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Last revised:
December 22, 1997

Memo to:

Legal and Survey Professions


Doug Aron,
Examiner of Surveys

Contents of the memo:

Commencing January 1, 1998 a number of municipal amalgamations will take place. Amalgamations such as these affect the descriptions used in documents tendered for registration.

Once an amalgamation comes into effect, all documents and descriptions which pertain to land within the amalgamated municipality will have to reflect the name of the municipality, as named or renamed, in keeping with section 54 of Ontario Regulation 43/96 under the Registry Act. The name of the municipality, as named or renamed, must also appear in the title blocks of all plans per section 24 of Ontario Regulation 42/96 under the Surveyors Act. Please note the section refers to the time of execution, not date of submission, of the instrument. For example, before amalgamation, you may have had the following local description of land situate in the City of Scarborough:

  • Lot 1, Plan 1234, City of Scarborough, Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto.

After amalgamation, the City of Scarborough will become part of a municipality consisting of municipal entities that made up the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, to be known as the City of Toronto. Any description of land within the newly formed municipality would then be referred to as:

  • Lot 1, Plan 1234, City of Toronto, formerly City of Scarborough.

Ontario Regulation 43/96 does not require the land registration system to amend the current recording procedures or alter existing abstracts. At this time, it is anticipated that these amalgamations will fall within the boundaries of the existing land titles and registry divisions. Where this is not the case, an appropriate review will be undertaken as to the possibility of amending those divisions.

If you have any further questions please contact the local Land Registrar or Regional Surveyor in your area.

Original signed by:

Doug Aron


Kate Murray, Director of Titles
Ian Veitch
Land Registrars
Regional Surveyors
Head Office Managers
Regional Managers
Legal Services