Our plan at a glance

  • Taking action on
    opportunities within the next three years.
  • Monitoring
    opportunities and exploring how to take action.
  • No action will be taken on
    opportunities that could increase burdens.

The government’s plan is divided into nine categories, corresponding with the way the regulations appeared on the Red Tape Challenge webpage:

  • financial services
  • insurance
  • corporate and commercial law
  • employment and labour
  • environment
  • land use and planning
  • health and safety
  • taxation and financial reporting
  • other

Summary of all opportunities

A high level summary of the 71 potential opportunities for improvement identified through the financial services sector consultation.

Actions in progress

The following 12 opportunities were identified during this round of the Red Tape Challenge, and we have committed to take action on them within the next three years.

Actions tracking

The following 39 opportunities were identified during this round of the Red Tape Challenge; we will monitor and explore how best to take action.

No action recommended

No action will be taken on the remaining 20 opportunities because they could increase burdens, do not fall under provincial authority or are not regulatory issues under the mandate of the Red Tape Challenge to improve redundant, outdated or unnecessarily costly regulations.