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Last revised:
December 16, 1996

Memo to:

Regional Managers
Land Registrars


Kate Murray
Director of Titles

Contents of the memo:

Recently, land registrars have asked if the requirement of section 35 of the Land Titles Act with respect to writs of execution when a Crown Patent is to be registered must be strictly complied with when their database has been harmonized with the sheriff’s database. The reason being that the procedure is additional workload and unnecessary given they have access to the sheriffs records. I concur with this assessment.

Accordingly, in those offices which are now harmonized with the sheriff’s office, the process set out in section 35 can be modified as follows:

  • ensure the necessary appointments are in place i.e. that the sheriff has appointed your staff as deputy sheriff;
  • produce the notice to the sheriff which is filed with the patent (Form 14 of Reg. 690);
  • earch the writ database and if there are any outstanding executions, when you create your parcel register, make an entry of the execution against the parcel pursuant to the abstracting standards.

It is not necessary to wait the 14 days since you can access the writ database and determine the status of executions.

Original signed by:

Kate Murray


Head Office Managers
Legal Services