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Bulletin information:

Issue Date: June 4, 1981
Legislation: Land Titles Act, Section 184 and Registry Act, Sections 16, 7, 46(3) & 107(6)

Bulletin content:

Some support appears to be developing among Ontario land surveyors for the concept of copyright to plans of survey being retained by the surveyors or firms of surveyors who made them.

Our position is that when a plan of survey is registered or deposited under The Land Titles Act or The Registry Act, it becomes the property of the Crown, and that anyone, upon payment of the prescribed fee, may obtain a copy of the plan from the land registry office. While it has been suggested that the intended retention of the legal right to make and sell copies of plans might specifically not apply to the production of copies by land registry offices, the intended control would still seemingly preclude the making of copies by other public agencies, such as municipal offices.

Land registrars are advised that, until further notice, they are not to accept for registration or deposit any plan of survey which, by words or symbols written or printed on the plan or in any letter, note or document related thereto, indicates that the right to make copies is in any way restricted. Assistant examiners of surveys are requested to keep this directive in mind when approving plans for registration or deposit, and to advise the surveyors concern of this policy.

It is possible that this policy may be modified after discussion with the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors.

Original signed by:

Richard E. Priddle, Director