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Last revised:
May 26, 1998

Memo to:

All Land Registrars


Ian Veitch
Director of Land Registration

Contents of the memo:

A recent informal survey of land registry offices, that have automated records, revealed an inconsistency in the fee charged for the provision of a copy of a Property Index Map Sheet. These charges ranged from $0.50 to $5.00 per sheet. The regulations that govern the fees to be charged for our products and services, a copy of which is attached to Bulletin 93003A, does not specify an amount to be charged for a Property Index Map Sheet.

To bring consistency to our practice and minimize staff administration with respect to providing copies of Property Index Map Sheets, the following procedure is to be adopted:

  • All photocopies of Property Index Map Sheets are to be charged at the rate of $1.00 per sheet; and
  • Copies are to be made in the area of the office currently reserved for self-service copying of parcel or abstract pages. This will provide a measure of security when pages are removed from the Property Index Map Sheet books for the purposes of copying them.

By adopting this practice it will allow our clients to access the map sheets through our self-serve measures, bring consistency to the fees charged for this product and ensure, to the extent possible, that our records are secured.

Should you have any questions about this procedure, you may wish to call your regional manager or Mr. Doug Aron at 314-4886.

Original signed by:

Ian Veitch


Regional Managers
Head Office Managers
Regional Surveyors