7.1 Certification

Before submitting any information through the Registry, including a GRR, manifest and 17.2 notice, the user must provide an electronic certification as part of the submission, with the name of the individual submitting the information, and confirming that all information submitted through the Registry is accurate.

7.2 Delegating registration and reporting (section 27.2 of Regulation 347)

A generator who is required to submit a document through the Registry may authorize a delegate (a third party) to submit the information on their behalf. If a generator chooses to enlist a delegate to register and/or report on their behalf, both the generator and the delegate must have a written agreement between both parties.

Note: a generator who has enlisted a delegate remains solely responsible for meeting the applicable information reporting requirements and paying any applicable fees. This includes requirements to report, update and ensure the accuracy of all information submitted through the Registry.

The written agreement is intended to ensure there is a clear understanding of what the generator’s responsibilities are, and what the delegate and the generator have agreed the delegate will complete on behalf of the generator.

Both the generator and the delegate are required to keep a copy of the written agreement for the entire duration of the agreement, and for at least two (2) years after the agreement has ended.

The agreement must contain the following information:

  • the legal name (and operating name if different) and address of the generator and waste generation facility(ies) to which the delegation agreement applies
  • the name of the organization acting as the delegate
  • the effective date and length of time the agreement is in place
  • a name and contact information (phone number and email address) of a representative from each party to the agreement
  • a statement that the generator is aware that they remain responsible for meeting the requirements of Ontario Regulation 347 under the EPA and Ontario Regulation 323/22 under the RRCEA including requirements to report, update and ensure the accuracy of all information submitted through the Registry and pay any applicable fees
  • a signature of a representative from each party to the agreement
  • a plan for how the generator would meet any record retention requirements and how the generator would obtain access to the records that were submitted on their behalf, if the delegate no longer reports activities on behalf of the generator
  • the activities that have been delegated (for example, all registration and reporting responsibilities, manifesting limited to certain waste class(es), fee payment activities), and whether the delegation is a partial delegation of registration and reporting responsibilities or a full delegation of responsibilities

Both the generator and the delegate must have the written agreement available to show a ministry provincial officer if requested.

It remains the generator’s responsibility to ensure all reporting requirements are met, all reports (registration, manifests, on-site reports) are accurate, and any applicable fees are paid.

7.3 Use of information submitted to Registry

Information that is submitted through the Registry will be accessed and used by the Ministry to determine compliance by generators, carriers and receivers with legal requirements related to subject waste. Compliance and enforcement actions may also result from inaccurate information submitted through the Registry, or a person’s failure to submit required information.

For the purpose of pursuing an investigation, Ministry investigators may, without prior judicial authorization, access and use information that is submitted to the Registry.

The ministry also publishes an annual Public Information Dataset which provides the information from the generator registration document as well as information about the facility and company location, contact person information, the wastes that were generated at the facility as well as information about how the waste was managed.