Ontario Securities Commission

The Repeal of National Instrument 81-104 Alternative Mutual Funds

On January 29, 2024, the repeal of National Instrument 81-104 Alternative Mutual Funds will come into force.

Part 4 of National Instrument 81-104 Alternative Mutual Funds sets out the proficiency requirements for mutual fund restricted individuals for the distribution of alternative mutual funds.

The Canadian Securities Administrators members issued harmonized blanket orders to provide additional proficiency course options as the course options prescribed by the proficiency requirements pre-date the introduction of the alternative mutual funds regime and do not address the specific differences between conventional mutual funds and alternative mutual funds.

In Ontario, the blanket relief was issued by Ontario Instrument 81-506 Temporary Exemptions from National Instrument 81-104 Alternative Mutual Funds, with an expiry date of July 28, 2022. On February 24, 2022, OSC Rule 81-507 Extension to Ontario Instrument 81-506 Temporary Exemptions from National Instrument 81-104 Alternative Mutual Funds was published to extend the blanket relief for an additional 18-month period from July 29, 2022 to January 29, 2024.

The blanket orders issued by the Canadian Securities Administrators members have been codified by Interim Mutual Fund Dealer Rule 1000 Proficiency Standards for the Sale of Alternative Mutual Funds of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization

As the proficiency requirements in Part 4 of NI 81-104 Alternative Mutual Funds are now replaced with Interim Mutual Fund Dealer Rule 1000 Proficiency Standards for the Sale of Alternative Mutual Funds, National Instrument 81-104 Alternative Mutual Funds is unnecessary and will be repealed.

The full text of the the repeal of National Instrument 81-104 Alternative Mutual Funds is available in the Ontario Securities Commission’s Bulletin at (2023) 46 OSCB 10145 and on the Commission’s website at www.osc.ca.


Building Code Act, 1992

Rulings of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

notice is hereby given pursuant to subsection 29(4) of the Building Code Act, 1992 that the following Rulings have been made under Clause 29(1)(a) of The Building Code Act, 1992 authorizing the use of innovative materials, systems or building designs evaluated by the Canadian Construction Materials Centre which is a materials evaluation body designated in the Ontario Building Code:

Ruling Number Date Material, System or Building Design Manufacturer
11-12-270 (13253-R) Revision to existing May 23, 2023 Tyvek® CommercialWrap® – Air Barrier Material™ EIDCA Specialty Products Company
10-08-245 (12857-R) Revision to existing May 23, 2023 Tyvek® HomeWrap® – Air Barrier Material EIDCA Specialty Products Company
23-01-372 (14445-R) Issued May 23, 2023 Boreal Nature Elite–Radon Mitigation System SOLUTIONS Genyk Inc.
23-02-373 (14229-R) Issued June 20, 2023 TEK-BASE 04-48 and TEK-BASE 04-48 2%UV teksill solutions
23-03-374 (14476-R) Issued June 20, 2023 Tolko T-TEC LSL Tolko Industries Ltd.
20-03-361 (14122-R) Revision to existing June 20, 2023 M1, M2 & M3 Helical Piles Mascore Inc.


Marriage Act

certificate of permanent registration as a person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

December 11, 2023 to December 17, 2023

Name Location Effective Date
Cowan, Jonathan Chatham, ON, CA 13-Dec-2023
Jaruczik, Peter J Whitby, ON, CA 13-Dec-2023

certificate of cancellation of registration as a person authorized to solemnize marriage in Ontario have been issued to the following:

December 11, 2023 to December 17, 2023

Name Location Effective Date
Bergman, Steven Jonathan Fort Lee, NJ, USA 12-Dec-2023
Finkelstein, Howard M Harrisburg, PA, USA 12-Dec-2023
Hakouk, Yitzhak Maple, ON, CA 12-Dec-2023
Hoch, Aaron Lakewood, NJ, USA 12-Dec-2023
Milevsky, Jeremy Yirmiya Baltimore, MD, USA 12-Dec-2023
Sekula, Mordechai Toms River, NJ, USA 12-Dec-2023
Shore, Jesse Moshe New York, NY, USA 12-Dec-2023
Strauchler, Chaim Teaneck, NJ, USA 12-Dec-2023
Kelly, David William Tillsonburg, ON, CA 13-Dec-2023
Chacko, Daniel Kottayam, , India 14-Dec-2023
Giraldi, Marcel Mississauga, ON, CA 14-Dec-2023
Daliri, Homa Newmarket, ON, CA 15-Dec-2023

Ashif Damji
Deputy Registrar General
