
11.7 Payment of certain accrued liabilities no yes no
11.8 Payment re: certain environmental remediation liabilities no yes no
11.9 Payment re: newly recognized liabilities no yes no
12 Payment of guarantee or indemnity yes no no
13 How public money to be paid in certain circumstances yes no no
14.1 Advances no no yes
15 Interim payments from CRF no yes no
16.0.1 Refund or repayment of expenditure or advance no yes no
16.0.2 Application of accounting principles no yes no
16.1 Collection agency fees yes no no

part II.1 Financial Management And Control

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
16.3 Definition no no yes
16.4 Payment of surplus funds into consolidated revenue fund no no yes
16.5 Deposits and investment by ministries of surplus funds yes no no
16.6 Financial activities yes no no

part III Public Debt

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
17 Definitions yes no no
18 Loans to be authorized yes no no
19 Money raised a charge on CRF yes no no
20 Authorization to borrow yes no no
21 Additional borrowing authorized yes no no
22 Guarantee or indemnity authorized yes no no
23 Temporary bank loans not exceeding $4 billion authorized yes no no
24 Recitals and declarations yes no no
25 Borrowing in foreign currencies authorized yes no no
26 Calculation of borrowing limit yes no no
26.1 Power to change form of debt yes no no
27 Exemption from taxation yes no no
28 Transactions that increase provincial liabilities no no yes
29 Execution of security certificates yes no no
30 Contents and conditions of securities yes no no
31 Registrars and fiscal agents yes no no
32 Officers not bound to see to trust yes no no
33 Payment of lost securities yes no no
34 Sinking funds yes no no
35 Payment of loan expenses out of CRF yes no no
36 Power to cancel securities acquired on sinking fund account yes no no
37 Statement re authority yes no no
38 Regulations no no yes — in accordance with underlying subject matter, except with respect to clause 38 (1) (a.3)

part IV Civil Liability

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
39 Notice to person failing to pay over public money no no yes
40 Unapplied public money for purpose to be applied out of CRF no no yes
41 Evidence no no yes
42 Liability for loss no no yes
43 Collection of debt by set-off no no yes
44 Books, etc., property of the Crown no no yes
45 Nothing in this Act to impair other remedies of the Crown no no yes

part V Reciprocal Taxation Agreements

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
46 Reciprocal taxation agreements yes no no

part VI Disbursements For Events At Which Politicians Speak

A. FAA provision B. Minister of Finance C. President of the Treasury Board D. Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board (Shared)
47 Prohibition no yes no


On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

O.C. 1212/2022

Whereas pursuant to subsection 2(1) of the Executive Council Act, a member of the Executive Council has been appointed under the Great Seal to hold office as the Solicitor General;

Therefore, pursuant to subsections 2(2), 5(1) and 8(1) of the Executive Council Act:

Minister to preside over Ministry

  1. The Solicitor General (the “Minister”) shall preside over a ministry known as the Ministry of the Solicitor General (the “Ministry”).


  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that are assigned by law to the Minister or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Minister in respect of community safety and correctional services and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.


  1. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that are assigned by law to the Ministry or that may otherwise be assigned to or undertaken by the Ministry in respect of community safety and correctional services and any other matters related to the Minister’s portfolio.

Administration of Statutes

  1. Despite any provision of a statute or Order in Council, the administration of the statutes set out in Appendix A to this Order in Council is assigned to the Minister.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities, and the Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs, that are set out in Appendix B to this Order in Council.

Revocation of Order in Council

  1. Order in Council O.C. 635/2019 dated April 18, 2019, as amended, is hereby revoked.


Doug Ford
Premier and President of the Council


Victor Fedeli
Chair of Cabinet

Approved and Ordered August 29, 2022.

Geoffrey B. Morawetz
Administrator of the Government

Appendix A

Statutes Administered by the Solicitor General

Accommodation Sector Registration of Guests Act, 2021 responsibility for which is shared with the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Ammunition Regulation Act, 1994

Anatomy Act

Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy Act, 2021, in respect of: clause 6(1)(e)

Christopher’s Law (Sex Offender Registry), 2000

Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019

Coroners Act

Correctional Services and Reintegration Act, 2018

Correctional Services Staff Recognition Week Act, 2016

Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, except in respect of: subsections 26 (3)–(5) and (7), section 27, subsections 33 (2)-(3) and 36 (4)-(5), subsection 26(8) for adjudicative powers relating to the Fire Safety Commission, Part IX and Part X.

Firefighters’ Memorial Day Act, 2000

First Responders Day Act, 2013, responsibility for which is shared with the Minister of Health

Forensic Laboratories Act, 2018

Hawkins Gignac Act (Carbon Monoxide Safety), 2013

Imitation Firearms Regulation Act, 2000

Interprovincial Policing Act, 2009

Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act, 2022

Mandatory Gunshot Wounds Reporting Act, 2005

Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services Act, 2018

Ministry of Correctional Services Act, except in respect of: sections 31 to 34, subsection 34.1 (3), subsection 58 (e) and clauses (j) and (k) of subsection 60 (1).

Ministry of the Solicitor General Act

Missing Persons Act, 2018

Pawnbrokers Act

Police Record Checks Reform Act, 2015

Police Services Act, except in respect of: subsections 22 (3) and 82 (3) for adjudicative powers and procedures related to the Ontario Civilian Police Commission, subsections 79 (1) and (3), 93 and paragraphs 26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 26.4 of subsection 135 (1) for matters relating to public complaints, section 21, clause 22 (1) (f), subsections 23 (7)–(8) and (11)–(12); Part II.1; sections 47 (7)–(8), 56–60, 61 (1)–(2), (5)–(8) and (10), 62–63, 66–68.2, 69 (1)–(7) and (9)–(15), 71–75, 79 (2) and (4), 83 (3)–(4), 86, 87 (5) and (7), 88, 90 (2), 90.1, 91 – 92, subsection 116 (2), paragraphs 4.1, 23, 24, 24.1, 25 of subsection 135 (1), and subsections 135 (1.1) and (1.2).

Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005

Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 except in respect of: sections 37, 39, and 40.

PTSD Awareness Day Act, 2019

Security for Electricity Generating Facilities and Nuclear Facilities Act, 2014

Appendix B

Assignment of Powers, Duties, Functions, Responsibilities and Programs to the Solicitor General and Ministry of the Solicitor General

  1. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that had been previously assigned to the Minister of Correctional Services, including but not limited to the powers, duties, functions and responsibilities of the Minister of Correctional Services under the Ministry of Correctional Services Act except as set out in Appendix A.
  2. The Minister shall exercise the powers and perform the duties, functions and responsibilities that had previously been assigned to the Minister under Order in Council O.C. 635/2019 dated April 18, 2019, as amended, in respect of the Public Safety Radio Network and related projects, including related powers, duties, functions and responsibilities under the Ministry of Government Services Act.
  3. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that had been previously assigned to the Ministry in respect of correctional services, including but not limited to the functions, responsibilities and programs of the Ministry of Correctional Services under the Ministry of Correctional Services Act except as set out in Appendix A.
  4. The Ministry shall carry out the functions, responsibilities and programs that had previously been assigned to the Ministry under Order in Council O.C. 635/2019 dated April 18, 2019, as amended, in respect of the Public Safety Radio Network and related projects, and such functions, responsibilities and programs are assigned and transferred to the Ministry accordingly.


Marriage Act

certificate of permanent registration as a person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

August 29, 2022 to September 04, 2022

Name Location Effective Date
Bak-Nielsen, Cheryl Lynn LaSalle, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Bocobo, Jesse Anthony Rustria Niagara Falls, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Brown, Glanville Toronto, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Folino, Giulietta Richmond Hill, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Garnhum, Ryan Alexander Graham Thorold, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Jose, Jithin Peterborough, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Kelly, Dan Killaloe, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Kim, Ryookyung Toronto, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Kobrii, Vasyl Toronto, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Langiano, Joanne Marie Newmarket, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Murphy, Donna Louise Kingston, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Paulvin-Atuzie, Kendy Bobuchim North York, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Pilkey, Andrew Newton William Englehart, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Rachfalowski, Robert Toronto, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Raven, Cynthia Amalia Toronto, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Rienas, Gabriele Aurora, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Rioux, Jamie John Chatham, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Song, Alexander Windsor, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Throupe, Karen Thunder Bay, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Vautour, Brian Paul Petawawa, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Wilson, Garfield Dwayne Brantford, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022


Name Location Effective Date
Lampkin, Sholla Laurette Whitby, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Lippman, William Becker Stouffville, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Markham, Lester Everett St Catharines, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Moore, Krista Marie Scarborough, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022
Rausch, Jurgen Fredrick Warsaw, ON, CA 31-Aug-2022

certificates of temporary registration as person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

August 29, 2022 to September 04, 2022

Date Name Location Effective Date
13-Oct-2022 to 17-Oct-2022 Cooke, Reid A Niagara Falls, ON, CA 30-Aug-2022
08-Sep-2022 to 12-Sep-2022 Makacinas, Stanley Niagara Falls, ON, CA 30-Aug-2022
01-Oct-2022 to 05-Oct-2022 Michael E, Rogers Saskatoon, SK, CA 30-Aug-2022
02-Nov-2022 to 06-Nov-2022 Plat, Albert John Athabasca, AB, CA 30-Aug-2022
08-Sep-2022 to 12-Sep-2022 Westerveld, Larry John Hatboro, PA, USA 01-Sep-2022

certificate of cancellation of registration as a person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

DATE August 29, 2022 to September 04, 2022


Name Location Effective Date
Conn, Roy A Murillo, ON, CA 29-Aug-2022
Hartwig, Darryl Iroquios Falls, ON, CA 29-Aug-2022
Horsburgh, Edward N Elliot Lake, ON, CA 29-Aug-2022
Luchies, Andrew John Ancaster, ON, CA 29-Aug-2022
Marek, Pawel Lombard, IL, USA 29-Aug-2022
Van Volkingburgh, Peter A Manitowaning, ON, CA 29-Aug-2022
Collymore, Joyce Mazeline Etobicoke, ON, CA 01-Sep-2022
Gordon, Jennie Marie Thorold, ON, CA 01-Sep-2022
Henkel, Arthur Oshawa, ON, CA 01-Sep-2022
Imler, David Oshawa, ON, CA 01-Sep-2022
Morley, Patricia Louise Thornhill, ON, CA 01-Sep-2022
Morris, Dwayne Dean Brook Park, OH, USA 01-Sep-2022

Alexandra Schmidt
Deputy Registrar General
