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Bulletin information:

Issue Date: August 29, 1979
Legislation: National Housing Act and Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act Amendments

Bulletin content:

By Statute Canada 1978-79, c.16 (Bill C-29), Sections 12 and 13, effective July 1, 1979, the name of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation was changed to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

Land Registrars are advised that since this was done by statute, there is no need for a recital of the change of name in documents presented for registration.

Section 13(2) of the Bill provides that Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation is authorized to use any document or means of identification then existing in the name of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation until it is able to obtain equivalent document or means of identification in the name of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation advised us that the purpose of this provision is to enable the organization to continue using their old forms and seal. Land registrars may therefore accept for registration documents where the party and or seal is described as Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

This replaces Bulletin No. 79025.

Original signed by:

Audrey Loeb Burns, Solicitor