The government would like to thank and acknowledge the support and contributions of its various project partners—from community partners to the research community and Ontario’s youth.

A special thank you to the youth of Ontario who participated in the youth dialogues and the adult allies who supported them. Your contributions were invaluable in creating a resource that is not only about youth, but also informed by youth.

Throughout this initiative the government engaged key experts in the field of youth development and engagement. The government is especially thankful to Dr. Jean Clinton, Dr. Terrance Wade, Dr. Bruce Ferguson and Dr. Stuart Shanker for providing their time and invaluable expertise to support this process.

We would also like to acknowledge the contributions of the youth development research community for providing the evidentiary basis for this resource. Lead researchers include:

  • Dr. Joseph Beitchman, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
  • Dr. Elizabeth Brownlie, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
  • Valerie Campbell, University of Prince Edward Island
  • Dr. Jennifer Connolly, York University
  • Dr. James Côté, University of Western Ontario
  • Joanne Cripps, Canadian Cultural Society for the Deaf
  • Dr. Gordon Flett, York University
  • Moira Ferguson, Laurentian University
  • Dr. Jan Willem Gorter, McMaster University
  • Marni Herold, Lutherwood
  • Dr. Michelle Jetha, Brock University
  • Dr. Chunlei Lu, Brock University
  • Dr. Karen MacLeod, Lutherwood
  • Dr. Dragana Martinovic, University of Windsor
  • Dr. Caroline McIsaac, York University
  • Dr. Jennine S. Rawana, York University
  • Dr. Susan Scott, Lakehead University
  • Dr. Sidney Segalowitz, Brock University
  • Dr. Shmuel Shulman, Bar Ilan University
  • Estelle Simard, MSW, The Institute for Culturally Restorative Practices
  • Dr. Anita Small, Canadian Cultural Society for the Deaf
  • Dr. Debra Stewart, McMaster University
  • Dr. Kate Tilleczek, University of Prince Edward Island
  • Dr. Elizabeth Van Houtte, Lakehead University
  • Dr. Anne Marie Walsh, Lakehead University

There were several key community partners who played a significant role in the development of this resource:

  • Boys and Girls Clubs of Ontario
  • Canadian Institute for Health Research
  • Chiefs of Ontario
  • Fair Share Task Force
  • Laidlaw Foundation
  • Motivate Canada
  • Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth
  • Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres
  • Ontario Trillium Foundation
  • Ontario Youth Matter! Campaign
  • Search Institute
  • Student Vote
  • Supporting Our Youth
  • The Review of the Roots of Youth Violence Co-chairs
  • The Students Commission of Canada
  • United Way of Burlington and Greater Hamilton
  • United Way of Peel Region
  • United Way Toronto
  • United Ways of Ontario
  • YMCA Canada
  • YMCA of Greater Toronto
  • Youth Challenge Fund

Finally, thank you to all of the other individuals and organizations who participated in this process and contributed to the resource. Your support is greatly appreciated.