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Last revised:
October 24, 1996

Memo to:

Regional Managers
Land Registrars


Kate Murray
Director of Titles

Contents of the memo:

Recently a Bill was passed entitled the TD Trust Company Act. The effect of the Bill is to appoint TD Trust Company as successor trustee to Central Guaranty Trust Company.

The legislation states that an instrument executed by TD Trust Company containing a recital referring to the vesting under that Act may be accepted for registration by any public office within the jurisdiction of the Province of Ontario without further proof of the accuracy of the recital, and every such instrument shall be deemed to be effective in passing title to the property described in the instrument despite any inaccuracy contained in the recital.

Accordingly, if a document is presented in your office with the recital set out below, you can accept it and give effect to the change in trustee. An application for a change of name is not required, and no additional fee is required

  •  "And Whereas pursuant to the TD Trust Company Act, 1996, S.0. 1996, c.Prl
    1. all interests in the property described in this instrument and situate in the Province of Ontario vested as of January 1, 1993 in Central Guaranty Trust Company became vested in TD Trust Company as of such date; and
    2. Central Guaranty Trust Company was removed and TD Trust Company was appointed as successor trustee in respect of such property."

When it is necessary to abstract the party’s name, please record it as follows:

  • TD Trust Company, successor trustee.

If you have any questions, please contact Margaret Wiseman at 314-4885

Original signed by:

Kate Murray


I. Veitch,
Head Office Managers
Legal Services