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Last revised:
July 24, 1997

Memo to:

All Land Registrars


Doug Aron,
Examiner of Surveys

Contents of the memo:

I recently received an inquiry from a land registry office regarding the manner in which the Ministry of Transportation illustrates schedules on their survey plans. It would appear that some schedules used by MTO do not conform to Form 2 of Regulation 43/96.

MTO has agreed to change their procedures to ensure that their schedules conform as closely as possible to Form 2; they have agreed to implement this change within one year. It is recognized, however, that there may be cases in which the Form would have to be slightly modified or added to. Attached are samples of such modifications that would be acceptable for registration or deposit.

In the interim, while MTO is implementing this procedure, I would ask that you use appropriate discretion in checking these plans.

If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact your Regional Surveyor.

Schedule example 1

Part Part of Lot Concession Inst. Area (meters squared) Name
1 12 5 49887 441.3

John Q. Public and

Norma M. Public
(Joint tenants)

2 13, 14 5 50036 22173.7 I. and F. Manufacturing Limited

Schedule example 2

Part Part of Lot Concession Part of Parcel Area (meters squared) Name
1 6 M-205 5987 W&F 89.5 Harvey Small
2 7 M-205 4887 W&F 97.2 Muriel Concord

Schedule example 3

Part Part of Lot Concession PIN Area (meters squared) Name
1 13 2 12345-6789 LT 88.4 Joe Blough
2 Part of Original Shore Road (Lot 13) MTO MTO 1234 Ministry of Transportation

Note: Part of original Shore Road allowance along the short of Carling Lake in front of Lot 13, Concession 2.

Schedule example 4

Part Part of Lot Concession Inst. Area (meters squared) Name Location
1 5 8 677843 667.2 Albert Jones Township of Bland
2 6 8 133987 461.8 John Smith Geographic Township of Wilde

Note: The parts enumerated hereunder refer to lands in which all right, title and interest is expropriated by the Minister of Transportation.

Original signed by:

Doug Aron


Kate Murray
Regional Surveyors
Branch Managers