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Bulletin information:

Issue Date: March 19, 1982
Legislation: The Registry Act, Ontario Regulation 989

Bulletin content:

Clause 7 (1) (a) and subsection 7 (4), O. Reg 898, allow the use of approved plastic material as a substitute for translucent linen in the preparation of plans to be registered or deposited in a land registry office.

In view of the above, I approve the acceptance of plans drafted on plastic materials such as Cronaflex drafting film (DF-4) by Dupont, or Herculene Product No. 19-1153 by K & E Company, or their equivalent in lieu of original plans drafted on translucent linen, provided that:

  1. the plan is on polyester-based film with matte surface on one side (or both) and a thickness not less than .003 of an inch;
  2. an adhesion type ink such as Pelican "T" or its equivalent is used for the drafting.

Plans which have had areas erased and redrafted will be accepted provided that no shiny spots are visible (indicating the removal of the polyester film base coating) in the redrafted area. If a significant part of the plan has been drafted over areas from which the matte coating has ken removed by erasures, the plan will not be accepted. In this case, a copy made by photographic methods should be substituted for the original.

When making erasures a technique should be used that does not destroy the matte surfacing of the polyester film. Electric erasures or chemical erasing fluids should not be used. Non-abrasive types of solid erasures such as Staedler-Norris Plastic 526 26 or Tad (K & E No. 58 0600) or their equivalent should be used. Erasures may be made easier by moistening the area prior to erasure. The water should be allowed to soak the line segment for ten to fifteen seconds before erasing. In extremely stubborn cases, a small amount of dissolving type liquid eraser such as Koh-I-Lar Liquid Eraser No. 291 may be used to dampen the tip of the eraser, and the erased area subsequently rinsed with water. Liquid eraser has a tendency to make subsequently inked lines flake.

Plans reproduced photographically will be accepted in lieu of original plans provided that:

  1. the plan is in whole or in part (except for signatures) reproduced photographically;
  2. the plan is on polyester-based film with matte surface on one side (or both) and of a thickness not less than .003 of an inch;
  3. the signatures of those persons required to sign the plans and any additions or corrections are in an adhesion type ink such as Pelican "T" or its equivalent.

This Bulletin replaces Bulletin 76013.

Original signed by:

T.C. Seawright,  Examiner of Surveys