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Consolidated regulations correction notices

Notices given by the Chief Legislative Counsel about the correction of publication or consolidation errors in consolidated regulations on e-Laws.

Learn more about terms used on e-Laws: e-Laws definitions

Legislative tables help

If the Registrar of Regulations discovers a publication error in a source regulation on e-Laws, the Registrar must publish a corrected regulation on e-Laws. Corrections made to source regulations are also made to the corresponding consolidated regulations. The Registrar may also publish a correction notice on e-Laws.

If the Registrar discovers a publication error in a source regulation printed in The Ontario Gazette, the Registrar may publish a correction notice in the Gazette describing the publication error.

This table sets out publication dates for correction notices published:

  • on e-Laws, from July 25, 2007
  • in The Ontario Gazette, from January 1, 2001

To see a correction notice published on e-Laws, go to the relevant source regulation on e-Laws. To see a correction notice printed in The Ontario Gazette, go to the relevant issue of the Gazette. 

See section 27 of the Legislation Act, 2006 for more information on the correction of publication errors in source regulations.


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Updated: May 6, 2023