

Toronto Region Conservation Authority


City of Toronto



Reference Number



Environmental Approvals Branch, 416-314-8001
Toll free 1-800-461-6290

Current Status

Environmental assessment: approved,  August 11, 2004

Project Summary

The purpose of the undertaking is to provide a western extension of the Waterfront Trail from Humber Bay Park West to the Norris Crescent Parkette by linking a number of local waterfront parks to the existing public walkway at the Grand Harbour and Marina Del Rey developments.

Project History

  • Environmental assessment: approved
    • Date submitted: December 5, 2003
    • Expiry of public comment period: January 30, 2004
    • Expiry of public comment period for Ministry Review: April 30, 2004
    • Decision date: August 11, 2004
  • Terms of reference: approved
    • Date submitted: July 18, 2001 (PD 01/08/01)
    • Expiry of public comment period: August 31, 2001
    • Decision date: November 13, 2001

Environmental Assessment


The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority completed the environmental assessment of the Mimico Waterfront Park and submitted it to the ministry on December 5, 2003. The public was invited to comment on the environmental assessment and the proposed undertaking for an eight week period, which ended on January 30, 2004.

On March 24, 2004, the Ministry of the Environment issued a Notice of Completion for this EA. The public was invited to comment on the Review, the environmental assessment or proposed undertaking for another five weeks. This second comment period ended on April 30, 2004. All submissions received were then considered by the ministry. On August 11, 2004, the undertaking was approved with conditions. In keeping with current ministry practice, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority is required to prepare and submit annual compliance reports to the ministry to demonstrate that it has met the requirements of the environmental assessment and the conditions of approval.

Terms of Reference


The Mimico Waterfront Linear Park Study will provide a western extension of the Waterfront Trail from Humber Bay Park West to the Norris Crescent Parkette by linking a number of local waterfront parks (Norris Crescent Parkette, Amos Waites Park, and Superior Avenue Park) to the existing public walkway at the Grand Harbour and Marina Del Rey developments.

The continuation of the Waterfront Trail from Humber Bay Park West to Norris Crescent was initiated in 1991 by the former City of Etobicoke’s Waterfront Planning Committee. Since that time, the Study has received continuing support from the community and the City of Toronto.

In 1995, the Study evolved to include a day use mooring facility at the end of Superior Avenue for boaters to easily access the Mimico businesses along the lakeshore. The City of Toronto and the community, including the Humber Bay Boating Federation, support the establishment of this day use mooring facility.

This Study is a component of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s (TRCA's) overall Lake Ontario Waterfront Regeneration Project. The overall objectives of this program are to protect and enhance the natural and cultural heritage components of the Lake Ontario shoreline while providing public access and recreational opportunities along the waterfront.

This Study was also highlighted as a target area in the final report of the Waterfront Revitalization Task Force "Our Toronto Waterfront". This Study will contribute to the Waterfront Revitalization Initiative by enhancing greenspace along the waterfront, increasing safe public access and recreation to the waterfront, improving the natural environment of the area, and stimulating the local economy.

A Working Group composed of residents, property owners, elected officials, TRCA staff, and local community and business groups was initiated by the TRCA to help guide the public consultation and planning process for this Study.

A Partnership Team made up of representatives from the TRCA, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the City of Toronto’s Urban Planning and Development Services Section, Economic Development, Culture, and Tourism Section, and Works and Emergency Services Section has also been established to address any planning issues associated with the Study.

Description of the undertaking being considered

The existing shoreline conditions of the Project Area are poor. The shoreline has been altered through extensive filling and dumping of debris including concrete, rubble and garbage (i.e. batteries, mattresses, shopping carts etc.). Shoreline erosion and slumping is evident throughout this section of waterfront, while Amos Waites Beach is littered with garbage, waterfowl droppings, and rotting algae that emits a foul odour during the summer. Apartment buildings and parking lots are located along the shoreline in the Project Area offering little shoreline vegetation and terrestrial habitat.

A lack of shallow, nearshore water conditions (resulting from the informal filling) and the waterfront’s exposure to frequent high wave energy suggests that the fisheries resources along the Mimico shoreline are limited by these harsh habitat conditions. The lakebed was stripped of boulders and significant overburden by stonehookers in the late 1800's leaving an exposed bedrock substrate lacking aquatic vegetation. Strong potential for rehabilitating the Mimico waterfront is evident by the documented utilization of nearshore aquatic habitat by pike within the nearby Humber Bay Park. Currently, cyprinids, sculpins and pelagic forage fish are the predominant resident fish species along the Mimico waterfront.

Public access to the waterfront from Lake Shore Blvd. West is restricted by numerous fences and barriers, which delineate the boundaries of privately owned waterlots. There are approximately 15 privately owned properties along the Mimico Waterfront Linear Park Project Area, 11 of which have waterlots associated with them.