Appendix 1: REA Requirement Summary Tables for Renewable Energy Facilities by Technology

Solar - Plans & Reports
Plans & ReportsClass 1 - Any Location ≤ 10 kWClass 2 - On Roof/Wall > 10 kWClass 3 - On Ground > 10 kW
REA Required  
Project Description Report  
Construction Plan Report  
Design and Operations Report  
Decommissioning Plan Report  
Solar - Consultation
Plans & ReportsClass 1 - Any Location ≤ 10 kWClass 2 - On Roof/Wall > 10 kWClass 3 - On Ground > 10 kW
Notice of Proposal  
Meeting Notice(s)  
Public Meetings  
Municipal Consultation  
Aboriginal Consultation  
Consultation Report  
Solar - Cultural Heritage
Plans & ReportsClass 1 - Any Location ≤ 10 kWClass 2 - On Roof/Wall > 10 kWClass 3 - On Ground > 10 kW
Protected Properties  
Heritage Resources  
Archaeological Resources  
Solar - Natural Heritage / Water Bodies
Plans & ReportsClass 1 - Any Location ≤ 10 kWClass 2 - On Roof/Wall > 10 kWClass 3 - On Ground > 10 kW
Natural Heritage Assessment  
Water Assessment  
Solar - Additional Technical Reports
Plans & ReportsClass 1 - Any Location ≤ 10 kWClass 2 - On Roof/Wall > 10 kWClass 3 - On Ground > 10 kW
Additional Technical Reports  
Wind - Click for description of Wind Classes
Plans & ReportsClass 1Class 2Class 3Class 4Class 5
No REA   Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
REA Required Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Project Description Report Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Construction Plan Report  Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Design and Operations Report  Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Decommissioning Plan Report  Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Wind - Consultation
Plans & ReportsClass 1Class 2Class 3Class 4Class 5
Notice of Proposal Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Meeting Notice(s)  Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Public Meetings  Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Municipal Consultation  Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Aboriginal Consultation  Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Consultation Report  Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Wind - Cultural Heritage
Plans & ReportsClass 1Class 2Class 3Class 4Class 5
Protected Properties Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Heritage Resources  Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Archaeological Resources See Note 1Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Wind - Natural Heritage / Water Bodies
Plans & ReportsClass 1Class 2Class 3Class 4Class 5
Natural Heritage Assessment  Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Water Assessment  Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Wind - Additional Technical Reports
Plans & ReportsClass 1Class 2Class 3Class 4Class 5
Specifications Report, Class 2 Wind   Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Specifications Report, not Class 2  Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Wind Farm Noise Report  See Note 2Maybe +Off-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Wind - Setbacks
Plans & ReportsClass 1Class 2Class 3Class 4Class 5
Parcel Boundary Setback  Hub heightHub heightOff-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Lower Parcel Boundary Setback with Study  Blade + 10mBlade + 10mOff-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Road/railway right of way setback  Blade + 10mBlade + 10mOff-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.
Minimum noise setback   550 mOff-shore requirements to be considered following further scientific research.
See Section 1.2. of Chapter 1 for more information.

* In direct contact with surface water other than in a wetland.

+ An applicant may prepare a Wind Farm Noise Report in order to determine site-specific setback distances when multiple turbines (or those with a sound power level > 102 dBA) are proposed. If a Wind Farm Noise Report is not prepared, the turbines must meet regulated setback distances given in the table in section 55 of O. reg. 359/09. These table standards range from 550 m to 1.5 km. A Wind Farm Noise Report is also required in respect of wind facilities that have a nameplate capacity ≥ 50kW, a sound power level less that 102 dBA and a turbine height ≥ 70 metres (excluding blade length), as per s.55.1(1) of the regulation .

Note 1: Applicants for Class 2 wind facilities are exempt from consideration of heritage resources other than protected properties at the project location. However, an archaeological assessment may be required depending on the specific characteristics of the project location, consistent with section 21 of O.Reg. 359/09.

Note 2: While not a strict requirement applicants proposing Class 3 wind facilities are recommended to complete a wind farm noise report in order to describe potential negative environmental effects due to noise.

Bio-Energy (Anaerobic Digestion, Biofuel, Biogas) - Plans & Reports
Plans & ReportsNMA approved On-farm Anaerobic Digesters (AD) and no EPA waste certificateClass 1 AD Facility - Farm-Based AD ≤500 kWClass 1 AD Facility - Farm- Based ADs >500 kWClass 2 AD Facility - Farm- Based AD ≤500 kWClass 2 AD Facility - Farm- Based AD >500 kWClass 3 AD Facility - Non- farm ADBiogasBiofuel
No REA       
REA Required 
Project Description Report 
Construction Plan Report 
Design and Operations Report 
Decommissioning Plan Report 
Bio-Energy (Anaerobic Digestion, Biofuel, Biogas) - Consultation
ConsultationNMA approved On-farm Anaerobic Digesters (AD) and no EPA waste certificateClass 1 AD Facility - Farm-Based AD ≤500 kWClass 1 AD Facility - Farm- Based ADs >500 kWClass 2 AD Facility - Farm- Based AD ≤500 kWClass 2 AD Facility - Farm- Based AD >500 kWClass 3 AD Facility - Non- farm ADBiogasBiofuel
Notice of Proposal 
Meeting Notice(s)     
Public Meetings     
Municipal Consultation 
Aboriginal Consultation 
Consultation Report 
Bio-Energy (Anaerobic Digestion, Biofuel, Biogas) - Cultural Heritage
Cultural HeritageNMA approved On-farm Anaerobic Digesters (AD) and no EPA waste certificateClass 1 AD Facility - Farm-Based AD ≤500 kWClass 1 AD Facility - Farm- Based ADs >500 kWClass 2 AD Facility - Farm- Based AD ≤500 kWClass 2 AD Facility - Farm- Based AD >500 kWClass 3 AD Facility - Non- farm ADBiogasBiofuel
Protected Properties 
Heritage Resources     
Archaeological Resources See Note 1See Note 1See Note 1See Note 1

Note 1: Class 1 and 2 anaerobic digestion facilities are exempt from consideration of heritage resources other than protected properties at the project location. However, an archaeological assessment may be required depending on the specific characteristics of the project location, consistent with section 21 of O.Reg. 359/09.

Bio-Energy (Anaerobic Digestion, Biofuel, Biogas) - Natural Heritage / Water Bodies
Natural Heritage / Water BodiesNMA approved On-farm Anaerobic Digesters (AD) and no EPA waste certificateClass 1 AD Facility - Farm-Based AD ≤500 kWClass 1 AD Facility - Farm- Based ADs >500 kWClass 2 AD Facility - Farm- Based AD ≤500 kWClass 2 AD Facility - Farm- Based AD >500 kWClass 3 AD Facility - Non- farm ADBiogasBiofuel
Natural Heritage Assessment 
Water Assessment 
Bio-Energy (Anaerobic Digestion, Biofuel, Biogas) - Additional Technical Reports
Additional Technical ReportsNMA approved On-farm Anaerobic Digesters (AD) and no EPA waste certificateClass 1 AD Facility - Farm-Based AD ≤500 kWClass 1 AD Facility - Farm- Based ADs >500 kWClass 2 AD Facility - Farm- Based AD ≤500 kWClass 2 AD Facility - Farm- Based AD >500 kWClass 3 AD Facility - Non- farm ADBiogasBiofuel
Emissions Summary and Dispersion Modelling Report     
Noise Study Report     
Odour Study Report     
Effluent Management Plan Report     
Hydrogeological Assessment Report   See Note 2See Note 2  
Surface Water Assessment Report   See Note 2See Note 2  
Financial Assurance Estimate     
Bio-Energy (Anaerobic Digestion, Biofuel, Biogas) - Setbacks & Mitigation
Setbacks & MitigationNMA approved On-farm Anaerobic Digesters (AD) and no EPA waste certificateClass 1 AD Facility - Farm-Based AD ≤500 kWClass 1 AD Facility - Farm- Based ADs >500 kWClass 2 AD Facility - Farm- Based AD ≤500 kWClass 2 AD Facility - Farm- Based AD >500 kWClass 3 AD Facility - Non- farm ADBiogasBiofuel
Setback from Odour Receptors 250 m250 m250 m250 m   
Lower Setback with Mitigation / Additional Studies See Note 3See Note 3See Note 3See Note 3   

Note 2: Class 2 anaerobic digestion facilities must submit a hydrogeological assessment when the prescribed construction and siting standards for nutrient storages in section 10 or 13 of the General Regulation O. Reg. 267/03 under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002 do not apply.

Note 3: Class 1 and 2 anaerobic digestion facilities may be sited closer than the 250 m setback to odour receptors if the following apply: For facilities ≥500 kW, a 125 m setback can be applied if the facility adheres to prescribed mitigation requirements given in section 47 of O. Reg. 359/09. However, all Class 1 and 2 anaerobic digestion facilities may also use alternative setback distances if they are supported by the submission of an ESDM report, noise study report, and odour study report as part of the REA application.

Bio-Energy (Thermal Treatment) - Plans & Reports
Plans & ReportsClass 1 - Woodwaste Only on a farmClass 1 - Woodwaste Only non-farmClass 2 - Not only woodwaste on a farmClass 3 - Not only woodwaste non-farm
No REA    
REA Required
Project Description Report
Construction Plan Report
Design and Operations Report
Decommissioning Plan Report
Bio-Energy (Thermal Treatment) - Consultation
ConsultationClass 1 - Woodwaste Only on a farmClass 1 - Woodwaste Only non-farmClass 2 - Not only woodwaste on a farmClass 3 - Not only woodwaste non-farm
Project Notice
Meeting Notice  
Public Meetings  
Municipal Consultation
Aboriginal Consultation
Consultation Report
Bio-Energy (Thermal Treatment) - Cultural Heritage
Cultural HeritageClass 1 - Woodwaste Only on a farmClass 1 - Woodwaste Only non-farmClass 2 - Not only woodwaste on a farmClass 3 - Not only woodwaste non-farm
Protected Properties
Heritage Resources  
Archaeological ResourcesSee Note 1See Note 1
Bio-Energy (Thermal Treatment) - Natural Heritage / Water Bodies
Natural Heritage / Water BodiesClass 1 - Woodwaste Only on a farmClass 1 - Woodwaste Only non-farmClass 2 - Not only woodwaste on a farmClass 3 - Not only woodwaste non-farm
Natural Heritage Assessment
Water Assessment
Bio-Energy (Thermal Treatment) - Additional Technical Reports
Additional Technical ReportsClass 1 - Woodwaste Only on a farmClass 1 - Woodwaste Only non-farmClass 2 - Not only woodwaste on a farmClass 3 - Not only woodwaste non-farm
Emissions Summary and Dispersion Modelling Report (ESDM)  
Noise Study Report  
Odour Study Report   
Effluent Management Plan Report
Hydrogeological Assessment Report  See Note 2
Surface Water Assessment Report
Financial Assurance Estimate  
Bio-Energy (Thermal Treatment) - Additional Technical Reports
Additional Technical ReportsClass 1 - Woodwaste Only on a farmClass 1 - Woodwaste Only non-farmClass 2 - Not only woodwaste on a farmClass 3 - Not only woodwaste non-farm
Setback from Odour and Noise Receptors  250 m 
Lower Setback with Studies  See Note 3 

Note 1: Applicants for Class 1 thermal treatment facilities located at a farm operation and Class 2 thermal treatment facilities are exempt from consideration of heritage resources other than protected properties at the project location. However, an archaeological assessment may be required depending on the specific characteristics of the project location, consistent with section 21 of O.Reg. 359/09.

Note 2: Class 2 thermal treatment facilities must submit a hydrogeological assessment when the prescribed construction and siting standards for nutrient storages in section 10 or 13 of the General Regulation O. Reg. 267/03 under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002 do not apply.

Note 3: Class 2 thermal treatment biomass storage areas can be sited closer than the 250 m setback to odour receptors provided an odour study is submitted. Class 2 thermal treatment generating units can be sited closer than the 250 m setback to noise receptors provided an ESDM and a noise study are submitted.

Appendix 2: Contact List

Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Regional and District Offices

Ministry of Energy Renewable Energy Facilitation Office

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Programs and Services Branch Culture Division
401 Bay Street, Suite 1700
Toronto, Ontario M7A 0A7
Tel: (416) 314-7620
Fax: (416) 212-1802

Ministry of Transportation
Corridor Management and Property Office Section (Head Office)
301 St. Paul Street, 2nd Floor,
St. Catharines, Ontario L2R 7R4
Tel: (905) 704-2916
Fax: (905) 704-2051
Corridor Management Regional Offices

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Agricultural Information Contact Centre (AICC)
1 Stone Road West, 4th Floor,
Guelph, Ontario N1G 4Y2
Toll-free: 1 (877) 424-1300
Fax: (519) 826-3442

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Main MNR Office Locations
OfficeAddressContact Information
Resource Energy Program
(for policy development and Crown Land application information)
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Robinson Pl South Tower, 2nd Flr S.
300 Water Street,
Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 8M5
Tel: (705) 755-1827
Fax: (705) 755-1206
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Regional and District Offices
(for project development/review information)

Please call for office contacts and locations

Or visit the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Toll-Free: 1 (800) 667-1940
Tel: (705) 755-2000
TTY: 1 (866) 686-6072

Local Conservation Authorities

Conservation Authority Contact List

Other Ontario Agencies

Contact List

Appendix 3: Notice Templates

Download Notice Templates

Appendix 4: Consultation Form: Municipalities, Local Authorities

Download Consultation Form: Municipalities, Local Authorities

Appendix 5: Checklist Requirements under O. Reg. 359/09

Download Checklist Requirements

Appendix 6: Project Changes: Typical Requirements and Process Impact Overview

Below is an overview of the project change categories and the potential impacts on the Renewable Energy Approval (REA) change process. While the project change process describes what may typically happen, it is important to note that the Director may impose any requirements, or only impose some or all requirements described. Further details on the change processes are located in Chapter 10 of this guide.

Appendix 6: Factors for consideration in determining if a change falls into a category
Factors for consideration in determining if a change falls into a categoryAdminstrativeTechnicalProject DesignMajor Project
Overall ImpactNo bearing on the environmental effects.No increase to environmental effects already identified that will or are likely to occur. Includes improvements to environmental effects.Minimal increase to environmental effects that will or are likely to occur.Substantial increase to environmental effects that will or are likely to occur.
Project Location and Impact on ReceptorsN/ANo increase in Project Location size
No increase (same or lower) in the overall impact at the receptors (e.g. noise, odour, etc.).
Change occurs within or outside a part of the original Project Location
Minimal increases in the overall impact at the receptors (i.e. noise, odour, etc.).
Change occurs within or outside a part of the original Project Location
Substantial increases in the overall impact at the receptors (i.e. noise, odour, etc.).
Cultural Heritage
Additional requirements communicated through new comment letter
N/ANo additional lands require archaeological assessment and there are no changes to previous recommendations for further assessment.Requires undertaking archaeological assessment (Stage 1/2) on lands not previously assessed that does not identify resources and impact to previously identified archaeological resources remain unchanged or requires undertaking a Stage 2 archaeological assessment within a previously assessed area and impacts to previously identified archaeological resources remain unchanged.Requires undertaking an archaeological assessment (Stage 1/2) on lands not previously assessed that identifies resources or requires a Stage 3 archaeological assessment that was not previously required.
Cultural Heritage
Reconfirmed comments communicated through addendum to original comment letter.
Additional conditions/requirements communicated through new comment letter
N/AReconfirm comments (i.e. letter still valid).Reconfirm comments (i.e. letter still valid).New lands assessed or Previously identified resources are impacted in a different way.
Where confirmation and comments are not affected, communicated through an informal letter.
All other changes communicated through addendum to original comment letter.
N/AReconfirmation of written confirmation and comments for natural heritage (i.e. no change) or reduction in requirements (i.e. reduced footprint, reduced environmental effects monitoring plan requirements).Additional natural heritage work required within a previously assessed area.Additional natural heritage work required within a newly assessed area.
Appendix 6: Typical Requirements
Typical RequirementsAdminstrativeTechnicalProject DesignMajor Project
Modifications Document
Update All Documents
(does not account for updating certain documents, as requested by Director)
Proponent NotificationXPotentially  
Public ConsultationXXPotentially 
Appendix 6: Process Impacts
Process ImpactsAdminstrativeTechnicalProject DesignMajor Project
Service Standards
(pre-REA only)
Continue review.Continue review or ‘stop the clock’ until documentation submitted.Continue review or ‘stop the clock’ until documentation submitted.May ‘stop clock’ or application deemed incomplete and returned.
EBR Postings
Additional posting unlikelyAdditional posting unlikelyAdditional posting unlikely, but potential for Proposal postingProposal posting
Post-REAInformation postingInformation postingInformation or Proposal postingProposal posting
Approval of change/ Appeals
(post-REA only)
Notice of Amendment. Only change subject to appeal.Notice of Amendment. Only change subject to appeal.Notice of Amendment. Only change subject to appeal.Revoke and Replace. Entire REA subject to appeal.

Appendix 7 - Solar As-Built Report

Download Solar As-Built Report

Appendix 8 - Wind Specifications

Download Wind Specifications Checklist