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Last revised:
April 28, 1997

Memo to:

Land Registrars
Automating Registry Offices


Kate Murray – Director of Titles
Bekir Kaya – Regional Manager
Real Property Registration Branch

Contents of the memo:

Today you should have received a fax from Teranet advising you that the following note had been added to the electronic abstract printout:

"Note: Ensure that your printout states the total number of pages and that you have picked them all up"

Please ensure that you retransmit the electronic abstract form to the printer (option 15 in POLARIS) in order for the above change to take place.

As well, to ensure that the system generates printouts specifying the total number of pages of the PIN, the following measures are to be implemented immediately in your office.

  1. Ensure all printers are filled with paper at the beginning of each day. LROs with heavy searching should top-up paper levels at appropriate times during the day.
  2. LROs who become aware of a power or connection interruption, eg. controller being down, should upon re-establishing the connection review the initial printouts coming from each printer to ensure that the printouts contain a completed pg. 1 of X and the relevant number of pages.

If you have any questions or encounter any operational problems in this regard, please contact Don Vaillancourt, Margaret Wiseman or us.

Original signed by:

Kate Murray
Bekir Kaya


Ian Veitch
Regional Managers
Mike Smith