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Last revised:
February 14, 1996

Memo to:

Land Registrars


Doug Aron
Examiner of Surveys

Contents of the memo:

The Government of Ontario, through the Ministry of Transportation (MTO), intends to transfer numerous highways to municipalities over the next several years. The MTO have indicated that many of these transfers must take place by April l, 1996. Also, in subsequent years, the specifics of the transfers will not likely be known until just prior to the required transfer date.

In order to accomplish these transfers, MTO have proposed using Orders in Council which do not contain local descriptions. These Orders in Council would transfer jurisdiction and control of a highway to a local municipality without the benefit of a traditional transfer plan being attached. The Orders in Council, and a duplicate, would be registered, under the Land Titles Act, in the Highway Register and, under the Registry Act, in the General Register.

This approach has been agreed to, with the following conditions:

  • Each Order in Council will not contain more than one highway;
  • Each Order in Council will contain a transfer to only one municipality; and
  • Each Order in Council will pertain to only one Registry Division;
  • MTO will replace these Orders in Council with Orders in Council that contain proper descriptions, within a two year period from the date of registration.

Attached is a copy of a sample registration package for submission under the Land Titles Act, as well as one for submission under the Registry Act.

Please ensure that your staff are made aware of this arrangement.

Thank you for your cooperation in this regard.

If you have any questions please contact either the Regional Surveyor in your area or myself.

Original signed by

Doug Aron

I. Veitch
K. Murray
B. LeVasseur
Regional Managers
Regional Surveyors
H.O. Managers
B.J. Maloney, Chief Surveyor - MTO