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Last revised:
November 20, 1995

Memo to:

Regional Managers
Land Registrars


Arvind Damley
Deputy Director of Land Registration

Contents of the memo:

In paragraph No. 31810 on page 5321 of the Land Titles Procedural Guide (1986) a procedure is laid out to delete a notice of lease. The said procedure is not to be used to delete a notice of oil and gas lease.

The said paragraph No. 31810 is hereby amended by adding the following new procedure to delete a notice of oil and gas lease.

An application to delete a notice of oil and gas lease from the parcel register supported by one of the following is required:

  • an original or a certified copy of a court order vacating the registration of the said oil and gas lease, with an affidavit from the solicitor stating that the court order is in full force and effect and has not been stayed, or
  • a determination of the oil and gas lease from the lessee.

Original signed by:

Arvind Damley