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Bulletin information:

Issue Date: April 10, 1981
Legislation: Section 68(1) of the Public Lands Act (R.R.O. 1970 c. 390) Inapplicable

Bulletin content:

Many crown patents of township lots contain a clause such as “Reserving a strip of land 66 feet in width along the shore of [] Lake for a road.” In many instances, without a thorough investigation of all the facts, this clause is open to misinterpretation.

In cases where the original plan of survey of the township does not show a road allowance along the shore of the lake, such a reservation is an exception from the lands granted. The land reserved is not public and the patentee’s land but is unpatented public lands.

Where the facts vary from the situation described above, the matter should be referred to the Director of Titles for determination.

Original signed by:

Zita O. Bury