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Bulletin information:

Issue Date: June 22, 1987
Legislation: Family Law Act, 1986

Bulletin content:

This bulletin supplements bulletin 86001.

It is addressed to all Land Registrars for those land registry divisions that are designated for the purpose of offering French language registration services. More specifically, it applies to the divisions accepting the French or bilingual (English/French) versions of the forms prescribed under the Land Registration Reform Act, 1984 and requiring compliance with the prescribed lexicon or the production of a certified translation.

The prescribed lexicon under the Land Titles Act and the Registry Act was amended by Ontario Regulation 360/87 and Ontario Regulation 361/87. The lexicon is modified by the addition of the attached English and French versions of the statements of compliance with the Family Law Act, 1986.

In addition, it is the recommendation of this Branch that documents in which the consideration box has been completed in French are acceptable for registration in the above-mentioned land registry divisions without the requirement for a certified translation.

English French
We are spouses of one another. Nous sommes les conjoints l'un de l'autre.
The person consenting below is my spouse. La personne qui consent cidessous est mon conjoint.
I am/1 am not a spouse. Je suis (je ne suis pas) un conjoint.
The property transferred (charged, etc.) is not ordinarily occupied by me and my spouse, who is not separated from me, as our family residence. Mon conjoint, qui n'est pas séparé d'avec moi, et moi n'occupons ordinairement pas le bien cédé (hypothéqué, etc.) a titre de résidence familiale.
I am separated from my spouse and the property transferred (charged, etc.) was not ordinarily occupied by us at the time of our separation as our family residence. Je suis séparé(e) d'vec mon conjoint, et au moment de notre séperation, mon conjoint et moi n'occupions ordinairement pas le bien cédé(hypothqué ;, etc.) a titre de résidence familiale.
The property is not designated under section 20 of the Family Law Act, 1986 as a matrimonial home by me and my spouse, but there is such a designation of another property as our matrimonial home which has been registered and which has not been cancelled. Le bien n'est pas désignéen vertu de l'article 20 de la Loi de 1986 sur le droit de la famille comme foyer conjugal par moi et mon conjoint. Nous avons, par acte enregistre, désign un autre bien comme foyer conjugal. L'acte de designation n'est pas annulé.
My spouse has released all rights under Part II of the Family Law Act, 1986 by a seperation agreement. Au moyen d'un accord de seperation, mon conjoint a renoncé a tous les droits que lui reconnait la partie II de la Loi de 1986 sur le droit de la familiale.
This transaction is authorized by court order under section 23 of the Family Law Act, 1986 registered as Instrument No. [enter instrument number] which has not been stayed. Une ordonnance du tribunal (portant le numéro d'enregistrement [entrez le numéro]) a laquelle il n'a pas ete sursis, autorise la presente opération en vertu de l'article 23 de la Loi de 1986 sur le droit de la famille.
The property transferred (charged, etc.) is released from the application of Part II of the Family Law Act, 1986 by court order registered as Instrument No. [enter instrument number] which has not been stayed. Un ordonnance du tribunal (portant le numero d'registrement [entrez le numéro]) a laquelle il n'a pas ete sursis, soutstrait le bien cede (hypothé qué,etc.) de l'application de la Loi de 1986 sur le droit de la familiale.

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