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Last revised:
December 10, 1996

Memo to:

Land Registrars


Kate Murray
Director of Titles

Contents of the memo:

By resolution of its Sole Shareholder dated October 31, 1996, and pursuant to section 14 of the Loan and Trust Corporations Act, National Bank of Canada was appointed as liquidator for Family Trust Corporation and was authorized to execute all instruments and documents to give effect to the resolution.

Registry Act

A notarial copy of the resolution will be registered in the general register for each land registry office. For subsequent registrations in that office, the registration particulars of the resolution should be recited.

Land Titles

A notarial copy of the resolution may be attached to the first instrument registered in each land titles office. For subsequent registrations in that office, the registration particulars of the document to which the resolution was attached will be recited.

Under both Acts the document should be executed in a format similar to the following.

Family Trust Corporation
by its liquidator
National Bank of Canada
National Bank of Canada has the authority to bind Family Trust Corporation
(Authority to bind or corporate seal for National Bank of Canada)

  • Land Titles - The resolution appointing National Bank of Canada as liquidator is attached to instrument No. [enter instrument number] which was registered on [enter date], 1996.
  • Registry - The resolution appointing National Bank of Canada as liquidator is registered in the general register as instrument No. [enter instrument number] which was registered on [enter date], 1996.

If you need further clarification, please contact Margaret Wiseman at 314-4885.

Original signed by:

Kate Murray


Ian Veitch
Head Office Managers
Legal Services
Regional Managers