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Bulletin information:

Issue Date: April 16, 2009
Legislation: Land Titles Act, Registry Act

Bulletin content:

Following a review of the Land Registration Bulletins currently available on the Government of Ontario website, it was found that a number of land survey related Bulletins were no longer required.

The following Bulletins are now revoked:

Bulletin number Description
72028 Plans of Subdivision To Be Signed By Apparent Owner
74079 Name of Survey Firm and Surveyors Signature Required
75021 Crown Patents and Reservations of Ores; Mines and Minerals
75064 Crown Grants
75066 Subdivision Plans – Easements
75089 Reference Plans
76008 Reference Plans – Partial discharge of Mortgage, Partial Cessation of Charge
76018 Limited Interest Expropriations ‘Service Corridors”
76033 Guidelines for Dual Dimensions In Descriptions
77033 Descriptions of Re-Entered Parcels
78013 Descriptions of Easements and Rights of Way 
78033 Definition of Utility Line
79009 Plans of Subdivision Abstracting Procedures
84017 Plans of Cemeteries
85011 Revised Procedures – Deposit or Registration of Plans

We are constantly reviewing Bulletins to ensure they are still applicable, and this process continues.

Original signed by:

Doug Aron, Examiner of Surveys