Notice of Application for an Order to Close Part of a Cemetery

Provided pursuant to section 88 of the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, Chapter 33 (the “Act”) and section 172 of O. Reg. 30/11 made under the Act

The Jewish Congregation Anshe-Sholem of Hamilton (the “Cemetery”) is located at Part of 389 & 391 Limeridge Road and 427 Limeridge Road East, Hamilton. The registered cemetery is approximately 1.89ha in size. Most of the property is occupied by graves and manicured grass with mature trees scattered throughout. The observed headstones are limited to the centre of the cemetery and along its eastern edge within the portion being retained. The graves are ringed by asphalt driveways, which also access a small gazebo as well as two former residential structures along the eastern edge of the property. A small asphalt parking area exists on the west side of the cemetery’s main driveway. Additionally, a narrow swathe of woodlot spans the western edge of the cemetery grounds. This cemetery is not a heritage designated under the Ontario Heritage Act.

take notice that, pursuant to section 88 of the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, Chapter 33, the undersigned intends to make an application for an Order to close part of this Cemetery. The part to be closed covers a total of 0.20 hectares. The northeast portion is rectangular in shape, measures about 0.13ha, and consists of a lawn over the remains of a former gravel access road leading west from Upper Wentworth Street to the Anshe Sholom Cemetery. The southeast portion is also rectangular in shape and measures approximately 0.07ha. This area previously comprised of a residence, driveway and grass covered yard, which have since been demolished. Based on results of an archaeological assessment completed on the property, there are no interments or scatterings in the portions of the cemetery to be closed. The portion of the property to remain as a cemetery, is a fenced area, approximately 1.69ha in size. All interments and markers will remain in this portion of the cemetery. The Jewish Congregation Anshe-Sholem of Hamilton is seeking to remove the cemetery designation from the northeast and southeast portions of the cemetery because those lands were inadvertently added as “cemetery lands” when designating the cemetery on June 3rd, 2021.

take further notice that, interested persons may make submissions regarding the proposed application in writing to, or:

Registrar, Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002
Ministry of Government and Consumer Services
56 Wellesley Street West, 16th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 1C1

take further notice that, submissions should be made within 45 days from May 12, 2023


UrbanSolutions Planning & Land Development Consultants Inc.
For The Jewish Congregation Anshe-Sholem of Hamilton
389, 391 & 427 Limeridge Road East,
Hamilton, Ontario L9A 2S8
