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en vertu de évaluations environnementales (Loi sur les), L.R.O. 1990, chap. E.18

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Loi sur les évaluations environnementales



Version telle qu’elle existait du 14 décembre 2021 au 31 décembre 2021.

Remarque : LE PRÉSENT RÈGLEMENT N’EST PAS ENCORE EN VIGUEUR. Il entre en vigueur le 1er janvier 2022, jour de l’entrée en vigueur de l’article 22 de l’annexe 6 de la Loi de 2020 visant à favoriser la reprise économique face à la COVID-19.

Remarque : Le présent règlement est abrogé le 1er janvier 2023. (Voir : Règl. de l’Ont. 852/21, art. 3)

Dernière modification : 852/21.

Historique législatif : 852/21.

Le texte suivant est la version française d’un règlement bilingue.


1. La définition qui suit s’applique au présent règlement.

«évaluation environnementale de portée générale d’Hydro One» Le document intitulé Class Environmental Assessment for Minor Transmission Facilities of Hydro One, approuvé par le lieutenant-gouverneur en conseil le 16 novembre 2016 en application du décret 1726/2016, dans ses versions successives ou réintitulées.


2. Les modifications apportées à l’évaluation environnementale de portée générale d’Hydro One sont énoncées à l’annexe 1 du présent règlement.

Remarque : L’article 3 entre en vigueur le 1er janvier 2023.

3. Le présent règlement est abrogé.

4. Omis (entrée en vigueur de dispositions du présent règlement).

annexe 1

1. Clause a. in the second paragraph of section 1.1 of the Hydro One Class Environmental Assessment is revoked and the following substituted:

a. The planning, design and construction of minor transmission lines and/or transmission stations (including telecommunication stations), and the subsequent operation, maintenance and retirement of these facilities.

“Minor transmission lines” means all transmission lines that:

i. Are capable of operating at a nominal voltage of equal to or greater than 115 kilovolts (kV) and less than 345 kV and are greater than 2 kilometres (km) in length; or

ii. Are capable of operating at a nominal voltage of equal to or greater than 345 kV and are greater than 2 km and less than 75 km in length.

(Note: Transmission lines that are capable of operating at a nominal voltage of equal to or greater than 345 kV and are equal to or greater than 75 km in length are excluded; those projects are subject to an Individual EA)

2. Clause c. in the third paragraph of section 3.3.3 of the Hydro One Class Environmental Assessment is revoked and the following substituted:

c. The construction of overhead transmission lines between 2 and 4 km in length that are capable of operating at a nominal voltage less than 500 kV.

3. Section 3.3.3 of the Hydro One Class Environmental Assessment is amended by adding the following immediately before section 3.3.4:

Despite anything to the contrary in this section, the following projects do not qualify for the Class EA Screening Process and instead will be assessed under the Class EA Process:

a. The planning, design and construction of a transmission line that is capable of operating at a nominal voltage of greater than 115 kV and less than 345 kV and is equal to or greater than 50 km in length;

b. The planning, design and construction of a transmission line that is capable of operating at nominal voltage of equal to or greater than 345 kV and less than 500 kV and is equal to or greater than 50 km and less than 75 km in length; and

c. The planning, design and construction of a transmission line that is capable of operating at a nominal voltage of equal to or greater than 500 kV and is greater than 2 km and less than 75km in length.

4. Section 5.3 of the Hydro One Class Environmental Assessment is amended by adding the following immediately before section 5.4:

Phase-in of Updated Thresholds for Transmission Lines

Despite Section 1.1, this Class Environmental Assessment Document does not apply to projects of the following type in respect of which a proposed Terms of Reference was given under subsection 6 (1) of the EA Act prior to January 1, 2022:

a. The planning, design and construction of a transmission line that is capable of operating at a nominal voltage of greater than 115 kV and less than 345 kV and is equal to or greater than 50 km in length.

b. The planning, design and construction of a transmission line that is capable of operating at a nominal voltage of equal to or greater than 345 kV and less than 500 kV and is equal to or greater than 50 km and less than 75 km in length.

c. The planning, design and construction of a transmission line that is capable of operating at a nominal voltage of equal to or greater than 500 kV and is greater than 2 km and less than 75 km in length.