Public Notice

Pursuant to the Trustee Act (Ontario), R.S.O. 1990, c. T.23, this notice is issued by International Trust to announce a Notice of Default against a financial institution for failing to fulfill financial obligations, as detailed in the Notice of Default document. Despite notifications and the expiration of the response period, the institution has not met its commitments as outlined in the Affidavit, and the Deed, as certified in the Certificate. International Trust, acting as Petitioner, has taken necessary steps to rectify this breach and ensure the defaulting party meets its obligations. This action is made public through publication in the Ontario Gazette, marking our commitment to transparency and adherence to the principles of justice and the rule of law. For further particulars, send official inquiries by Qualified Request to R. Smith in writing at International Trust, PO Box 64027, RPO Royal Bank Plaza, ON M5J 2T6.

End of Notice
