Annexe « A »

Non du projet/de l’installation Numéro du projet Municipalité Adresse municipale ou emplacement de la propriété Description de la propriété
1. Central Elgin – Anciennement hôpital psychiatrique de St. Thomas et biens-fonds agricoles
(ID 1-124)
D00075 Central Elgin 467, promenade Sunset, St. Thomas Firstly: PIN 35245-0154 (LT), being Part of Lots 6 and 7 Concession 6 Yarmouth designated as Parts 1-8 (inclusive), Plan 11R-10191; Subject to an easement as in Instrument No. CT90081; Municipality of Central Elgin;
Secondly: Part of PIN 35245-0004 (LT), being Part of Lots 4 and 5 Concession 6 Yarmouth designated as Parts 9-14 (inclusive) and Parts 16-22 (inclusive), Plan 11R-10191; Subject to an easement as in Instrument No. CT90081; Municipality of Central Elgin; and
Thirdly: Part of PIN 35245-0152 (LT), being Part of Lots 3 and 4 Concession 6 Yarmouth designated as Parts 23-33 (inclusive) and Parts 46-50 (inclusive), Plan 11R-10191; Subject to an easement as in Instrument No. CT90081; Municipality of Central Elgin


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Order in Council 587/2023