On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

Whereas it is desirable to amend certain Orders in Council to reflect that the Chief Financial Officer of the Ontario Financing Authority has delegated authority;


Orders made under the Financial Administration Act and Ontario Loan Acts

  1. Amendments are made to:
    paragraph 3 of Orders in Council 1417/2008, 1043/2009, 1044/2009, 1048/2010, 600/2012, 966/2013, 460/2015, 459/2015, 1167/2018, 1047/2019, 716/2020,
    717/2020, each as amended, and to paragraph 3 of Orders in Council 155/2021, and 924/2021;
    paragraph 4 of Order in Council 831/2008, as amended, and to paragraph 4 of Order in Council 1753/2021;
    paragraph 5 of Order in Council 1703/95, as amended; and, the paragraph inserted by Order in Council 168/2016,
    in each case by:
    1. deleting the words “Chief Financial and Risk Officer” and substituting “Chief Financial Officer”;
  2. Amendments are made to paragraph 5(c) of Order in Council 1167/2018, as amended, by:
    1. deleting the words “Chief Financial and Risk Officer”;

Orders relating to the Capital Investment Plan Act, 1993

  1. Amendments are made to paragraph 3 of Orders in Council 678/2009 and 975/2009, each as amended, in each case by:
    1. deleting the words “Chief Financial and Risk Officer” and substituting “Chief Financial Officer”;

Orders relating to the Electricity Act, 1998

  1. Amendments are made to:
    paragraph 3 of Orders in Council 561/2000, 1168/2002, 967/2013, 949/2015, and 131/2019, each as amended;
    paragraph 6 of Orders in Council 561/2000 and 1168/2002, as amended and, paragraph 7 of Orders in Council 967/2013 and 131/2019, each as amended,
    in each case by:
    1. deleting the words “Chief Financial and Risk Officer” and substituting “Chief Financial Officer”;
  2. Amendments are made to paragraph 3 of Order in Council 1857/2017, as amended, by:
    1. deleting the words “,Finance and Treasury Division”;
  3. Amendments are made to paragraph 4 (c) of Order in Council 1857/2017, as amended, by:
    1. deleting the words “Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Treasury Division,”;

Orders relating to the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation Act, 2011

  1. Amendments are made to:
    paragraph 2 of Orders in Council 631/2014, 1524/2014, 1566/2016, each as amended, 1169/2018, 880/2022, and 881/2022;
    paragraph 3 in Orders in Council 1229/2013 and 632/2014, each as amended; and paragraph 7 in Orders in Council 1229/2013 and 632/2014, each as amended,
    in each case by:
    1. deleting the words “Chief Financial and Risk Officer” and substituting “Chief Financial Officer”;

And that this Order in Council is effective on the date it is made.

Ministry of Finance

Approved and Ordered: November 24, 2022