For the year ended March 31 (in thousands of dollars)
Revenue 2022 actual 2021 actual
Fees charged on estates and trusts 9 33,996 32,840
Grants received from the Ministry of the Attorney General 13 19,994 20,082
Total revenue 53,990 52,922
Expenses 2022 actual 2021 actual
Salaries, wages and benefits 11 42,795 40,037
General administration 12 4,246 6,165
Fees incurred 2,060 2,055
Transportation and communications expenses 717 657
Supplies and equipment expenses 175 222
Claims 799 16
Total expenses 50,792 49,152
Net investment income 2022 actual 2021 actual
Interest (expense) income from fixed income funds (186) (109)
Change in fair value on investments at fair value through profit or loss 10 10,459 23,898
Total net investment income 10,273 23,789
Investment expenses 3,209 2,818
Total comprehensive income (loss) 10,262 24,741

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.