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Last revised:
January 22, 1997

Memo to:

Regional Managers
Land Registrars


Kate Murray
Director of Titles

Contents of the memo:

Recently FirstLine Trust Company (FLT) has changed their name to CIBC Mortgages Inc. We have advised the Legal Division of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce that documents with respect to this name change may be registered as follows.

  1. In the registry system, when a mortgage is being dealt with, the amending letters patent concerning the name change is required to be registered in the general register; the registration particulars of it should be recited in any documents formerly held by FLT. This is the normal practice.
  2. In the land titles system, an application to amend the register with the evidence of the change of name attached need only be registered once on the first document formerly held by FLT. For subsequent registrations a recital quoting the registration particulars of that first document will be sufficient.
  3. There is a registration fee of $50 for each document registered.
  4. If the mortgagee is described as "CIBC Mortgages Inc. Trading as FirstLine Mortgages", it is acceptable and should be abstracted in full on the abstract index/parcel register.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at 314-4881, or Margaret Wiseman at 314-4885.

Original signed by:

Kate Murray


Ian Veitch
Charles Finley