We want to know what practical life skills you think are important and that students should learn in school. Many important skills are already part of the Ontario curriculum in elementary and high school.

The skills listed in this survey are meant to help you provide focused feedback. This is not a complete or final list of life skills.

You can answer as many questions as you like and submit the survey whenever you are finished. You must click on “Submit” at the end to complete the survey.

This survey should take approximately 10 minutes to fully complete.

Personal health and safety skills

Questions Not at all Important Somewhat Important Neutral Important Very Important
(140 characters maximum length. Please do not include any personal information in your response.)

Household management skills

Questions Not at all Important Somewhat Important Neutral Important Very Important
(140 characters maximum length. Please do not include any personal information in your response.)

Time management and technological skills

Questions Not at all Important Somewhat Important Neutral Important Very Important
(140 characters maximum length. Please do not include any personal information in your response.)

Other skills

(280 characters maximum length. Please do not include any personal information in your response.)
Thinking about the skills listed in this survey, what words would you use to describe them to a friend?


Stakeholder/partner organization response

Please provide your organization’s official name and avoid using acronyms.

Individual response

Which of the following best describes your perspective while completing this survey?
(check all that apply)