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Changes to recreational fishing rules in FMZ 17

From July 24 to August 22, 2024, we consulted on proposed changes to recreational fishing rules on the lower Ganaraska River in the Town of Port Hope.

Summary of changes

The following changes take effect Sunday, September 1, 2024.

New fish sanctuary (all species):

  • Ganaraska River: from the south side of the Jocelyn Street Bridge (43°58′1.77″N., 78°17′43.77″W.) to the southerly limit of the C.N.R. right-of-way (43°56′48.51″N., 78°17′31.93″W.)
  • no fishing from September 1 to October 14

New expanded extended fall season (Atlantic salmon, brown trout, Pacific salmon and rainbow trout):

  • Ganaraska River: from the south side of the Jocelyn Street Bridge (43°58′1.77″N., 78°17′43.77″W.) to the southerly limit of the C.N.R. right-of-way (43°56′48.51″N., 78°17′31.93″W.)
  • open from:
    • the fourth Saturday in April to August 31
    • October 15 to December 31

These changes will:

  • help protect vulnerable migrating Chinook salmon during peak migration
  • provide additional angling opportunities for Atlantic salmon, brown trout, Pacific salmon and rainbow trout in the fall season

Read the Ontario Fishing Regulations Summary to learn more about the rules for fishing in the Ganaraska River.

Lake Scugog walleye fishery closed

This change is reflected in the 2016 Ontario Fishing Regulations Summary.

The comments received through the public consultation process helped the ministry determine the regulation change for the Lake Scugog walleye fishery.

Fishing rules

You can:

About this zone

FMZ 17, the smallest FMZ, is located in southern Ontario. This zone has:

  • important recreational and tourism-based fisheries
  • recreational fisheries for walleye, bass, panfish
  • the highest use because of its superb fishing and urban location

FMZ 17 is one of 20 fisheries management zones in the province.


Zone 17 is located in southern Ontario and includes waterbody systems like the Trent-Severn, Kawartha Lakes and Crowe River.
View Fisheries Management Zone 17 map using Fish on-Line or a PDF.

FMZ 17:

  • includes the Kawartha Lakes, Trent and Crowe River watersheds, and the eastern rivers and streams of the Oak Ridges Moraine
  • is bordered by Lake Ontario to the south (FMZ 20)

Legal boundary map and detail maps

Legal boundary map for FMZ 17 and detail maps 1 - 16 (PDF)

Monitoring reports and management plans

Zone advisory council

The FMZ 17 council provides advice during the development of fisheries objectives and strategies. Council members represent a broad range of views including:

  • angling groups
  • scientists and researchers
  • conservation groups
  • interested community members

The advisory council participates in fisheries management by:

  • sharing ideas and expertise with the ministry
  • helping to develop and implement management strategies
  • communicating with the local and angling community

For more information about the Fisheries Management Zone 17 advisory council, please email the council.

General fishing rules