Loi sur les mines

Avis Gouvernemental - En Vertu de la loi sur les Mines

Liste des Terrains et Droits Miniers Ouverts au Jalonnement

le 1 Juin 2017

Veuillez prendre note que certains de ces terrains pourraient être visés par l’article 27 de la Loi sur les mines et, par conséquent, soustraits par une loi, un décret ou une autre décision d’une autorité compétente à la prospection, au jalonnement, à la localisation ou à la vente, ou déclarés, de la même façon, non ouverts à la prospection, au jalonnement ou à la vente comme claims. Avant d’entreprendre des activités sur le terrain, nous vous conseillons fortement de consulter les cartes de claims et de communiquer avec le Bureau provincial d’enregistrement minier si vous avez des questions. Vous pouvez consulter les cartes de claims en ligne à http://www.ontario.ca/claimaps ou en composant le 1-888-415-9845 poste 5781.

conformément aux dispositions des paragraphes 197(7), 184(2), 81(13), 82(8), 183(5) et 41(3) de la Loi sur les mines, les terrains et droits miniers seront ouverts à la prospection, au jalonnement, à la vente ou au bail dès 8 h, heure normale, le 1er jour de juin 2017. Il pourrait exister des dangers miniers dans les limites de certains de ces terrains. Veuillez effectuer vos activités d’exploration en conséquence.

Christine Kaszycki
Sous-ministre adjoint
Division des mines et des minéraux
Ministère du Développement du Nord et des Mines
Renseignements : Administratrice principale des impôts et des baux miniers
933, chemin du lac Ramsey, 3 étage
Sudbury ON P3E 6B5
(705) 670-5781

région de cochrane

canton de coulson

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LC**0213-0001 65343-0025(lt) Firstly: S1/2 Lot 12 Con 2, Mining Claims L799952 to L799955 (incl.); Secondly: NW1/4 of N1/2 of Lot 12 Con 1, Mining Claim L802405 80.686

canton de deloro

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LC**0201-0001 65442-0126(lt) Mining Claims P872094 and P872095 24.694

canton de garrison

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LC**0207-0001 65377-0227(lt) Mining Claims L522601 to L522604, L522607 to L522610, L522616 and L522617 land and land under water, Parts 1 to 10 on Plan 6R-5750 141.802
LC**0207-0002 65377-0228(lt) Mining Claims L957801 and L957802, land and land under water, Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 6R-5676 21.788

canton de hislop

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LC**0283-0001 65380-0635(lt) Mining Claims L938291, L938292, L939094 to L939097 and L949837 to L949844; N 1/2 of Lots 1, 2 and 3 Con 6 225.410

canton de hoyle

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
C***0744-0001 65360-0193(lt) Mining rights, S1/2 of Lot 9, Con 3 65.964
LC**0251-0001 65360-0132(lt) Part bed of the Porcupine River; Part Lot 3 Con 6, comprising mining claims P756502, P756503, P756504, P756505 65.157
LC**0251-0002 65360-0133(lt) Mining Claims P835631 and P835632, SE1/4 Lot 8, Con 5, land under water 33.285

canton de kipling

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LC**0082-0001 65152-0015(lt) Mining Claim P91135, Part 1 on Plan 6R-2014 19.380

canton de mann

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LC**0084-0001 65318-0030(lt) N1/2 of Lot 6 Con 2, Mining Claims P61334 to P61337; S1/2 of Lot 6 Con 3, Mining Claims P61343 to P61346 130.106

canton de mccool

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LC**0119-0016 65368-0091(lt) Mining Claim L642898, NE1/4 of the N1/2 Lot 10 Con 2 16.187
LC**0119-0017 65368-0088(lt) Mining Claim L649602, SW1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 8 Con 2 16.288
LC**0119-0018 65368-0089(lt) Mining Claim L649603, SE1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 8 Con 2 16.288
LC**0119-0019 65368-0082(lt) Mining Claim L649613, NW1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 6 Con 1 16.036
LC**0119-0020 65368-0083(lt) Mining Claim L649614, SW1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 6 Con 1 16.036
LC**0119-0021 65368-0079(lt) Mining Claim L649765, NE1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 5 Con 1 16.238
LC**0119-0022 65368-0076(lt) Mining Claim L649766, SE1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 5 Con 1 16.238
LC**0119-0023 65368-0086(lt) Mining Claim L740040, NW1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 9 Con 1 15.783
LC**0119-0024 65368-0084(lt) Mining Claim L740041, NE1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 9 Con 1 15.783
LC**0119-0025 65368-0087(lt) Mining Claim L740042, SE1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 9 Con 1 15.783
LC**0119-0026 65368-0085(lt) Mining Claim L740043, SW1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 9 Con 1 15.783
LC**0119-0027 65368-0017(lt) Mining Claim L642887, NW1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 8 Con 1 16.238
LC**0119-0028 65368-0013(lt) Mining Claim L642888, SW1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 8 Con 1 16.238
LC**0119-0029 65368-0015(lt) Mining Claim L649610, SW1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 7 Con 1 16.187
LC**0119-0030 65368-0019(lt) Mining Claim L649609, NW1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 7 Con 1 16.187
LC**0119-0031 65368-0018(lt) Mining Claim L649608, NE1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 8 Con 1 16.238
LC**0119-0032 65368-0022(lt) Mining Claim L649607, SE1/4 of the N1/2 Lot 8 Con 1 16.238
LC**0119-0033 65368-0021(lt) Mining Claim L649606, SW1/4 of the N1/2 Lot 8 Con 1 16.238
LC**0119-0034 65368-0023(lt) Mining Claim L649605, NW1/4 of the N1/2 Lot 8 Con 1 16.238
LC**0119-0035 65368-0024 (lt) Mining Claim L649604, NE1/4 of the N1/2 Lot 8 Con 1 16.238
LC**0119-0036 65368-0028(lt) Mining Claim L642906, SE1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 4 Con 1 16.137
LC**0119-0037 65368-0090(lt) Mining Claim L642896, NE1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 10 Con 2 16.187
LC**0119-0038 65368-0078(lt) Mining Claim L649767, SW1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 5 Con 1 16.238
LC**0119-0039 65368-0077(lt) Mining Claim L649768, NW1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 5 Con 1 16.238
LC**0119-0040 65368-0081(lt) Mining Claim L649769, NE1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 6 Con 1 16.036
LC**0119-0041 65368-0080(lt) Mining Claim L649770, SE1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 6 Con 1 16.036
LC**0119-0042 65368-0016(lt) Mining Claim L649611, SE1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 7 Con 1 16.187
LC**0119-0044 65368-0006(lt) Mining Claim L642899, SE1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 10 Con 3 16.086
LC**0119-0045 65368-0005(lt) Mining Claim L642890, SW1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 10 Con 3 16.086
LC**0119-0046 65368-0014(lt) Mining Claim L642889, SE1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 8 Con 1 16.238
LC**0119-0047 65368-0020(lt) Mining Claim L649612, NE1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 7 Con 1 16.187
LC**0119-0048 65368-0075(lt) Mining Claim L642891, NW1/4 of the N1/2 Lot 10 Con 2 16.187
LC**0119-0049 65368-0074(lt) Mining Claim L642892, SW1/4 of the N1/2 Lot 10 Con 2 16.187
LC**0119-0050 65368-0073(lt) Mining Claim L642893, NW1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 10 Con 2 16.187
LC**0119-0051 65368-0072(lt) Mining Claim L642894, SW1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 10 Con 2 16.187
LC**0119-0052 65368-0071(lt) Mining Claim L642895, SE1/4 of the S1/2 Lot 10 Con 2 16.187
LC**0119-0053 65368-0070(lt) Mining Claim L642897, SE1/4 of the N1/2 Lot 10 Con 2 16.187

région de kenora

région de boyer lake

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LO**0083-0001   Part Mining Claim K7156, land under the water of Upper Manitou Lake 7.110

canton de jaffray

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
K***0421-0001 42177-0157(lt) Mining rights, E 1/2 of NE 1/4 of S 1/2, Lot 13, Con 6, except Part 1 on 23R-3731 4.501
K***0421-0002 42177-0366(lt) Mining rights, SW 1/4 of S 1/2 Lot 14, Con 6 16.187
K***0421-0003 42177-0159(lt) Mining rights, W 1/2 of NW 1/4 of S 1/2 Lot 14, Con 6, except Part 2 on 23R-3731 5.449
K***0421-0004 42177-0156(lt) Mining rights, SE 1/4 of S 1/2 Lot 13, Con 6 16.187

région de parnes lake

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LK**0013-0001 42183-0094(lt) Mining Claims PA29450 to PA29458 and PA29464, Parts 1 to 10 on Plan 23R-3072 201.347

canton de pellatt

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
K***0505-0001 42150-0998(lt) Mining rights, Part of the Residue of Mining Location 85P, being the SW part of the West end of Rat Portage Bay, Lake of the Woods 3.642

région de kenora-patricia

canton de mitchell

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LKP*0060-0003 42023-0007(lt) CLM 354, comprising Mining Claims KRL472210, KRL472212, KRL472213, KRL510307 to KRL510309, KRL510311 to KRL510313, KRL510315, KRL510316, KRL510333 to KRL510338, KRL510343 to KRL510346, Part 1 on 23R-7700, being land and land under water 287.080

canton de strathy

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LN**0025-0002 49005-0073(lt) Mining Claim TRT6448 20.509
LN**0025-0004 49005-0076(lt) Mining Claim TRT4428 13.116
LN**0025-0005 49005-0075(lt) Mining Claim TRT4429 18.668
LN**0025-0006 49005-0077(lt) Mining Claim TRT4430 8.179

région de parry sound

canton de laurier

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
PS**0209-0001 52063-0091(lt) Part of Mining Claim PS895, Part of the South Part of Lot 21 Con 13 consisting of Part 2 on Plan 42R-10942 0.194
PS**0209-0002 52063-0092(lt) Mining rights, Part of Mining Claim PS895, being Part of Lot 21 Con 13 containing Part 1 on Plan PSR-1017, Part 1 on Plan PSR-1344 and Parts 1 to 3 on Plan 42R-4282 0.933

région de rainy river

région de bad vermilion lake

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
RR**0115-0001 56066-2478(lt) JO13, recorded as FF682, N of La Seine River and NE of Shoal Lake 16.187
RR**0115-0002 56066-2477(lt) JO14, recorded as FF683, N of La Seine River and NE of Shoal Lake 16.187
RR**0115-0003 56066-2479(lt) P669, recorded as FF685, N of La Seine River and NE of Shoal Lake 16.187
RR**0140-0001 56066-2704(lt) Mining rights, Mining Location K237, being West of Mining Location AD2 and South of the East end of Bad Vermilion Lake, except A8652 16.187
RR**0140-0003 56066-2475(lt) Mining rights, Mining Location AD2, except A15534 surface rights only; part of PIN 16.187
RR**0140-0004 56066-2475(lt) Mining rights, Mining Location AD3, except A15534 surface rights only; part of PIN 32.375
RR**0140-0007 56066-2690(lt) Mining rights, Mining Location JO41, (recorded as FF70 & FF71), situated near the NE end of Bad Vermillion Lake, reserving surface rights only of a strip land 1 chain in perpendicular width along the shore of Bad Vermilion Lake except A536 44.434

canton de hutchinson

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LRR*0012-0004 56002-0122(lt) Mining Claims TB385717 and TB385719, Parts 1 and 2 on 48R-3151 27.802

comté de belleville (hastings)

canton de dungannon

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LSO*0032-0001 40071-0253(r) Pt Lot 27-29 Con13 as in QR443393 & Q443394 S of PL1584 Except Part 12, 20 & 22 PL1836, Part 1 PL2024 Bancroft; County of Hastings 63.374

comté de minden (haliburton)

canton de monmouth

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LSO*0113-0001 39234-0209(r) N/12 Lot 9 Con 10 20.234

canton de sherborne

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
SO**1050-0001 39117-0198(lt) Mining rights, Pt Lot 16, Con 10, being Part 2 on plan 19R-5974, as described in instrument 221895 0.607

région de sudbury

canton de louise

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LS**0052-0006 73397-0128(lt) Mining Claims S895160 & S895161, N 1/2 of the N 1/2 of Lot 7, Con 2, Part 1 on Plan 53R-15053, land and land under water 31.546

Canton de Sothman

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LS**0033-0027 73139-0017(lt) Mining Claim S55828 21.849

région de thunder bay

canton de pic

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
TB**0107-0006 62448-0520(lt) Mining rights, Mining Claim TB7226 being the SW part of the N part of Lot 20, Con 10, lying W of the row of The Canadian Pacific Railway 2.642

région de squash lake

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
TB**0244-0001 62504-0572(lt) Mining rights, Mining Location BG164, near Sturgeon Lake, E of Belmore Bay; part of PIN 18.211
TB**0244-0002 62504-0572(lt) Mining rights, Mining Location BG165, near Sturgeon Lake, E of Belmore Bay; part of PIN 7.689
TB**0244-0003 62504-0572(lt) Mining rights, Mining Location BG166, near Sturgeon Lake, E of Belmore Bay; part of PIN 16.187
TB**0244-0004 62504-0572(lt) Mining rights, Mining Location BG167, near Sturgeon Lake, E of Belmore Bay; part of PIN 19.020

région de timiskaming

canton de catharine

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LT**0360-0001 61250-0019(lt) Land and land under water, composed of the NW1/4 of the N1/2 of Lot 10 Con 5, comprising Mining Claim L842765 16.086

canton de coleman

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
T***0818-0001 61386-0326(lt) Mining rights, Parts of Galena Street, Miller Avenue, Grandview Avenue, Nickel Street, Cobalt Street, Silver Street and the lane abutting lots 399 to 408 etc. on Plan M47NB 8.539

canton de leonard

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LT**0384-0014 61324-0002(lt) Mining Claim WD968 recorded as MR2368, in the Timagami Provincial Forest 16.187
LT**0384-0015 61324-0003(lt) Mining Claim WD969 recorded as MR2369, in the Timagami Provincial Forest 17.401
LT**0384-0016 61324-0004(lt) Mining Claim WD970 recorded as MR2370, in the Timagami Provincial Forest 17.401
LT**0384-0017 61324-0005(lt) Mining Claim WD971 recorded as MR2366, in the Timagami Provincial Forest. 14.569
LT**0384-0018 61324-0006(lt) Mining Claim WD972 recorded as MR2365, in the Timagami Provincial Forest 4.047
LT**0384-0019 61324-0007(lt) Mining Claim WD973 recorded as MR2367, in the Timagami Provincial Forest 10.927

canton de mcarthur

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LT**0155-0005 61208-0039(lt) Mining Claim TRP2984 10.927
LT**0155-0006 61208-0040(lt) Mining Claim TRP2985 11.048

canton de north williams

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LT**0384-0001 61370-0011(lt) Mining Claim WD978 16.187
LT**0384-0002 61370-0008(lt) Mining Claim WD983 15.783
LT**0384-0003 61370-0006(lt) Mining Claim WD986 16.794
LT**0384-0004 61370-0007(lt) Mining Claim WD987 16.794
LT**0384-0005 61370-0005(lt) Mining Claim WD988 16.592
LT**0384-0006 61324-0001(lt) Mining Claim WD1051 16.187
LT**0384-0007 61370-0012(lt) Mining Claim WD974 16.187
LT**0384-0008 61370-0010(lt) Mining Claim WD979 15.783
LT**0384-0010 61370-0004(lt) Mining Claim WD992 16.592
LT**0384-0011 61370-0003(lt) Mining Claim WD993 19.020
LT**0384-0012 61370-0001(lt) Mining Claim WD996 18.616
LT**0384-0013 61370-0002(lt) Mining Claim WD997 20.234

canton de pense

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LT**0258-0001 61272-0043(lt) SW 1/4 of S 1/2 Lot 9, Con 5, Mining Claim L104660 16.238

canton de powell

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
LT**0135-0009 61257-0071(lt) Mining Claim MR5493 (recorded as MR6082) 15.014
LT**0135-0010 61257-0070(lt) Mining Claim MR5494 (recorded as MR6083) 16.511

canton de south lorrain

numéro de compte côte foncière description hectares
T***1148-0001 61391-0043(lt) Mining Claim HR73, situate about 1 1/2 miles S of Lot 17 Con 1 7.689
T***1148-0004 61391-0058(lt) Mining rights, Mining Claim T19261 12.545
T***1148-0005 61391-0056(lt) Mining Claim HR95, situate 1 1/2 miles S of the S limit of Lot 17 Con 1 1.821
