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May 25th, 2007
Order of the Director of Titles

Land Titles Act
R.S.O. 1990, c.L.5 as amended

Order content:

I, Katherine M. Murray, Director of Titles, hereby order that:

In the Matter of the Land Titles Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter L.5, subsection 163.1(1.1) and clause 57(13)(b):

Whereas pursuant to clause 163.1(1.1)(a) of the Land Titles Act, the Director of Titles may make orders specifying what constitutes evidence for the purposes of clause 57(13)(b);

And Whereas the Director may, at any time, vary any of the evidence requirements specified under this Order for the purposes of clause 57(13)(b) of the Land Titles Act, having regard to the circumstances of the case,

It Is Hereby Ordered That the evidence required for the purposes of clause 57(13)(b) may include:

  • Copy of the parcel register relating to the subject lands;
  • Copies of the instrument(s) registered on title which are alleged to be fraudulent;
  • Copies of the instrument(s) registered on title which relate to the person(s) shown as registered owner, or as a holder of an interest in the land, prior to the date of registration of the instrument(s) alleged to be fraudulent;
  • A copy of the Police Report, if any is available, or contact information regarding the officer contacted; and a certified copy of any information sworn with respect to the matter;
  • Any notes or records made by the parties to the proceeding, regarding calls or meetings, and any correspondence, notices, reports or other documents sent or received with the matter;
  • Where the hearing is in writing, a statutory declaration or affidavit by the parties indicating the facts regarding the alleged fraud; and additional affidavits of any person having further knowledge of the facts;
  • A true copy of any relevant court orders;
  • Copies of any available transcripts of related court proceedings, or examinations for discovery; and
  • Any other documentation, which the Director deems necessary to establish proof of fraud.

Dated at Toronto, this 25th day of May 2007.

Original signed by:

Katherine M. Murray
Director of Titles