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Bulletin information:

Issue Date: December 31, 1979
Legislation: By-Laws under Section 29 (3) and Section 29 (5) and Orders under Section 32 (1)(b) of The Planning Act

Bulletin content:

Recording Procedures under the Registry Act and The Land Titles Act

When any of the following is received for registration under either The Land Titles Act or The Registry Act it must be recorded in the parcel register or in the abstract index as the case may be, for every lot or block included in the specified plan (such portion of the plan as is designated in the by-law or order) notwithstanding that the by-law or order ay identify the plan by number only:-

  1. a by-law under section 29(3) of The Planning Act, S.O. 1970, c. 349, deeming a plan of subdivision or part thereof, that has been registered for 8 years or more, not to be a registered plan of subdivision for the purpose of subsection 2 of section 29;
  2. an order by the Minister under section 32(1)(b) of The Planning Act, S.O. 1970, c.349, wherein he may, with respect to any land in Ontario exercise the powers conferred upon councils by subsection 3 of section 29 of The Planning Act (noted in (a) above); or
  3. a by-law under section 29(5) of The Planning Act, S.O. 1970, c.349, providing that subsection 4 (part lot control) does not apply to land that is within such registered plan or plans of subdivision or part of parts thereof as is or are designated in the by-law

Original signed by:

Richard E. Priddle, Director of Land Registration