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Last revised:
July 21, 2000

Memo to:

Users of the Automated Land Registry System


Kate Murray
Director of Titles

Contents of the memo:

The Ministry and Teranet have been working on a process which will allow for automation by individual PIN as opposed to by block. We refer to this as Activation by PIN. This process is necessary to facilitate the completion of automation in Toronto and may assist in automation of other regions of the province. Since Toronto's offices are divided into Registry and Land Titles, neighbouring properties within the same block limits under the different systems were not automated, in some areas, at the same time. For example, the land titles properties were automated whereas the registry properties were not. This created a situation in that now, 5 years later, when the registry records are being automated, there would have been two dates for the "Block Implementation Date". As a result we have made some changes to enable the automation of these records to continue. This process is being promoted to the POLARIS system the weekend of July 29th and will result in a slight difference in the appearance of PIN printouts.

The biggest difference is that the label that used to appear on the printouts as "Block Implementation Date" will now read "PIN Creation Date". This field used to represent the date the lands were automated. It now represents the date that particular PIN was certified. To determine when a property was automated, the following guidelines can be used.

If the "Recently" field states "First Conversion From Book" or "Crown Patent Property, the PIN Creation Date is not only the date the PIN was certified but it also represents the date the lands were initially automated.

If the "Recently" field indicates another PIN, the PIN Creation Date is the date the PIN was certified and the user, by searching the former PINs listed in this field, can determine when the land was initially automated.

To effect this change, POLARIS has been programmed to look for the date of certification for Land Titles properties and the date of verification of Registry properties within each individual PIN. Therefore, existing properties will have the date the PIN was verified/certified in the system automatically inserted as the PIN Creation Date.

A second difference is, each PIN that is in existence and certified by the end of Friday July 28, 2000 will receive a system-generated message that will reflect the above change. This message will always be the first message listed on these PINs and will read:

"Effective 2000/07/29 the notation of the "Block implementation Date" of (current Block implementation Date will be inserted) on this PIN was replaced with the "PIN Creation Date" of (existing date of certification/verification of the PIN will be inserted)."

At a later date, if the PIN is retired and a new PIN is created as a result of a split et cetera, the message will not be carried forward to the new PINs created since they will have come into existence after the date the block implementation date label was changed.

If you encounter any problems or have any concerns regarding this process, please forward them to your local Land Registrar.

Original signed by:

Kate Murray


Land Registrars