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Bulletin information:

Issue Date: March 29, 1985
Legislation: The Registry Act

Bulletin content:

Land Registrars are advised that in the view of the forthcoming introduction of POLARIS and possible attendant pressures, it has been decided to change the April 1st, 1985 deadline imposed by Bulletin 84036 for the opening of road allowance abstract indexes.

Accordingly, Land Registrars may open the indexes required by Bulletin 84036 at time and staffing permits with the provision that all indexes must be set up by December 31st, 1985.

It has also been decided that in view of this relation it will not be necessary for head office to supply the rubber stamps for Notices referred to in the last sentence on page 3 of Bulletin 84036. These Notices must still be entered on the indexes as set out in the bulletin, but will be typed and dated as of the date the new indexes are opened. In all other respects, the instructions in Bulletin 84036 are to be followed.

Original signed by:

T. M. Rundle, Director