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Bulletin information:

Issue Date: October 23, 1981
Legislation: O. Regs 550/81 & 551/81

Bulletin content:

Corrections to Bulletin 81024: - (1) Page 1, paragraph 3(a), and substitute “wholly” for “partly” and (2), Page 4, column 4, opposite FRONTENAC (No. 13), substitute telephone number “(613) 547-2221” for “(613) 548-8322”.

Regulation 554 of Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1970, as amended (Land Titles Division) and R.R.O. 1970, Regulation 779, as amended (registry Divisions) were replaced by Ontario Regulations1049/80 and 1052/80, effective December 12, 1980.

Subsection 3(1) of The Land Titles Act, R.S.O.. 1970, C.234, as re-enacted by Statutes of Ontario 1979, C.93, S.2, was proclaimed in force December 29, 1980, which was also the effective date of the “stopgap” regulation, O. Reg 1015/80.

New comprehensive regulations, which came into force on September 14, 1981, were published in The Ontario Gazette of September 5, 1981 as O. Reg 550/81 (Land Titles Divisions) and O. Reg 551/81 (Registry Divisions) and they, incidentally, revoked O. Regs 1015/80, 1049/80 and 1052/80.

O. Reg 551/81 is the first regulation to describe the territory within each registry division, and is the first legislative list of the registry divisions since Schedule “A” of the to The Registry, R.S.O. 1914, C.124.

While many of the provisions of O. Regs 550/81 and 551/81 specify the records that are to be transferred from one land registry office to another when the boundaries of land titles or registry divisions are altered, these regulations also contain provisions (in section 1 of each) that are essential to the interpretation of the territorial descriptions in column 3 of Schedule A and B in Bulletin 81024. Schedule A is the Schedule to O. Reg 550/81, and Schedule B is the Schedule to O. Reg 551/80. Appendix A is common to both regulations.

Section 1 of O. Reg 550/81 and section 1 of O. Reg 551/81 are reproduced below

The following alterations, effected by the new regulations, should be noted:

    1. The geographic Townships of Ben Nevis, Bisley, Clifford, Keefer, McEvay, Pontiac, Timmins and Tolstoi; and
    2. that part of the geographic Township of Benoit, consisting of all of Concessions I, I1 and I11 and the south half of Concession IV, in the Territorial District of Cochrane, formerly in the Land Titles and Registry Divisions of Timiskaming (No. 54), are now in the Land Titles and Registry Divisions of Cochrane (No.6).
  1. That part of the Town of Port Hope, in the County of Northumberland, consisting of the westerly 200 feet of Lot 35 in Concessions A and I of the geographic Township of Hamilton, south of the Canadian Pacific Railway right-of-way across the said lot,formerly in the Registry Division of Northumberland West (No.39)~ is now in the Registry Division of Port Hope (No.9).
  2. Those parts of the City of Burlington, in the County of Halton, consisting of,
    1. a former portion of the City of Hamilton described in subsection 19(lb) of the Regional Municipalities Amendment  Act, 1980; and
    2. a former portion of the Township of West Flamborough described in subsection 19(lc) of the Regional Municipalities Amendment Act 1980; formerly in the Land Titles and Registry Divisions of Wentworth (No.62)~ are now in the Land Titles and Registry Divisions of Halton (No.20).
  3. All that part of the King’s Highway No.33 across Lot 4 and the west half of Lot 3 in Concession "A" of the Township of Murray, in the County of Northumberland, now in the City of Trenton, in the County of Hastings, being part of the land described in Schedule "A" to Order S.1220 of the Ontario Municipal Board, registered as No.67730 for the Township of Murray in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Northumberland East (No.38), is now in the Land Titles and Registry Divisions of Hastings (No.21). (As to that part of Murray surrounded by Trenton, see the diagram on page 4 ,below).
  4. Those parts of the Town of Carleton Place, in the County of Lanark, formerly in the Township of Beckwith in the said county, being the land described in Schedule "A" to Order M 75268 of the Ontario Municipal Board registered as No. 64461 in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Lanark South (No.27)~ are now in the Registry Division of Lanark North (No.26).
  5. The former Land Titles Division of Kent (Lake Erie) now forms part of the Land Titles Division of Elgin (No.11).

Where an area of land to which the Registry Act applies is withdrawn from one county or district or from a regional or metropolitan municipality and is included in another, searches must be made in the offices of both sheriffs for a period of six years thereafter. See section 32 of the Execution Act, R.S.O. 1980, C.146 and section 3 of O. Reg 550/81.

It should be noted that the Territorial District of Muskoka consists of The District Municipality of Muskoka and that the Territorial District of Sudbury includes The Regional Municipality of Sudbury. It should also be noted that a part of the Township of Murray, in the County of Northumberland (and being composed of parts of Lots 3 and 4 in Concession A) which is encircled by the City of Trenton, in the County of Hastings, remains in the Registry Division of Northumberland E (No.38). See diagram in PDF version.

Original signed by:

Richard E. Priddle, Director