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Bulletin information:

Issue Date: February 6, 1987
Legislation: Registry Act, R.S.O. 1980, c.445, Subsection 73(10) and Section 87

Bulletin content:

Before the registration of a plan of subdivision under the Registry Act, the owner of the land to be subdivided must apply to the Director of Titles for a Certificate of Title under the Certification of Titles Act, which certificate must be registered before with registration of the plan of subdivision. The Land Registrar will include in the new abstract index preceding the pages opened for the lots on the new plan an abstract which must include in chronological order of registration:

  1. Particulars of all instruments referred to in the schedule of encumbrances (Schedule “C”) of the certificate of title;
  2. Particulars of all instruments registered after the effective date of the certificate and before the registration date of the certificate;
  3. Particulars of the certificate of title, (number, dates, etc.);
  4. Particulars of all instruments registered after the registration date of the certificate and before the registration date of the plan.

Similarly, before a Condominium Declaration and Description may be registered under the Registry Act, the owner must obtain and register a Certificate of Title under the Certificate of Titles Act in which he is shown to be the owner of the land.

Upon the subsequent registration of the Condominium Declaration and Description, the Land Registrar will follow the procedures set out in Section 10 of Regulation 121.

This Bulletin replaces Bulletin 78036.

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