On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

Whereas the Government of Ontario established an Independent Review led by the Honourable Frank Iacobucci to examine the representation of First Nations persons living on reserve on the Ontario jury roll;

And whereas the report of the Independent Review entitled First Nations Representation on Ontario Juries was released on February 26, 2013 (“the Report”);

And whereas the Government of Ontario established the Aboriginal Justice Advisory Group to provide advice to the Attorney General and other members of the Executive Council as appropriate on ways to improve the manner in which the Ontario justice system impacts Indigenous peoples, and to provide such other assistance as may be required by the Attorney General;

And whereas the Aboriginal Justice Advisory Group was renamed the Indigenous Justice Advisory Group (“Advisory Group”) and reconstituted to be comprised solely of Indigenous Peoples;

And whereas the Government of Ontario wishes to extend the term of the Indigenous Justice Advisory Group;

Therefore, pursuant to the prerogative of Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario to establish advisory bodies and to provide for the appointment of advisors to serve Her Majesty’s Government of Ontario in the discharge of its executive obligations and responsibilities:

Name of Advisory Group

  1. The Indigenous Justice Advisory Group, accountable to the Attorney General, is hereby renamed the “Indigenous Justice Group.”

Advisory Group Term Extended

  1. The Advisory Group’s term is effective the date this Order in Council is made, for a period not exceeding one year.


  1. The Advisory Group will serve primarily as a forum for the Attorney General to collaborate with and receive input from Indigenous leaders on matters affecting Indigenous Peoples and the justice system. The objective of the Advisory Group is to consider innovative ways to improve the manner in which the Ontario justice system impacts Indigenous Peoples, and to provide culturally appropriate advice to the Attorney General with a view towards promoting reconciliation, and implementing lasting and positive systemic change.

Terms of Reference

  1. The Attorney General has, with the advice of the Advisory Group, determined the terms of reference for the Advisory Group, and may amend them from time to time. The terms of reference include confidentiality provisions consistent with the Public Service of Ontario Act.

Appointments to the Advisory Group

  1. The Advisory Group shall consist of up to 13 members appointed by the Attorney General. The Attorney General may designate one or more members to serve as Chair or Co-Chairs of the Advisory Group.
  2. The members of the Advisory Group shall serve at the Attorney General’s pleasure for a term of up one year.
  1. The members of the Advisory Group shall possess expertise acquired through both professional and lived experience, informed by direct interactions with the justice system. Of note, in many cases, members of the Advisory Group will be experts in various fields of Indigenous knowledge which cannot be fairly or accurately quantified by western standards.


  1. Members of the Advisory Group shall be paid such remuneration as the Lieutenant Governor in Council determines.


This establishing instrument will be effective as of December 13, 2019.

Ministry of the Attorney General

Approved and Ordered: November 21, 2019