Government Notices — Other

Ontario Energy Board

Proposed Amendments to the Distribution System Code

Amendments made on March 7, 2023 come into effect on June 7, 2023:

  1. References to the Ontario Power Authority and OPA have been changed to Independent Electricity System Operator and IESO as appropriate throughout the Code.
  2. The definition of “capacity allocation exempt small embedded generation facility” in section 1.2.1 is deleted.
  3. Section 1.7 is amended by inserting the following sentence at the end of the section:

    The amendments to sections 1.2, 6.2 and 6.2A made by the Board on March 7, 2023 come into effect on June 7, 2023.

  4. Section is amended as follows:
    1. (e) iii) Deleting the comma and “6.2.18B,” immediately after “6.2.18A”.
  5. Section is amended by deleting the words “a capacity allocation exempt small embedded generation facility,” immediately after the words “Section does not apply to an application to connect a micro-embedded generation facility,”.
  6. Section is deleted
  7. Section 6.2.8A is deleted
  8. Section 6.2.8B is deleted
  9. Section 6.2.12 is amended by deleting the sentence “An offer to connect made to an applicant proposing to connect a capacity allocation exempt small embedded generation facility may be revoked by the distributor if not accepted by the applicant within 60 days.”
  10. Section 6.2.18 is amended as follows:
    1. Paragraph (b) is deleted
    2. Paragraph (c) is deleted
    3. Paragraph (d) is deleted
  11. Section 6.2.18A is amended by deleting the words “and a capacity allocation deposit equal to $20,000 per MW of capacity of the embedded generation facility” immediately after the words “total allocated cost of connection”.
  12. Section 6.2.18B is deleted
  13. Section 6.2.18D is amended as follows:
    1. Deleting the comma and the words “capacity allocation deposit or additional capacity allocation deposit” immediately after the words “Any connection cost deposit”.
    2. Deleting the comma and the words “capacity allocation deposit and/or additional capacity allocation deposit” immediately after the words “required connection cost deposit”.
  14. Section 6.2.18F is amended by deleting the sentence “If, following the connection of an embedded generation facility to the distributor’s distribution system the distributor determines that the amount of the connection cost deposit provided by the applicant exceeded the costs allocated to the applicant and related to connecting the generation facility to the distributor’s distribution system, the distributor shall at the time of connection refund to the applicant the amount by which the connection cost deposit exceeded the costs related to connecting the embedded generation facility.” and replacing it with the following:

    “Following the connection of an embedded generation facility to the distributor’s distribution system a distributor shall, upon providing its permission to operate to an applicant as set out in the Distributed Energy Resource Connection Procedures:

    1. at the time of providing its permission to operate to an applicant, where the agreed project scope for the connection has not yet been completed, provide a list of the incomplete elements of the agreed project scope for the connection;
    2. no later than 60 days after providing its permission to operate, provide the applicant with a preliminary connection cost report specifying the total actual connection costs incurred and allocated to the applicant, including any host distributor and/or transmitter costs, as of the date upon which the distributor issued its permission to operate;
    3. where the agreed project scope for the connection has been completed at the time the permission to operate has been provided by the distributor, and where the distributor determines that the amount of the connection cost deposit provided by the applicant exceeded the actual costs incurred by the distributor that were allocated to the applicant, refund to the applicant the amount of the unused connection cost deposit as soon as possible and no later than:
      1. 180 days after providing its permission to operate, where the distributor is not an embedded distributor; or
      2. 210 days after providing its permission to operate, where the distributor is an embedded distributor;
    4. where the agreed project scope for the connection has not been completed at the time the permission to operate has been provided by the distributor:
      1. where the agreed project scope for the connection, including those elements of the agreed project scope identified pursuant to subsection (a), is completed within 90 days after the distributor provides its permission to operate, and where the distributor determines that the amount of the connection cost deposit provided by the applicant exceeded the actual costs incurred by the distributor that were allocated to the applicant, the distributor shall refund to the applicant the amount of the unused connection cost deposit within the number of days specified in subsection (c);
      2. where the agreed project scope for the connection, including those elements of the agreed project scope identified pursuant to subsection (a), is completed more than 90 days after the distributor has provided its permission to operate, and where the distributor determines that the amount of the connection cost deposit provided by the applicant exceeded the actual costs incurred by the distributor that were allocated to the applicant, the distributor shall refund to the applicant the amount of the unused connection cost deposit within:
        1. 90 days of the completion of the agreed project scope for the connection, where the distributor is not an embedded distributor; or,
        2. 120 days of the completion of the agreed project scope for the connection, where the distributor is an embedded distributor.”
  15. Section 6.2.18H is amended as follows:
    1. Inserting a comma after the words “additional capacity allocation deposit” followed by the words “including interest as calculated according to section 6.2.18I,”.
    2. Deleting the words “30 calendar days after the applicant connects to the distributor’s distribution system.” immediately after the words “no later than” and replacing them with the words “the earlier of 30 calendar days after the applicant receives the distributor’s permission to operate or December 4, 2023.
  16. Section 6.2.18I is amended as follows:
    1. Deleting the words “capacity allocation deposit or additional capacity allocation deposit” immediately after the words “any connection cost deposit”.
    2. Deleting the comma and the words “capacity allocation deposit or additional capacity allocation deposit” immediately after the words “such connection cost deposit”.
    3. Deleting the words “or deposits” after the words “the return of such deposit”
  17. Section 6.2A.3 is amended as follows:
    1. Deleting the words “a capacity allocation deposit, an additional capacity allocation deposit and” immediately after the words “‘deposit’ means”.
    2. Deleting the comma and words “as applicable” immediately after the words “connection cost deposit”.


Marriage Act

certificate of permanent registration as a person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

April 17, 2023 to April 23, 2023

Name Location Effective Date
Kamruzzaman, Muhammad Scarborough, ON, CA 19-Apr-2023
Alhalabi, Zakwan Mississauga, ON, CA 20-Apr-2023
Locaberte, Marlon Rosario Brampton, ON, CA 20-Apr-2023
Makan, Aiyub Ismail Scarborough, ON, CA 20-Apr-2023
Davidson, John Gregory Dundas, ON, CA 21-Apr-2023
De Sousa, Madison Ottawa, ON, CA 21-Apr-2023
DenHartogh, Todd Windsor, ON, CA 21-Apr-2023
Luke, Anthony Windsor, ON, CA 21-Apr-2023
McLaughlin, Jeremy Burlington, ON, CA 21-Apr-2023
Smith, Mark Anthony Tillsonbury, ON, CA 21-Apr-2023
Wong, Ginnie Jessica Toronto, ON, CA 21-Apr-2023
Ziskind, Michal Concord, ON, CA 21-Apr-2023

certificates of temporary registration as person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

April 17, 2023 to April 23, 2023

Date Name Location Effective Date
08-Jun-2023 to 12-Jun-2023 Bradbury, Clarence Calgary, AB, CA 18-Apr-2023
30-Jun-2023 to 04-Jul-2023 Foster, Joshua Louis Beachwood, OH, USA 18-Apr-2023
30-May-2023 to 03-Jun-2023 Gleadall, Justin Lasalle, QC, CA 18-Apr-2023
20-Jul-2023 to 24-Jul-2023 Pablo, Ma Johnston Edmonton, AB, CA 18-Apr-2023
15-Jun-2023 to 19-Jun-2023 Aldrink, Douglas Lee Dublin, OH, USA 20-Apr-2023
29-Sep-2023 to 03-Oct-2023 Gottlieb, Daniel C Henderson, NV, USA 20-Apr-2023
08-Jun-2023 to 12-Jun-2023 Gottlieb, Daniel C Henderson, NV, USA 20-Apr-2023
19-May-2023 to 23-May-2023 Larson, Alexander Michael Edmonton, AB, CA 20-Apr-2023
01-Jun-2023 to 05-Jun-2023 Lo, Edmund Kwok-Fai Toronto, ON, CA 20-Apr-2023
25-May-2023 to 29-May-2023 McGuffin, Brian Stevens Belle River, ON, CA 20-Apr-2023

certificate of cancellation of registration as a person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

April 17, 2023 to April 23, 2023

Name Location Effective Date
Bulmer, Laura Hendrika Antoinette Verona, ON, CA 17-Apr-2023
Cape, Trevor Davidson Caledon Village, ON, CA 17-Apr-2023
Kanavas, Aglae-Ange Etobicoke, ON, CA 17-Apr-2023
Marriage, Gordon Stittsville, ON, CA 17-Apr-2023
Mastroianni, Alfina Innisfil, ON, CA 17-Apr-2023
Maturi, Giulia Innisfil, ON, CA 17-Apr-2023
O’Toole, Brenda D Selwyn, ON, CA 17-Apr-2023
Tupechka, Nicole Dawn Caledon Village, ON, CA 17-Apr-2023
Straker, Walter R Calgary, AB, CA 20-Apr-2023

Alexandra Schmidt
Deputy Registrar General
